Time for a little truth on regretting Trump.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President.

First let's be honest. For those of us who voted for Trump including myself who voted Democrat in every election before now there is not going to be that sense of regret. Not the way you imagine it. I am never going to read the news and wish I had voted for Hillary.

I think we will end the first term and find that Trump was mediocre at best. I have said more than once that I hope the Democrats learn and run a less polarizing candidate in 2020. From what I'm reading, that just isn't going to happen.

You may have loved Hillary, you may have thought she was the best candidate since George Washington. The problem is that people in most states didn't think so. Petulant snorts and derision towards those people aren't going to change their minds.

I'm not thrilled with Trump. I've already taken issue with the decision to end compliance actions against police departments. I disagree with his contention that torture is a good way to get information. I believe Extraordinary Rendition is a crime.

All that is on the record. Yet I don't regret my vote. The reason is that I am certain that Hillary would be worse. That is what you are trying to overcome in your demands that the voters shift to regretting their choice.

Hillary was ineptly corrupt. From her first national action of the Bimbo Eruptions during Bill's 1992 campaign to the campaign in 2016 Hillary has a long record of screwing things up. That is why I say ineptly corrupt.

Travel Office Firings, lost documents that were discovered in closets years later. It goes on and on. Hillary was always that inch short of clever enough to pull it off. There is literally nothing that Trump could do that would make me wish we had Hillary as President.

If you want Trump to be a two term President, then just keep on with the insanity. If you want him checked in 2018 and out in 2020 then there is a way, but this isn't it.

Now knock off the insanity and start thinking. Give us a real choice and a reasonable alternative and I'll be back to voting Democrat in no time.

To give you an analogy of where the Democratic Party is now I have to go to history. In the days of steam driven ships there were safety valves that opened before the boilers exploded. You could exceed the maximum speed by increasing the pressure in the system but the safety valves would open to protect the system. If it was an emergency you could lash the safety valves closed and get more speed at the risk of blowing up the boilers. Right now the Democratic Party has lashed down the safety valves and is full speed ahead insane. You might get that extra little bit you think you need but it is more likely that the entire thing will explode.
There is no "reasonable alternative" for Democrats. They will continue acting like petulant children. They will continue to move further left. Just look at them now, they fully embrace the barbaric ideology of Islam, which history and current events prove to be the most violent and oppressive ideology the planet has ever seen. There motives have been exposed now, they are the BLM thugs cheering the shootings of cops, they are the anarchists that suppress freedom of speech on college campuses, they are the communists that want to see the end of capitalism, they are the Islamists that want to implement Sharia Law and destroy the Constitution, they are the race-baiters that want to see white Christians eradicated.
There is literally nothing that Trump could do that would make me wish we had Hillary as President.


I am only highlighting that one part of your post because it is my personal favorite

but your whole rant is fantastic, in fact, that may well be the best explanation of a Trump vote I have seen to date from a left leaning moderate

kudos to you

Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President.

First let's be honest. For those of us who voted for Trump including myself who voted Democrat in every election before now there is not going to be that sense of regret. Not the way you imagine it. I am never going to read the news and wish I had voted for Hillary.

I think we will end the first term and find that Trump was mediocre at best. I have said more than once that I hope the Democrats learn and run a less polarizing candidate in 2020. From what I'm reading, that just isn't going to happen.

You may have loved Hillary, you may have thought she was the best candidate since George Washington. The problem is that people in most states didn't think so. Petulant snorts and derision towards those people aren't going to change their minds.

I'm not thrilled with Trump. I've already taken issue with the decision to end compliance actions against police departments. I disagree with his contention that torture is a good way to get information. I believe Extraordinary Rendition is a crime.

All that is on the record. Yet I don't regret my vote. The reason is that I am certain that Hillary would be worse. That is what you are trying to overcome in your demands that the voters shift to regretting their choice.

Hillary was ineptly corrupt. From her first national action of the Bimbo Eruptions during Bill's 1992 campaign to the campaign in 2016 Hillary has a long record of screwing things up. That is why I say ineptly corrupt.

