Time to increase the size of the supreme court so Biden can select enough left wing judges to put the majority on the side of the liberals.

All these people that you say are going to kill for you are dead ducks , CRUNCH is the word as American tanks run over these bastards with patriotic music playing loudly and the American flag waving proudly from the tanks and right before they run over one of yours, he will shit in his pants and throw away his gun and call for his mamma , These shitters are the same gun bubbas that said their guns would only be taken away from the dead hands. All of the haters will be covered in your own shit. Dead on the ground.
It will take about 24 hours before you hero's will throw your gun away and go into hiding in your momma's basement. What a hoot, Remember the sound of a body being run over by a tank CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH!
You may well be right as many of our younger people today are brainwashed pansies. The liberals will just have to wait until the older tougher generations die out. The Second World War generation is almost totally gone. They were the greatest generation.

However then the liberals will lose to the Chinese who will rule the world.
You may well be right as many of our younger people today are brainwashed pansies. The liberals will just have to wait until the older tougher generations die out. The Second World War generation is almost totally gone. They were the greatest generation.

However then the liberals will lose to the Chinese who will rule the world.
Funny! what a pile of crapola. You gun bubbas would be wiped out by the military in just hours , and you would shit your pants in the process, so who are the tough guys. What a joke,. CRUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny! what a pile of crapola. You gun bubbas would be wiped out by the military in just hours , and you would shit your pants in the process, so who are the tough guys. What a joke,. CRUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It sounds like you are looking forward to another Civil War.

I suspect you are playing too many video games.

A violent break up of this nation wouldn’t be any fun for anybody. i hope the Union survives but if we do break apart I hope it is a peaceful separation.
what rule would that be , what a clown. There is no rule on the number of supreme court justices , that one hell of a dumb nothing remark.
Do you believe that your party will never lose its majority again? What will stop the Rs from adding more to regain the majority? NOTHING. The only thing that will be accomplished is to destroy the SCOTUS. We were given a stable system of governance that has served us well for nearly 250 years. The people choose a legislature to create laws for them. The people choose a chief executive whose role is to see they are enforced, and a Judiciary is to ensure they are within the framework of our Constitution. Remove the power of ANY of those branches and the whole thing will collapse. Believe it or not, you will NEVER be able to compel obedience to your beliefs on half of this nation. It will never work that way. All it will do is cause our nation to collapse into secession or war. NEITHER will end well for Americans of any stripe...
It sounds like you are looking forward to another Civil War.

I suspect you are playing too many video games.

A violent break up of this nation wouldn’t be any fun for anybody. i hope the Union survives but if we do break apart I hope it is a peaceful separation.
The left would run for their lives to Canada and Mexico.
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.
How come no democrat Congress never sent Abortion Legislation to a democrat President?
The left would run for their lives to Canada and Mexico.
I don’t see supplies headed into the big liberal cities as truckers would stop delivering. The liberal big cities would fall apart in about a week. Lots of looting and burning.
It sounds like you are looking forward to another Civil War.

I suspect you are playing too many video games.

A violent break up of this nation wouldn’t be any fun for anybody. i hope the Union survives but if we do break apart I hope it is a peaceful separation.
which hate nazi brought up guns in th
It sounds like you are looking forward to another Civil War.

I suspect you are playing too many video games.

A violent break up of this nation wouldn’t be any fun for anybody. i hope the Union survives but if we do break apart I hope it is a peaceful separation.
Ya you bet ace , you are the one that started talking about guns and violence, until I told you a little story about crunch, American patriots in the service running your never give up your guns ass with their tank and right before the crunch you gun bubbas would shit in your pants and throw away your gun and yelling for your mommy.CRUNCH!!!!!!!!!!
Do you believe that your party will never lose its majority again? What will stop the Rs from adding more to regain the majority? NOTHING. The only thing that will be accomplished is to destroy the SCOTUS. We were given a stable system of governance that has served us well for nearly 250 years. The people choose a legislature to create laws for them. The people choose a chief executive whose role is to see they are enforced, and a Judiciary is to ensure they are within the framework of our Constitution. Remove the power of ANY of those branches and the whole thing will collapse. Believe it or not, you will NEVER be able to compel obedience to your beliefs on half of this nation. It will never work that way. All it will do is cause our nation to collapse into secession or war. NEITHER will end well for Americans of any stripe...
There should be no respect for the supreme court as it is now. after your lover and god chose 3 lying yes people that would lick his ass on his command. You party is so close to dying that if we keep the senate house and presidency , your hate group is toast> then real conservatives who aren't controlled by hate would have to take over and throw you haters in the shitter where you belong. Then life will start again, until your hate group is gone there is only one thing that patritos will do and thats doing everything to get rid of your hate group you call a party. You are this countries biggest threat and enemy and you are nothing but domestic terrorist.
which hate nazi brought up guns in th

Ya you bet ace , you are the one that started talking about guns and violence, until I told you a little story about crunch, American patriots in the service running your never give up your guns ass with their tank and right before the crunch you gun bubbas would shit in your pants and throw away your gun and yelling for your mommy.CRUNCH!!!!!!!!!!
I have often posted on this forum that I hope this nation doens’t break apart as that would lead to the Chinese ruling the world. I have also posted that I hope the breakup of this nation will be peaceful.

However in a violent breakup keep in mind that the big liberal cities depend on truckers to supply them with food and other supplies such as fuel. Truck drivers are often conservatives who may just pull their big rigs over and wait for a month or so. Those that don’t will risk their lives driving to the big cities.

So your tanks can roll around crunching all they want but the big liberal cities may end up starving. Of course the people in the big cities will resort to looting and rioting until everything runs out.

Ever drive out into the country and see those big power lines running into the big cities. Obvious targets. Do you like sweating in the summer or freezing in the winter? Knock down a dozen transmission towers and watch what happens.

Bipole II tower down for 2 days after being hit by farmer in tractor​

Ever drive out into the country and see those big power lines running into the big cities. Obvious targets.
Straight out of the 'Terrorism for Dummies" hand book. Have knife, cut off nose!

Except it's the Cities where the power is generated and the transmission lines move electricity out to the country.

This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.
Court packing is a blatantly political act that would completely and forever eliminate any credibility the court ever had.

It would also be political suicide.
This is the time to do it. Obviously and to protect women's right to choose, the left I believe will support this. We have to over ride the slugs that Trump added to the supreme court, all of them selected by Trump to do his bidding ,that over over protecting the law of our country and our constitution. By the way then House set's that number as the only number that can be used for the size of the supreme court. The new number of Supreme court judges will be set at 13 , over riding the conservatives. When over 70% of the country says that a women should decide about abortion and not the court , then that's how it should be.

Leftists judges have proven throughout history to be much more partisan than right-wing judges. Sorry, we don't need one party making the laws, particularly the party that still hasn't figured out the difference between a boy and a girl.
Because you simply write a law saying that 13 is the number of judges , the number has always been able to be set but it has never been set , raise it to 13 and them screw the hate party over by setting 13 as the number. simple enough.
Then the next tie Republicans get control they repeal that law and raise it and we soon have a court that looks more like congress than a court.

They only way you could prevent that is fixing it by constitutional amendment.

You aren't very bright.
Easy, since 80% of the population (latest poll) support abortion , who is the pressure going to be on all the time. each move will turn a percentage against the hate party and that is a good thing. It might be better doing it your way , we can get rid of your hate party that way. which is a good thing considering what a lying scum group they have become.

The majority of left-wing CA nor the nation supported gay marriage but that didn't stop Democrats from taking it to the Supreme Court to overrule the will of the people. Democrats would be nothing if they weren't hypocrites.

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