Time history of atmospheric carbon dioxide from 800,000 years to the present

The Warmer Cult embarrasses themselves every time they try to post something resembling science.

One of Einstein theories held that gravity could bend light. That was the THEORY. He never said the science was settled or that he had consensus, that's not science that's a game show.

The AGWCult can't even begin to put their theory into words...it just feels right

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Last edited:
Perhaps you should start with the A in AGW. What word does that A stand for Frank? And what does that word mean Frank?

Perhaps YOU ought to contemplate the fact that CLAIMING the "A" in "AGW" doesn't make it so.

They call it a theory for a reason, you hapless uneducated dipshit.

I know what the word theory means. You seem a little weak on the term "accepted theory". And manners. Asshole.
I'm sorry, but I can't just read this and not post. Well if you knew what the word theory was, then where is the experiment that proves the theory you so religously post about here? Still haven't seen it. And manners? you're as far from those like you miss the facts about the globe.
The Warmer Cult embarrasses themselves every time they try to post something resembling science.

One of Einstein theories held that gravity could bend light. That was the THEORY. He never said the science was settled or that he had consensus, that's not science that's a game show.

The AGWCult can't even begin to put their theory into words...it just feels right

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
And still no experiment!
The Warmer Cult embarrasses themselves every time they try to post something resembling science.

One of Einstein theories held that gravity could bend light. That was the THEORY. He never said the science was settled or that he had consensus, that's not science that's a game show.

The AGWCult can't even begin to put their theory into words...it just feels right

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
And still no experiment!

good luck, morons.......

Equipment and Materials
•A large glass vessel. We have found that a one gallon jar is satisfactory. These can usually be obtained from a restaurant or other food service facility. A small aquarium could also be used.
•A small glass vessel. A beaker or even a drinking glass will be satisfactory, assuming it will fit in the large glass vessel
•A laboratory thermometer
•A heat lamp or equivalent
•Aluminum foil
•Alka-Seltzer tablets
•A balance capable of measuring to the nearest milligram (0.001 gm). If not available, measuring to the nearest 0.01 gm will suffice.
•A watch capable of measuring in seconds
•Graph paper


You will treat the air in the large glass vessel as a model of the atmosphere. The vessel will be covered and heated by the "sun" (the heat lamp) until the temperature rises to 15 degrees C above the ambient (surrounding) temperature. The heat lamp is then turned off ("nighttime"), and the air allowed to cool naturally. Temperature readings are taken at definite time intervals and plotted on graph paper. This will show the rate of heat loss from "normal" air. Then, the CO2 concentration of the air will be increased and the experiment repeated. The results will demonstrate the effects of increased CO2 on the rate of heat loss from air. You will then evaluate claims that increasing carbon dioxide will significantly increase the temperature of the atmosphere, and thus lead to climate change, in your lifetime.


When Alka-Seltzer dissolves in water, a gas is released. This gas is CO2, so Alka-Seltzer tablets serve as a convenient source of this gas. The determination of the amount of CO2 released is an interesting laboratory procedure in itself, and we recommend that high school students be involved in this portion of the experiment .

The first step is to determine the volume of the glass vessel. If a gallon jar is used, use the conversion factor

1 gallon = 3.785 liters.

If some other sized vessel, such as an aquarium, is used its volume can be measured by filling with water using a pint jar as a measuring vessel. The relationship of

1 gallon = 8 pints

can be combined with the conversion factor above to calculate the volume of the vessel in liters. The remainder of this procedure will be described assuming you use a gallon jar.

The next step is to calculate the mass of the air in the vessel. The true density of air is dependent on the amount of moisture present in the air (the humidity) and on the barometric pressure. There are tables and equations which allow a precise computation of the density of air under any set of conditions. These tables can be found in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. This calculation is rather complicated; thus for the purposes of this demonstration/experiment, the density of dry air at a pressure of 760 mm of Hg will be assumed. This density is:

0.0012 gm/milliliter.