Travel Office Firings, lost documents that were discovered in closets years later. It goes on and on. Hillary was always that inch short of clever enough to pull it off. There is literally nothing that Trump could do that would make me wish we had Hillary as President.

If you want Trump to be a two term President, then just keep on with the insanity. If you want him checked in 2018 and out in 2020 then there is a way, but this isn't it.

Now knock off the insanity and start thinking. Give us a real choice and a reasonable alternative and I'll be back to voting Democrat in no time.

To give you an analogy of where the Democratic Party is now I have to go to history. In the days of steam driven ships there were safety valves that opened before the boilers exploded. You could exceed the maximum speed by increasing the pressure in the system but the safety valves would open to protect the system. If it was an emergency you could lash the safety valves closed and get more speed at the risk of blowing up the boilers. Right now the Democratic Party has lashed down the safety valves and is full speed ahead insane. You might get that extra little bit you think you need but it is more likely that the entire thing will explode.

You voted for Bill Clinton twice, voted for Obama twice...but picked a total disgrace and a clown of a man that is Trump over what would be a de facto Bill and Obama's third term?

Square that bizzare peg for me. Because for now I peg you for an idiot.
While it's nice to read that you don't "regret" your vote, those of us that don't buy into the "taking turns to fuck over the citizenry" duopoly certainly do regret your vote, along with regretting the votes of those that voted for that miscreant Clinton.

It's a sad state of affairs that the choices in each Presidential election boils down to "the lesser of two gaping assholes" and that much of the citizenry cannot seem to come to grips with the fact that "democracy" in the U.S. is just an illusion, the choices get made by the power brokers in the Republicrat deception machine long before any votes are cast; the Trump supporters may think that their support of him was somehow a thumb in the eye of those power brokers but reality tells a different story, he's surrounded himself with many of the same cast of characters that have been screwing the citizenry over for decades.

"However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion" -- George Washington, Farewell Address
While it's nice to read that you don't "regret" your vote, those of us that don't buy into the "taking turns to fuck over the citizenry" duopoly certainly do regret your vote, along with regretting the votes of those that voted for that miscreant Clinton.
It's a sad state of affairs that the choices in each Presidential election boils down to "the lesser of two gaping assholes" and that much of the citizenry cannot seem to come to grips with the fact that "democracy" in the U.S. is just an illusion, the choices get made by the power brokers in the Republicrat deception machine long before any votes are cast; the Trump supporters may think that their support of him was somehow a thumb in the eye of those power brokers but reality tells a different story, he's surrounded himself with many of the same cast of characters that have been screwing the citizenry over for decades.

"However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion" -- George Washington, Farewell Address
Yes the two parties are aligned and colluding like two Mafia families. However, the choice between The Don and Cankles, was an easy one. She is without question a warmongering criminal.

That said, our political class is entirely corrupt, which may be why Americans voted for an outsider and why the establishment is inflaming Americans against the Don.
Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President.

First let's be honest. For those of us who voted for Trump including myself who voted Democrat in every election before now there is not going to be that sense of regret. Not the way you imagine it. I am never going to read the news and wish I had voted for Hillary.

I think we will end the first term and find that Trump was mediocre at best. I have said more than once that I hope the Democrats learn and run a less polarizing candidate in 2020. From what I'm reading, that just isn't going to happen.

You may have loved Hillary, you may have thought she was the best candidate since George Washington. The problem is that people in most states didn't think so. Petulant snorts and derision towards those people aren't going to change their minds.

I'm not thrilled with Trump. I've already taken issue with the decision to end compliance actions against police departments. I disagree with his contention that torture is a good way to get information. I believe Extraordinary Rendition is a crime.

All that is on the record. Yet I don't regret my vote. The reason is that I am certain that Hillary would be worse. That is what you are trying to overcome in your demands that the voters shift to regretting their choice.

Hillary was ineptly corrupt. From her first national action of the Bimbo Eruptions during Bill's 1992 campaign to the campaign in 2016 Hillary has a long record of screwing things up. That is why I say ineptly corrupt.

Travel Office Firings, lost documents that were discovered in closets years later. It goes on and on. Hillary was always that inch short of clever enough to pull it off. There is literally nothing that Trump could do that would make me wish we had Hillary as President.

