TIMELINE: Obama golfs while Gulf burns

You think the Obama Administration isn't doing that?

ROFLMAO! Please take a look at the roster of Wall Street alum that are spread throughout the White House and regulator agencies. Obama has changed nothing other than to make the process even more cynical than it already was.
Obama received more donations from BP than any other candidate in 2008 - and recall, his entire campaign was based on getting rid of Politics as Usual so he could heal the planet and stop the rising of the oceans.

77% of oil and gas industry contributions in 2008 were to Republican candidates, including 60% of BP's.
Not surprising given the location of oil operations in Red States.

Obama received the single largest amount. If BO is EVUL, he shouldn't have accepted it in the first place.
The amount of money Obama recieved from BP was a little more than what McCain received. Enough of that.

The president is doing what he can in this situation. Calm down kids.
Obama is demonstrating very poor leadership, but he does get 10 Points For Consistency.
Not surprising given the location of oil operations in Red States.

Obama received the single largest amount. If BO is EVUL, he shouldn't have accepted it in the first place.

It's not surprising because Republicans are shrills for the oil companies. That being said, I find this narrative interesting. On the one hand, you claim that the President is in BP's back pocket. On the other hand, you get pissed and say he's being too mean to BP.
I said he exhibited poor leadership.

He wants to be able to take BP's money, use their resources, while also changing the law to financially penalize them ex post facto, blaming, and vilifying them.

Leadership involves perception. Obama rushing around to fundraisers and vacations while Governor Jindal is begging for the EPA to release permits so that his team can dredge and build berms to protect coastlines provide a very bad set of optics.

Wasn't Obama supposed to be COMPETENT? Well, he sure ain't provin' it out.
Gee, I thought one hour would be enough time for the OP to expalin how to fix everything Bush&Co fuckied up. I suppose cutting taxes and eliminating all federal regualtions area the only talking points fringers can remember.
Sadly Obama still seeks compromise, compromise with R's and fringers won't work. Both put power and control as their number one priority, much like an abuser, they only think of themselves.
Republican & RW ethos: "I got mine, fuck everyone else"
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I said he exhibited poor leadership.

He wants to be able to take BP's money, use their resources, while also changing the law to financially penalize them ex post facto, blaming, and vilifying them.

Leadership involves perception. Obama rushing around to fundraisers and vacations while Governor Jindal is begging for the EPA to release permits so that his team can dredge and build berms to protect coastlines provide a very bad set of optics.

Wasn't Obama supposed to be COMPETENT? Well, he sure ain't provin' it out.

How much did the company actually hand him? What resources of BPs did he use?
Very very sad stuff. If this guy had an (R) by his name,the entire MSM and Democrat nutters would be screeching for Impeachment over this astounding incompetence. Yea the MSM is "not" dominated by Liberals. What a scam.
How one spends ones time is a good indicator of priorities and values:

April 22: The Deepwater Horizon drilling platform, which had been burning for two days, sinks into the gulf. President Obama, after speaking in New York about the significance of financial regulatory legislation, hosts an Earth Day celebration in the Rose Garden.

April 23: The U.S. Coastguard pronounces 11 Deepwater workers dead after traveling almost 2,000 miles throughout the gulf in search of their bodies. The president and First Lady Michelle Obama travel to North Carolina for a brief vacation, where they enjoy BBQ.

April 24: Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary Landry announces that the Deepwater wellhead is spewing crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The president and first lady continue to enjoy their vacation in North Carolina.


April 29: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declares a state of emergency, as the spill “now covers a 600-square-mile area” and “is about 16 miles off the state’s coast.” Obama delivers remarks in Washington on the importance of cybersecurity. Later in the day, he attends a FEMA meeting about hurricane preparedness.

May 1: The U.S. military lends BP two C-130 aircraft to release potentially dangerous chemical dispersants over the oil spill. Obama tells jokes at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner, including one about killing the Jonas Brothers using CIA drones.

May 2: Obama makes a quick trip to Louisiana to ”get a firsthand view of the recovery efforts.”


May 9: The first tar balls wash up on Dauphin Island off the coast of Alabama. Obama delivers the commencement address at Virginia’s Hampton University.[Note: where he lectures graduates not to get their information from Ipods and Xboxes, which he claims he doesn't know how to use.]

May 12: Under pressure from journalists and government agencies, British Petroleum releases a short video of the wellhead, located one mile beneath the gulf surface. Using independent analysts, NPR determines from the video that at 50,000 barrels a day, the leak rate is 10 times higher than NOAA’s estimate and 50 times higher than BP’s early claim. Obama spends the morning with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai. After lunch, Obama retires to the Oval Office with his advisers.


May 21: ABC News reports that in the course of one month, enough oil has spilled to “fill enough gallon milk jugs to stretch more than 11,300 miles. That’s more than the distance from New York to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and back.” Obama hosts the Pittsburgh Steelers at the White House. Also signs a presidential memorandum “outlining the next steps in his vision for cleaner, more efficient vehicles.”

May 22: Wildlife officials in Louisiana tell the Associated Press that they are considering setting the state’s fragile marshes on fire in an effort to staunch the contaminating effects of the oil. White House officials announce that they are beginning a multi-year renovation project for the north side of the White House. Obama delivers the commencement address at the Military Academy at West Point.

May 26: BP announced yet another plan for stopping the spill, a maneuver called “Top Kill” that involves pumping mud into the Deepwater wellhead in order to clog it. This same day, officials begin pulling fisherman off the gulf due to toxic oil fumes. Obama hosts the U.S. World Cup soccer team and the Duke men’s basketball team.