Since there are 1000 milliliters in 1 liter, the gallon jar contains

3.785 liters X (1000 milliliters/liter) = 3785 milliliters.

The mass of air in the jar can be calculated from the density:

3785 milliliters X (0.0012 gm/milliliter) = 4.542 gm

At this point, assume you wish to determine the rate of heat loss from an atmosphere in which the CO2 concentration has doubled, e.g. which contains 700 ppm CO2. The air in the gallon jar should contain:

4.542 grams X (700/1,000,000) = 0.0032 gm CO2

Thus, we will need to add an additional 0.0016 gm of CO2 to the air in the vessel.

The CO2 will be obtained from the solution of Alka-Seltzer in water. We have performed the following simple test to determine how much CO2 is released from an Alka-Seltzer tablet:
1.A glass vessel containing 75 milliliters of water is weighed to the nearest milligram.
2.An Alka-Seltzer tablet is weighed to the nearest milligram.
3.The tablet is dropped into the water and allowed to dissolve.
4.After 10 minutes, the vessel, water and dissolved Alka-Seltzer is reweighed.
5.The initial weight of the vessel plus water is added to the weight of the Alka-Seltzer tablet (Add values from steps 1 and 2). Then the weight of the vessel, water and dissolved Alka-Seltzer is subtracted from this sum (Subtract value of step 4 from the sum of 1 and 2). The difference is the weight of the CO2 that was released from the Alka-Seltzer.

A typical determination gave the following values:

Weight of vessel plus water 122.37 gm
Weight of Alka-Seltzer tablet 3.35 gm
Total weight 125.72 gm
Weight of vessel, water, and Alka-Seltzer 125.09 gm
Weight of CO2 released 0.63 gm

This information can now be used to determine the amount of Alka-Seltzer necessary to give the 0.0016 gm of CO2 which must be added to the air in the jar to give a concentration of 700 ppm CO2:

(3.25 gm Alka-Seltzer/0.63 gm CO2) X 0.0016 gm CO2

= 0.0083 gm Alka-Seltzer

This is equal to only 0.25% of one Alka-Seltzer tablet (a quarter of 1%); this is a very small amount.


I. Measurement of heat loss for today's "normal" air:
1.Place the small glass vessel filled with water along with the thermometer in the gallon jar and cover the jar loosely with aluminum foil.

2.Heat the air in the jar using the heat lamp "sun" until the temperature is raised by 15 degrees C.

3.Remove the heat lamps to simulate "night". Record the temperature each minute until the temperature returns to ambient.

4.Using graph paper, plot temperature on the Y-axis versus elapsed cooling time on the X-axis.

II. Measurement of heat loss from tomorrow's air containing increased CO2:
1.Crush up an Alka-Seltzer tablet and weigh out the amount needed to increase the CO2 concentration to the desired value. Remember, this will be a very small amount of Alka-Seltzer.

2.Drop the Alka-Seltzer into the water in the small glass vessel inside the large jar. Immediately cover loosely with foil.

3.Allow 10 minutes for all of the CO2 to be released.

4.Repeat steps I-2, I-3, and I-4 above. Plot your results on the same piece of graph paper as above.

Interpretation of your results:

Using the outcome of your experiment, answer the following questions.
1.Which stayed warm longer, the "normal" air, or the air with increased CO2? After cooling for five minutes, what was the difference in their temperatures?

2.Did increasing the CO2 content increase the heat capacity of the air in the jar?

3.Does this experiment indicate that increasing the CO2 content in the atmosphere would cause the climate to get warmer?

4.Explain your answer to question number 3.

5.If the climate does get warmer, explain what may happen to the ice in the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland. Most of the fresh water on Earth is in these ice sheets.

6.Nearly all of the large cities of the United States are seaports; most U.S. citizens live within 75 miles of the ocean. Using your answer to question number 5, explain the possible economic impacts on the inhabitants of these coastal cities.

