Time To Get Serious About Language Learning?

Foreign language instruction in the US starts late and is not emphasized as much as many other subjects. Should we as a nation (more accurately, as many local school districts) change this emphasis? Every year, more and more jobs in the US are advertised as requiring at least bilingualism, and more of the higher paying jobs involve working and communicating with people in and from all over the world. Employment aside, there are many well-established social and cognitive benefits from learning other languages than one's first. Should we require a much higher standard of proficiency and/or acquisition of two or more languages as part of graduation requirements from high school?

Time To Get Serious About Language Learning?​

Lets go over the numbers.
How many Americans move to foreign nations?
What percentage of Americans need to communicate in another language?
Aren’t American citizens required to speak / understand fluent english?
Surely you aren’t suggesting that Americans be forced to learn spanish in order to make life easier here for illegal aliens….right?
Lowering expectations. What a great way to promote development. :rolleyes:

Meeting expectations is the only way to achieve development ... :thup:
You cannot twist it up, no matter how hard you try.

There is no need to add a requirement when the existing requirements are not being met ...
and nothing is stopping anyone from learning a foreign language other than their own desire to.

If the expectations reflect the desire to promote the idea, it makes sense to give someone a diploma when they cannot read ...
That is not even "Approaching Basic" in the Expectations Department ... :auiqs.jpg:

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Time To Get Serious About Language Learning?​

Lets go over the numbers.
How many Americans move to foreign nations?
What percentage of Americans need to communicate in another language?
Aren’t American citizens required to speak / understand fluent english?
Surely you aren’t suggesting that Americans be forced to learn spanish in order to make life easier here for illegal aliens….right?
You're an idiot. International trade and language is the standard outside of bumfuck MAGA land .
You're an idiot. International trade and language is the standard outside of bumfuck MAGA land .
Look confused Tard….I’ve lived in South Mexifornia (a bright blue super shithole) my whole life and I’ve traveled the world…when I decide to speak spanish it’s because I want to not because I’ve ever had to.
Look confused Tard….I’ve lived in South Mexifornia (a bright blue super shithole) my whole life and I’ve traveled the world…when I decide to speak spanish it’s because I want to not because I’ve ever had to.
Chinese is the new language of business peasant.

Meeting expectations is the only way to achieve development ... :thup:
You cannot twist it up, no matter how hard you try.

There is no need to add a requirement when the existing requirements are not being met ...
and nothing is stopping anyone from learning a foreign language other than their own desire to.

If the expectations reflect the desire to promote the idea, it makes sense to give someone a diploma when they cannot read ...
That is not even "Approaching Basic" in the Expectations Department ... :auiqs.jpg:


So your assertion is that the only requirements should be that which the bottom 20% can pass. You realize public schools take everyone, even those with a legitimate intellectual disability. So by your plan, American high schools would be putting forth graduation requirements that align with 4th grade work. Correct?

Because you realize that public schools take everyone. The average IQ is 100, and so a good number of learners will fall below that, and some far enough below that they are intellectually unable to meet requirements or ever read at a high school level. But I guess you have some amazing magic that would bring them up to snuff yes?

Man we need to get these magicians into schools quick. You need to read about the school I just did where seven Kindergarteners and first graders entered school not toilet trained. Yes, that's right. The school toilet trained them. Now take the school work missed because they were toilet training instead and roll that on up through the years.

But it's the school's fault. Yep.
So your assertion is that the only requirements should be that which the bottom 20% can pass. You realize public schools take everyone, even those with a legitimate intellectual disability. So by your plan, American high schools would be putting forth graduation requirements that align with 4th grade work. Correct?

Because you realize that public schools take everyone. The average IQ is 100, and so a good number of learners will fall below that, and some far enough below that they are intellectually unable to meet requirements or ever read at a high school level. But I guess you have some amazing magic that would bring them up to snuff yes?

Man we need to get these magicians into schools quick. You need to read about the school I just did where seven Kindergarteners and first graders entered school not toilet trained. Yes, that's right. The school toilet trained them. Now take the school work missed because they were toilet training instead and roll that on up through the years.

But it's the school's fault. Yep.

No ... I am saying that if you are not concerned about that fact they are giving diplomas to people who cannot read ...
You have no business expressing whatever other requirements you may desire.

You can blame whomever you want ... But the School System is handing people who cannot read a diploma.
That's not speculation, and from the US Department of Education.

Plus ... Anyone can learn a foreign language at any time without it being a requirement.
If you want your children to learn a foreign language ... By all means show them where to look ... It's not magic.

There is no need to make something a requirement if you have already made it damn clear
you don't care if the proper currently existing requirements are ever met ... :auiqs.jpg:

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"Not able to read" is BS. I could give you something to read that you wouldn't understand as well as some of my ESL students. I could test you on things you learned in high school that you don't remember well anymore.

It's what the US Board of Education indicated ... Take it up with them.
That still won't stop anyone who desires to learn a foreign language from doing so
and in no way supports the idea it should be a requirement ... :thup:

"Not able to read" is BS. I could give you something to read that you wouldn't understand as well as some of my ESL students. I could test you on things you learned in high school that you don't remember well anymore.

The only crap I learned in High School that I don't remember, never used for conversation, and was a complete waste of time ... Was Frech ... :thup:
Taking a foreign language is actually requirement here.

I did learn German and Spanish when I needed them for business or just living in a foreign country.

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"Not able to read" is BS. I could give you something to read that you wouldn't understand as well as some of my ESL students. I could test you on things you learned in high school that you don't remember well anymore.
"Not able to read" is BS. I could give you something to read that you wouldn't understand as well as some of my ESL students. I could test you on things you learned in high school that you don't remember well anymore.

One of the things I do for a living is help school systems figure out how to overcome their inability to meet the requirements.
I'm the person that writes up the Findings, and then writes the Corrective Action and Compliance Statements and Procedures.

If you want me to start discussing how broken our school systems are ... You need to start another thread ... :auiqs.jpg:

The greatest obstacle, even the highest scoring schools encounter, is the proper implementation
of existing programs, standards and requirements.
Guess what ... That isn't the fault of the students or parents.

Just the stark difference in Idealism versus actual Results.

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One of the things I do for a living is help school systems figure out how to overcome their inability to meet the requirements.

Are you the person who figures out how to set left margin?

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