Time to lock and load?


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
By Stephen Dinan-The Washington Times Friday, November 15, 2013

Rep. Jared Polis said Friday the key problem with health care right now is that illegal immigrants aren’t included in Obamacare, and said part of the solution is to pass a bill granting them citizenship rights.

The House is debating a GOP-written bill that would allow Americans to keep their health plans that have been canceled under Obamacare, but Mr. Polis, a Colorado Democrat, said the chamber should instead be looking at ways to make sure everyone in the country is covered by the Affordable Care Act — including illegal immigrants.

Read more: Legalizing illegal immigrants is the solution to Obamacare: Democrat - Washington Times
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Lock and Load?

I don't advocate violence. But consider the words of the Gipper.

Freedom ... must be fought for, protected, and handed on ... or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. -- Ronald Reagan, 1967
If you're within the United states and work = should have health care.

It should be this simple.

Why should one have to work? Unemployed Americans get health care...why not illegals? Dont you beieve in the new America? "I'm here Mr presieednt, where's my stuff?"
How about "Illegalcare" A self sustaining program for those so identified...they work. pay taxes, pay Illegalcare fees...get their care and live happily ever after. Isnt that the way its supposed to work for everyone?
By Stephen Dinan-The Washington Times Friday, November 15, 2013

Rep. Jared Polis said Friday the key problem with health care right now is that illegal immigrants aren’t included in Obamacare, and said part of the solution is to pass a bill granting them citizenship rights.

The House is debating a GOP-written bill that would allow Americans to keep their health plans that have been canceled under Obamacare, but Mr. Polis, a Colorado Democrat, said the chamber should instead be looking at ways to make sure everyone in the country is covered by the Affordable Care Act — including illegal immigrants.

Read more: Legalizing illegal immigrants is the solution to Obamacare: Democrat - Washington Times
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Well, at least the lying rw's are finally admitting it was Joe Wilson who lied when said ObamaCare insured illegals.

Write this date down because it will a cold day in hell before the right ever says anything true about President Obama or ACA again.
By Stephen Dinan-The Washington Times Friday, November 15, 2013

Rep. Jared Polis said Friday the key problem with health care right now is that illegal immigrants aren’t included in Obamacare, and said part of the solution is to pass a bill granting them citizenship rights.

The House is debating a GOP-written bill that would allow Americans to keep their health plans that have been canceled under Obamacare, but Mr. Polis, a Colorado Democrat, said the chamber should instead be looking at ways to make sure everyone in the country is covered by the Affordable Care Act — including illegal immigrants.

Read more: Legalizing illegal immigrants is the solution to Obamacare: Democrat - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Well, at least the lying rw's are finally admitting it was Joe Wilson who lied when said ObamaCare insured illegals.

Write this date down because it will a cold day in hell before the right ever says anything true about President Obama or ACA again.

Do illegals get medical care now, Gertrude?
By Stephen Dinan-The Washington Times Friday, November 15, 2013

Rep. Jared Polis said Friday the key problem with health care right now is that illegal immigrants aren’t included in Obamacare, and said part of the solution is to pass a bill granting them citizenship rights.

The House is debating a GOP-written bill that would allow Americans to keep their health plans that have been canceled under Obamacare, but Mr. Polis, a Colorado Democrat, said the chamber should instead be looking at ways to make sure everyone in the country is covered by the Affordable Care Act — including illegal immigrants.

Read more: Legalizing illegal immigrants is the solution to Obamacare: Democrat - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Well, at least the lying rw's are finally admitting it was Joe Wilson who lied when said ObamaCare insured illegals.

Write this date down because it will a cold day in hell before the right ever says anything true about President Obama or ACA again.

Do illegals get medical care now, Gertrude?

Yep. The same way you rw's get your FREE health care.

Under Reagan's Socialist EMTALA.

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