7.Corn and wheat, like all plants, need the proper temperatures and amounts of water to grow. Explain the possible economic impact on U.S. farmers and consumers if rainfall should decrease in the Midwest due to a temperature increase. This scenario has been hypothesized by many scientists.

8.List, and explain, three other impacts on your life that an increase in atmospheric CO2 could cause.

9.List at least three ways that we can decrease the amount of CO2 that people add to the atmosphere.
You're wasting your time. Frank and jc have mounted their goalposts on motorized platforms, the more easily to move them about.
Your what hurts? Where have I moved anything, I have and will remain consistent. To date, there has not been one video experiment that shows increasing CO2 will cause an increase in temperature. I have not wavered from that so any goal posts I have are firmly buried in the ground. Now you?
The Warmer Cult embarrasses themselves every time they try to post something resembling science.

One of Einstein theories held that gravity could bend light. That was the THEORY. He never said the science was settled or that he had consensus, that's not science that's a game show.

The AGWCult can't even begin to put their theory into words...it just feels right

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
And still no experiment!

good luck, morons.......

Equipment and Materials
•A large glass vessel. We have found that a one gallon jar is satisfactory. These can usually be obtained from a restaurant or other food service facility. A small aquarium could also be used.
•A small glass vessel. A beaker or even a drinking glass will be satisfactory, assuming it will fit in the large glass vessel
•A laboratory thermometer
•A heat lamp or equivalent
•Aluminum foil
•Alka-Seltzer tablets
•A balance capable of measuring to the nearest milligram (0.001 gm). If not available, measuring to the nearest 0.01 gm will suffice.
•A watch capable of measuring in seconds
•Graph paper


You will treat the air in the large glass vessel as a model of the atmosphere. The vessel will be covered and heated by the "sun" (the heat lamp) until the temperature rises to 15 degrees C above the ambient (surrounding) temperature. The heat lamp is then turned off ("nighttime"), and the air allowed to cool naturally. Temperature readings are taken at definite time intervals and plotted on graph paper. This will show the rate of heat loss from "normal" air. Then, the CO2 concentration of the air will be increased and the experiment repeated. The results will demonstrate the effects of increased CO2 on the rate of heat loss from air. You will then evaluate claims that increasing carbon dioxide will significantly increase the temperature of the atmosphere, and thus lead to climate change, in your lifetime.


When Alka-Seltzer dissolves in water, a gas is released. This gas is CO2, so Alka-Seltzer tablets serve as a convenient source of this gas. The determination of the amount of CO2 released is an interesting laboratory procedure in itself, and we recommend that high school students be involved in this portion of the experiment .

The first step is to determine the volume of the glass vessel. If a gallon jar is used, use the conversion factor

1 gallon = 3.785 liters.

If some other sized vessel, such as an aquarium, is used its volume can be measured by filling with water using a pint jar as a measuring vessel. The relationship of

1 gallon = 8 pints

can be combined with the conversion factor above to calculate the volume of the vessel in liters. The remainder of this procedure will be described assuming you use a gallon jar.

The next step is to calculate the mass of the air in the vessel. The true density of air is dependent on the amount of moisture present in the air (the humidity) and on the barometric pressure. There are tables and equations which allow a precise computation of the density of air under any set of conditions. These tables can be found in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. This calculation is rather complicated; thus for the purposes of this demonstration/experiment, the density of dry air at a pressure of 760 mm of Hg will be assumed. This density is:

0.0012 gm/milliliter.

Since there are 1000 milliliters in 1 liter, the gallon jar contains

3.785 liters X (1000 milliliters/liter) = 3785 milliliters.

The mass of air in the jar can be calculated from the density:

3785 milliliters X (0.0012 gm/milliliter) = 4.542 gm

At this point, assume you wish to determine the rate of heat loss from an atmosphere in which the CO2 concentration has doubled, e.g. which contains 700 ppm CO2. The air in the gallon jar should contain:

4.542 grams X (700/1,000,000) = 0.0032 gm CO2

Thus, we will need to add an additional 0.0016 gm of CO2 to the air in the vessel.