If you want Trump to be a two term President, then just keep on with the insanity. If you want him checked in 2018 and out in 2020 then there is a way, but this isn't it.

Now knock off the insanity and start thinking. Give us a real choice and a reasonable alternative and I'll be back to voting Democrat in no time.

To give you an analogy of where the Democratic Party is now I have to go to history. In the days of steam driven ships there were safety valves that opened before the boilers exploded. You could exceed the maximum speed by increasing the pressure in the system but the safety valves would open to protect the system. If it was an emergency you could lash the safety valves closed and get more speed at the risk of blowing up the boilers. Right now the Democratic Party has lashed down the safety valves and is full speed ahead insane. You might get that extra little bit you think you need but it is more likely that the entire thing will explode.
I do not expect the establishment (politicians, DNC, MSM, 1%, etc) will calm down. Anything Trump does will be met with hysterical outrage by the elites, leading to inflaming duped Americans . It is going to be a rough ride.
There is no "reasonable alternative" for Democrats. They will continue acting like petulant children. They will continue to move further left. Just look at them now, they fully embrace the barbaric ideology of Islam, which history and current events prove to be the most violent and oppressive ideology the planet has ever seen. There motives have been exposed now, they are the BLM thugs cheering the shootings of cops, they are the anarchists that suppress freedom of speech on college campuses, they are the communists that want to see the end of capitalism, they are the Islamists that want to implement Sharia Law and destroy the Constitution, they are the race-baiters that want to see white Christians eradicated.
What is Sharia Law, Einstein? You aint got a clue, but it sounds good doesnt it
It's pointless to try to reason with the left. Read their posts here, it's the exact same attitude and personality I've seen the 25 years or so I've done message boards. They will always rant and rave like children when they don't get their way. They aren't even all that satisfied when they do get their way. There's always something to change and as long as a conservative is left breathing he will get all the blame for anything not right.

Defeating them is our only option for survival as a country of a free people. I do not want to control people's lives but the left damn sure wants to control mine. The more they can the more they want. They're power freaks like all leftists.
While it's nice to read that you don't "regret" your vote, those of us that don't buy into the "taking turns to fuck over the citizenry" duopoly certainly do regret your vote, along with regretting the votes of those that voted for that miscreant Clinton.
It's a sad state of affairs that the choices in each Presidential election boils down to "the lesser of two gaping assholes" and that much of the citizenry cannot seem to come to grips with the fact that "democracy" in the U.S. is just an illusion, the choices get made by the power brokers in the Republicrat deception machine long before any votes are cast; the Trump supporters may think that their support of him was somehow a thumb in the eye of those power brokers but reality tells a different story, he's surrounded himself with many of the same cast of characters that have been screwing the citizenry over for decades.

"However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion" -- George Washington, Farewell Address
Yes the two parties are aligned and colluding like two Mafia families. However, the choice between The Don and Cankles, was an easy one. She is without question a warmongering criminal.

That said, our political class is entirely corrupt, which may be why Americans voted for an outsider and why the establishment is inflaming Americans against the Don.

That remains to be seen, the populism and lack of principles that Trump has so far demonstrated is IMHO no less dangerous and potentially destructive than the criminality and unquenchable thirst for power put on display by the Queen of Corruption.

At the end of the day, what Trump says he's going to do isn't important (although some of that is bad enough) it's what he actually does that is and so far his economic interventionism and the disconnect between what he says his foreign policy objectives are and the way it's being practiced aren't a good sign. On the plus side at least his SCOTUS pick wasn't horrible and he's put the brakes on the growth of the federal regulatory regime (for now), so time will tell if he is the positive change agent conservatives hoped he is.

"It is curious that people tend to regard government as a quasi-divine, selfless, Santa Claus organization. Government was constructed neither for ability nor for the exercise of loving care; government was built for the use of force and for necessarily demagogic appeals for votes. If individuals do not know their own interests in many cases, they are free to turn to private experts for guidance. It is absurd to say that they will be served better by a coercive, demagogic apparatus." -- Murray N. Rothbard
Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President..