May 28: Obama makes only his second visit to a grief-stricken Louisiana before heading on vacation.

TIMELINE: Obama golfs while Gulf burns | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Obama has a great deal in common with Nero.

And of course if anyone wants to have on file an UNBIASED version of the timeline, here it is.

Timeline of Events in BP Oil Spill: Day by Day, April 20 to May 26 | Before It's News
That's not at all unbiased. It leaves out how Obama prioritized his time.
If only he would be willing to tell the American people he is Aquaman, and could have used his powers to seal the leak.

He is the Messiha the chosen one, he could part the sea and walked down their and "FIXED THE DAMNED HOLE" But he is to DAMNED busy golfing and going on vacation than do that menial Presidential stuff called doing his job.
If only he showed some real leadership instead of whining and pointing fingers in his thin-skinned manner.

I've said this elsewhere, but the federal government does not have experts on its payroll to just hop on down there and take over leadership. (Er, leadership of WHAT isn't exactly clear from the critics.) They must rely on what the oil companies say regarding their failsafe systems, and based on trust, the oil companies are issued licenses to drill or whatever. Isn't "trusting" private enterprise to do things better what conservatives demand, by the way?

So the question still becomes what was a president supposed to DO that wasn't being done already? Stand among the fishermen and hold their hands and "feel their pain" as often as he could? Ironically, he's been told enough times by citizens residing in southern states that he's an empty suit, a Nazi, and and all around piece of shit, yet those same people now want hugs from him? Somehow, I don't think they do. They want the same damned thing everyone WANTS from the federal government when they've reached rock bottom and that is financial assistance. So there ya go. Hypocrisy abounds.
Start another thread if the topic interests you.

And now for more on how Obama is spending his time. Just imagine if Bush had said this:

New York Times reporter Jackie Calmes was skeptical: “Can you be sure these oil tar balls are from the oil spill? Because when I used to swim on the Gulf in Texas, I’d get tar balls in my bathing suit all the time.”

Allen and Randolf, the parish president, confirmed that tar balls do wash up at other times, though these, they said, were likely from the spill.

But the president was distracted. “At some point, Jackie, we’ll want to hear more about those tar balls and your bathing suit,” Obama said, as reporters laughed.

Today In “Imagine If Bush Said It…”

Tar balls (we used to call them tar pies because some of them resembled cow pies) indeed commonly wash ashore. They come either from oil that is naturally there in smaller volume, or from ships and boats. In warm waters, like the Gulf, they become buoyant and wash up on shore.

^^^ And yet another intellectually and ethically challenged moron who views critique of government policies and programs as racism.

Post #10 had nothing to do with race. :confused:

Please read for comprehension:

And one more stupid thread by a RW racist. Drill, baby, drill? Oh, yea, that was the slogan of RWers before the great spill of 2010 - now they blame the crisis on Obama.
Obama who hoped to move forward on a new green technology, stymed all the way by the R party, and the RW fools who echo their bull shit and spread propaganda.
You want to place blame, look to the OP, the R party, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich, BP, Haliburton and the other companies who built and operated the offending well.
And consider the hubris of McConnell and the R leadership in the House, stoogies for big oil, they capped the oil cartels liability at $75 Million - chump change, big oil, big farma, big pharma spend that each month bribing members of Congress.

It's one of the two tricks WC knows: spewing accusations of Racism (his other "skill", for which is parentals are undoubtedly So Proud, is to spew vulgarity).
And one more stupid thread by a RW racist. Drill, baby, drill? Oh, yea, that was the slogan of RWers before the great spill of 2010 - now they blame the crisis on Obama.
Obama who hoped to move forward on a new green technology, stymed all the way by the R party, and the RW fools who echo their bull shit and spread propaganda.
You want to place blame, look to the OP, the R party, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich, BP, Haliburton and the other companies who built and operated the offending well.
And consider the hubris of McConnell and the R leadership in the House, stoogies for big oil, they capped the oil cartels liability at $75 Million - chump change, big oil, big farma, big pharma spend that each month bribing members of Congress.

More liberal propaganda, BP spent more money getting Obama and Landrieu elected than any other candidates. Obama could have had shallow drilling or land drilling instead of forcing deep sea drilling. Obama could have appointed someone to take charge in the Gulf instead of some idiot telling us they have their shoe to the throat of BP. (Whatever the heck that meant)

It is time for Obama to act like a leader and put into action a plan. So far he is just enraged that it happened and has no clue on how to "just plug the hole."

It is you who is misinformed:

Oil & Gas | OpenSecrets
Oil & Gas
This industry, which includes multinational and independent oil and gas producers and refiners, natural gas pipeline companies, gasoline service stations and fuel oil dealers, has long enjoyed a history of strong influence in Washington. Individuals and political action committees affiliated with oil and gas companies have donated $238.7 million to candidates and parties since the 1990 election cycle, 75 percent of which has gone to Republicans.

Though former oilmen George W. Bush and Dick Cheney occupied the White House for eight years, the oil and gas industry could not win support for repealing bans on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. However, Congress voted in 2008 to lift a ban on offshore drilling. These companies are also wary of cap-and-trade climate change legislation, such as the measure Democratic President Barack Obama supports. Yet Obama still received $884,000 from the oil and gas industry during the 2008 campaign, more than any other lawmaker except his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

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