The CO2 will be obtained from the solution of Alka-Seltzer in water. We have performed the following simple test to determine how much CO2 is released from an Alka-Seltzer tablet:
1.A glass vessel containing 75 milliliters of water is weighed to the nearest milligram.
2.An Alka-Seltzer tablet is weighed to the nearest milligram.
3.The tablet is dropped into the water and allowed to dissolve.
4.After 10 minutes, the vessel, water and dissolved Alka-Seltzer is reweighed.
5.The initial weight of the vessel plus water is added to the weight of the Alka-Seltzer tablet (Add values from steps 1 and 2). Then the weight of the vessel, water and dissolved Alka-Seltzer is subtracted from this sum (Subtract value of step 4 from the sum of 1 and 2). The difference is the weight of the CO2 that was released from the Alka-Seltzer.

A typical determination gave the following values:

Weight of vessel plus water 122.37 gm
Weight of Alka-Seltzer tablet 3.35 gm
Total weight 125.72 gm
Weight of vessel, water, and Alka-Seltzer 125.09 gm
Weight of CO2 released 0.63 gm

This information can now be used to determine the amount of Alka-Seltzer necessary to give the 0.0016 gm of CO2 which must be added to the air in the jar to give a concentration of 700 ppm CO2:

(3.25 gm Alka-Seltzer/0.63 gm CO2) X 0.0016 gm CO2

= 0.0083 gm Alka-Seltzer

This is equal to only 0.25% of one Alka-Seltzer tablet (a quarter of 1%); this is a very small amount.


I. Measurement of heat loss for today's "normal" air:
1.Place the small glass vessel filled with water along with the thermometer in the gallon jar and cover the jar loosely with aluminum foil.

2.Heat the air in the jar using the heat lamp "sun" until the temperature is raised by 15 degrees C.

3.Remove the heat lamps to simulate "night". Record the temperature each minute until the temperature returns to ambient.

4.Using graph paper, plot temperature on the Y-axis versus elapsed cooling time on the X-axis.

II. Measurement of heat loss from tomorrow's air containing increased CO2:
1.Crush up an Alka-Seltzer tablet and weigh out the amount needed to increase the CO2 concentration to the desired value. Remember, this will be a very small amount of Alka-Seltzer.

2.Drop the Alka-Seltzer into the water in the small glass vessel inside the large jar. Immediately cover loosely with foil.

3.Allow 10 minutes for all of the CO2 to be released.

4.Repeat steps I-2, I-3, and I-4 above. Plot your results on the same piece of graph paper as above.

Interpretation of your results:

Using the outcome of your experiment, answer the following questions.
1.Which stayed warm longer, the "normal" air, or the air with increased CO2? After cooling for five minutes, what was the difference in their temperatures?

2.Did increasing the CO2 content increase the heat capacity of the air in the jar?

3.Does this experiment indicate that increasing the CO2 content in the atmosphere would cause the climate to get warmer?

4.Explain your answer to question number 3.

5.If the climate does get warmer, explain what may happen to the ice in the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland. Most of the fresh water on Earth is in these ice sheets.

6.Nearly all of the large cities of the United States are seaports; most U.S. citizens live within 75 miles of the ocean. Using your answer to question number 5, explain the possible economic impacts on the inhabitants of these coastal cities.

7.Corn and wheat, like all plants, need the proper temperatures and amounts of water to grow. Explain the possible economic impact on U.S. farmers and consumers if rainfall should decrease in the Midwest due to a temperature increase. This scenario has been hypothesized by many scientists.

8.List, and explain, three other impacts on your life that an increase in atmospheric CO2 could cause.

9.List at least three ways that we can decrease the amount of CO2 that people add to the atmosphere.