I am not familiar with this idea that folks want to insert Hillary as President. Do you have a link for this?
There is no "reasonable alternative" for Democrats. They will continue acting like petulant children. They will continue to move further left. Just look at them now, they fully embrace the barbaric ideology of Islam, which history and current events prove to be the most violent and oppressive ideology the planet has ever seen. There motives have been exposed now, they are the BLM thugs cheering the shootings of cops, they are the anarchists that suppress freedom of speech on college campuses, they are the communists that want to see the end of capitalism, they are the Islamists that want to implement Sharia Law and destroy the Constitution, they are the race-baiters that want to see white Christians eradicated.


Arguing that those fringe groups are the embodiment of all Democratic leaning moderates is nonsense. It is just as asinine as claiming that the KKK represent the mainstream of Republican thought.

But let's talk about those groups. Yesterday I posted a thread where a Chicago Cop was finally fired for an action in 2011. The action was where he shot up the car of the victim of a drive by shooting. The cop emptied his pistol into the car of the victim, wounding the victim, of a drive by shooting. It took nearly six full years to get the cop fired. No charged were brought, no criminal case was contemplated.

Now, place yourself in the shoes of the family, and friends of the victim. Your son is picking up a friend at the club. A car pulls up and shoots into your son's car. Your son looks around dazed, confused, and stunned. He looks at his friend, are you all right flashes back and forth as they check to see if they've been shot. The car is gone, a block and a half away. Then someone else starts shooting at your son's car. That someone is a cop.

Obviously the cop is wrong. So for five and a half years you watch as the authorities "investigate" the incident. You know if someone had shot at a cop they would have been charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in the electric chair. But nothing happens to the cop. He shot a car load of innocent victims. Nothing happens for years. It isn't that they don't have a suspect, they know who did it.

Incident after incident, action after action, event after event. All of them "regrettable" but a vast majority of them are ignored, or swept under the carpet. Wouldn't you have some residual anger towards the injustice of it all?

At the Ferguson Riots, the police were recorded snarling "bring it you fucking animals". At the Seattle Riots, a cop pepper sprayed a man walking by, just walking by talking on his cell phone. He wasn't doing anything, but got hosed down with pepper spray anyway. Neither cop got so much as a slap on the wrist.

I am not a supporter of police. I believe that the Law Enforcement ranks are desperately in need of serious reform. I believe the injustice is shameful, and disgraceful.

You denounce BLM with ease, but do you denounce the police when they are wrong? Law and Order are nice words, but to be properly applied they must be equally applied.
While it's nice to read that you don't "regret" your vote, those of us that don't buy into the "taking turns to fuck over the citizenry" duopoly certainly do regret your vote, along with regretting the votes of those that voted for that miscreant Clinton.
It's a sad state of affairs that the choices in each Presidential election boils down to "the lesser of two gaping assholes" and that much of the citizenry cannot seem to come to grips with the fact that "democracy" in the U.S. is just an illusion, the choices get made by the power brokers in the Republicrat deception machine long before any votes are cast; the Trump supporters may think that their support of him was somehow a thumb in the eye of those power brokers but reality tells a different story, he's surrounded himself with many of the same cast of characters that have been screwing the citizenry over for decades.

"However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion" -- George Washington, Farewell Address
Yes the two parties are aligned and colluding like two Mafia families. However, the choice between The Don and Cankles, was an easy one. She is without question a warmongering criminal.

That said, our political class is entirely corrupt, which may be why Americans voted for an outsider and why the establishment is inflaming Americans against the Don.

That remains to be seen, the populism and lack of principles that Trump has so far demonstrated is IMHO no less dangerous and potentially destructive than the criminality and unquenchable thirst for power put on display by the Queen of Corruption.

At the end of the day, what Trump says he's going to do isn't important (although some of that is bad enough) it's what he actually does that is and so far his economic interventionism and the disconnect between what he says his foreign policy objectives are and the way it's being practiced aren't a good sign. On the plus side at least his SCOTUS pick wasn't horrible and he's put the brakes on the growth of the federal regulatory regime (for now), so time will tell if he is the positive change agent conservatives hoped he is.

