Time Person of the year: Khashoggi et al

Time is an irrelevant, Far Left publication with extremely small readership. What was Trump, and the U.S. supposed to do about a foreign national getting murdered in a sovereign foreign nation?

Would you like a foreign country dictating to us about our law enforcement, or lack thereof? What was Trump supposed to do? I could see if the guy was either an American Citizen, or murdered here in the U.S., but neither of these were true.

This just shows more over reaching, and ridiculous efforts to demonize Trump. Certainly Time, and you lefties are GRABBING AT STRAWS.
"Person of the Year" is all that Time has left. It's become akin to the Nobel Peace Prize in it's irrelevance.
Time is an irrelevant, Far Left publication with extremely small readership. What was Trump, and the U.S. supposed to do about a foreign national getting murdered in a sovereign foreign nation?

Would you like a foreign country dictating to us about our law enforcement, or lack thereof? What was Trump supposed to do? I could see if the guy was either an American Citizen, or murdered here in the U.S., but neither of these were true.

This just shows more over reaching, and ridiculous efforts to demonize Trump. Certainly Time, and you lefties are GRABBING AT STRAWS.
"Person of the Year" is all that Time has left. It's become akin to the Nobel Peace Prize in it's irrelevance.

So irrelevant that Trump had fake Time Magazine covers made to display at his resorts?
Has there been a trial? There is right now, no guilty party. Not even a muslim can be declared guilty by popular opinion.
Good pick. A war in truth is being waged by Trump. The truth needs defenders. These defenders need to be honored and singled out as the real Americans and defenders of the constitution.

So when can we starting shooting? I mean there's noting more true than a well-aimed 5.56 round, eh?
Trump was supposed to do what almost every 1st world country did. Condemn the murder.
To be fair, Trump did condemn it. He just won't say the Prince ordered it. I don't know that many countries have. At least they were carefully dancing around it the last time I checked. That was a while ago, so if Great Britain and others have personally condemned MBS, cut off all contact with S.A., do let me know.
Over the years Time has named Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khruschchev, and the Ayatollah Khomeini as person of the year so forgive if I say whatever to this guy being named it.
The left wants Trump to condemn the crown prince so they can run around saying that Trump condemned the crown prince without due process. No other world leader did that. Trump wants war with Saudi Arabia there's no other explanation.

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