Again, let's see the video of your experiment. I expect you did it, since you're advertising it. Come on big boy let's have the video. Ah, just as expected don't have one right? And as was pointed out by Frank, a kiddie experiment to prove a life threatening claim. Sorry dude but that quicksand is at your waste now.
Listen dipshit

The point is...the experiment is / has been done so often and is so easily accessible that claiming thaglt it doesnt exist for certain lends to the appearance of retardation.
Listen dipshit

The point is...the experiment is / has been done so often and is so easily accessible that claiming thaglt it doesnt exist for certain lends to the appearance of retardation.

you're doubling down on Alka-Seltzer?

Billion spend on "Climate research" and the best you came up with is .25% of an Alka-Selter tablet?
I though the next post would be somthing like "but but there was once a scientific consensus that the earth was flat!"

Perhaps you should start with the A in AGW. What word does that A stand for Frank? And what does that word mean Frank?

Perhaps YOU ought to contemplate the fact that CLAIMING the "A" in "AGW" doesn't make it so.

They call it a theory for a reason, you hapless uneducated dipshit.

I know what the word theory means. You seem a little weak on the term "accepted theory". And manners. Asshole.

An accepted theory is still just a theory you idiot.

And I'll take a lesson from a pussy like you in "manners" the day you start demonstrating any hint of having any decent manners, you hypocritical and ignorant poseur bitch.

I have a newsflash for you. ACCEPTED theory does not equal established fact.

"Consensus" in science is less valid than "majority rule" in a representative Constitutional Republic.
I though the next post would be somthing like "but but there was once a scientific consensus that the earth was flat!"


And the ending phase of the pattern is met. Congrats, you have succeeded in cookie cutting the warmest theory, hope the quicksand finds you warm, you sank!! bloop............... blooppppppp..............

Oh, and still no video. LOL..BTW, I didn't expect you'd have one.
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I though the next post would be somthing like "but but there was once a scientific consensus that the earth was flat!"


So to run your experiment using a single alkaseltzer tablet would require a 400 gallon tank

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Where have I moved anything, I have and will remain consistent. To date, there has not been one video experiment that shows increasing CO2 will cause an increase in temperature. I have not wavered from that so any goal posts I have are firmly buried in the ground. Now you?

I see you're a proud liar, along with being a goalpost mover. Well done. With that attitude, you'll move up far in your cult.

The rest of the world will be laughing at you, of course. I hope the warm fuzzies you get from your cult membership are worth the lifetime of humiliation it's earned you.

By the way, what's your exit plan? Even you clearly see how your cult is collapsing, hence your shrill tone. Will you ride that sinking ship to the bottom, or jump off early with the other rats?
Listen dipshit

The point is...the experiment is / has been done so often and is so easily accessible that claiming thaglt it doesnt exist for certain lends to the appearance of retardation.

What your experiment demonstrates is the heat of compression, not that a wisp of additional CO2 can cause warming.

Of course CO2 absorbs energy which it then emits. You seem to think that absorption and emission equals warming. Can you show any actual measured observation to prove that assumption?


they measure these things in waves

solar energy (which increases temperature) leaves the atmosphere at a lesser rate at the frequency of greenhouse gasses

it's not that complex

the only ones "demanding" a study of co2 in a lab increasing temperature are the ones incredibly inept at BASIC BASIC earth science

Actually, satellites tell us that outgoing LW is increasing....precisely the opposite of what you claim.
Perhaps you should start with the A in AGW. What word does that A stand for Frank? And what does that word mean Frank?

Perhaps YOU ought to contemplate the fact that CLAIMING the "A" in "AGW" doesn't make it so.

They call it a theory for a reason, you hapless uneducated dipshit.

So you will be borrowing from the creationist playbook? Oh my.

So you still have no actual argument in defense of your position...oh my..oh my...oh my...oh my. Does saying oh my make me sound smart? Of course it doesn't...and it doesn't make you sound very bright either...oh my.
Will I see the highest in 15 million years?

The earth is exiting an ice age....of course it will increase. CO2 follows temperature therefore it must increase. It will make it back to 1000ppm and perhaps more with or without us. Our meager contribution to atmospheric CO2 isn't even enough to sway the natural variation from year to year.

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