"It is curious that people tend to regard government as a quasi-divine, selfless, Santa Claus organization. Government was constructed neither for ability nor for the exercise of loving care; government was built for the use of force and for necessarily demagogic appeals for votes. If individuals do not know their own interests in many cases, they are free to turn to private experts for guidance. It is absurd to say that they will be served better by a coercive, demagogic apparatus." -- Murray N. Rothbard
Agreed. Trump could turnout worse than her, but that is most unlikely.
Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President..

I am not familiar with this idea that folks want to insert Hillary as President. Do you have a link for this?


3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020

Military coup has been suggested more than once.
While it's nice to read that you don't "regret" your vote, those of us that don't buy into the "taking turns to fuck over the citizenry" duopoly certainly do regret your vote, along with regretting the votes of those that voted for that miscreant Clinton.
It's a sad state of affairs that the choices in each Presidential election boils down to "the lesser of two gaping assholes" and that much of the citizenry cannot seem to come to grips with the fact that "democracy" in the U.S. is just an illusion, the choices get made by the power brokers in the Republicrat deception machine long before any votes are cast; the Trump supporters may think that their support of him was somehow a thumb in the eye of those power brokers but reality tells a different story, he's surrounded himself with many of the same cast of characters that have been screwing the citizenry over for decades.

"However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion" -- George Washington, Farewell Address
Yes the two parties are aligned and colluding like two Mafia families. However, the choice between The Don and Cankles, was an easy one. She is without question a warmongering criminal.

That said, our political class is entirely corrupt, which may be why Americans voted for an outsider and why the establishment is inflaming Americans against the Don.

That remains to be seen, the populism and lack of principles that Trump has so far demonstrated is IMHO no less dangerous and potentially destructive than the criminality and unquenchable thirst for power put on display by the Queen of Corruption.

At the end of the day, what Trump says he's going to do isn't important (although some of that is bad enough) it's what he actually does that is and so far his economic interventionism and the disconnect between what he says his foreign policy objectives are and the way it's being practiced aren't a good sign. On the plus side at least his SCOTUS pick wasn't horrible and he's put the brakes on the growth of the federal regulatory regime (for now), so time will tell if he is the positive change agent conservatives hoped he is.

"It is curious that people tend to regard government as a quasi-divine, selfless, Santa Claus organization. Government was constructed neither for ability nor for the exercise of loving care; government was built for the use of force and for necessarily demagogic appeals for votes. If individuals do not know their own interests in many cases, they are free to turn to private experts for guidance. It is absurd to say that they will be served better by a coercive, demagogic apparatus." -- Murray N. Rothbard
Agreed. Trump could turnout worse than her, but that is most unlikely.

I wish I could share your optimism, however the history of D.C. politics over the course of my life has beaten all the optimism outta me. :(

"The beatings will continue until morale improves" -- Voltaire, Candide
While it's nice to read that you don't "regret" your vote, those of us that don't buy into the "taking turns to fuck over the citizenry" duopoly certainly do regret your vote, along with regretting the votes of those that voted for that miscreant Clinton.
It's a sad state of affairs that the choices in each Presidential election boils down to "the lesser of two gaping assholes" and that much of the citizenry cannot seem to come to grips with the fact that "democracy" in the U.S. is just an illusion, the choices get made by the power brokers in the Republicrat deception machine long before any votes are cast; the Trump supporters may think that their support of him was somehow a thumb in the eye of those power brokers but reality tells a different story, he's surrounded himself with many of the same cast of characters that have been screwing the citizenry over for decades.

"However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion" -- George Washington, Farewell Address
Yes the two parties are aligned and colluding like two Mafia families. However, the choice between The Don and Cankles, was an easy one. She is without question a warmongering criminal.

That said, our political class is entirely corrupt, which may be why Americans voted for an outsider and why the establishment is inflaming Americans against the Don.

That remains to be seen, the populism and lack of principles that Trump has so far demonstrated is IMHO no less dangerous and potentially destructive than the criminality and unquenchable thirst for power put on display by the Queen of Corruption.

At the end of the day, what Trump says he's going to do isn't important (although some of that is bad enough) it's what he actually does that is and so far his economic interventionism and the disconnect between what he says his foreign policy objectives are and the way it's being practiced aren't a good sign. On the plus side at least his SCOTUS pick wasn't horrible and he's put the brakes on the growth of the federal regulatory regime (for now), so time will tell if he is the positive change agent conservatives hoped he is.

"It is curious that people tend to regard government as a quasi-divine, selfless, Santa Claus organization. Government was constructed neither for ability nor for the exercise of loving care; government was built for the use of force and for necessarily demagogic appeals for votes. If individuals do not know their own interests in many cases, they are free to turn to private experts for guidance. It is absurd to say that they will be served better by a coercive, demagogic apparatus." -- Murray N. Rothbard
Agreed. Trump could turnout worse than her, but that is most unlikely.

I wish I could share your optimism, however the history of D.C. politics over the course of my life has beaten all the optimism outta me. :(

"The beatings will continue until morale improves" -- Voltaire, Candide
Funny. No one has ever accused me of being optimistic.

I expect nothing but shit from our government. Just a little less shit from Trump than Cankles.

My guess is we will be in another big war before much longer. Probably instigated by the elites, military, and CIA.
While it's nice to read that you don't "regret" your vote, those of us that don't buy into the "taking turns to fuck over the citizenry" duopoly certainly do regret your vote, along with regretting the votes of those that voted for that miscreant Clinton.

It's a sad state of affairs that the choices in each Presidential election boils down to "the lesser of two gaping assholes" and that much of the citizenry cannot seem to come to grips with the fact that "democracy" in the U.S. is just an illusion, the choices get made by the power brokers in the Republicrat deception machine long before any votes are cast; the Trump supporters may think that their support of him was somehow a thumb in the eye of those power brokers but reality tells a different story, he's surrounded himself with many of the same cast of characters that have been screwing the citizenry over for decades.

"However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion" -- George Washington, Farewell Address

I'm going to hurt your feelings now. I'm going to tell you why the Republicans are smarter than the Democrats.

Safe seat Republicans never get what they want. They come from hard right districts, and often are the punch line of the joke. Trey Gowdy for a great example. The Republicans let him investigate Benghazi from dawn to dusk and then some. He gets to go out and run his mouth. His real job is obvious to anyone who thinks. He is the aforementioned safety valve for the more extreme right elements. They feel like they are being heard because Gowdy is out there screaming insanities about everything. The actual policies and legislation tends to be slightly right of center where the Party is concerned. This is so the less safe or even contended seats that Republicans hold are protected. The more moderate districts will vote Democrat when the Republicans go full blown hard right. So the Republicans don't go there. They protect those vulnerable seats and thus maintain their majority in Congress.

You can blame Gerrymandering, and in some few districts that is true. Yet, the Republicans maintain control of the Senate too, so that argument is not as strong as you might hope.

By comparison, the safe seat Democrats ignore the concerns of the more vulnerable Democrats. Let's take my own district for a moment. John Barrow was a Democrat, what would be called a Blue Dog. Slightly left of center, John represented this district for a decade. He got in during the Democratic revolution of 2006. Once the Democrats had control, he was vulnerable though. To maintain that seat, and the majority, the Democrats needed to have a left of center, but only just barely policy and legislative agenda.

Instead, they went to the more extreme left. This meant that the vulnerable districts were unsatisfied. They were now open to a more conservative approach. The Democratic Party safe seats snorted and said good riddance to those blue dogs. Who cares if some DINO's are ejected. We're better off without them. Well the party was't better off. The party was in the minority without them. These purity purges are great if you want them in lock step, but that will never give you the majority you need in congress.

Republicans have the safe seat folks sacrifice and rail, Democrats have the safe seat folks running the show. Republicans maintain a majority, Democrats lose it.

Democrats rail against Trey Gowdy, but it can't be argued that he is a loudmouth who has little influence in the party. Even the Tea Party folks agree, saying that the establishment is ignoring the will of the base and all that.

On the other hand, the often vilified Nancy Pelosi is running the Democratic efforts in Congress, and is closer to the Democratic Party's version of Trey Gowdy. The representative of the more extreme elements.

To win the majority, Democrats have to embrace the big tent again. To win the majority, the Democrats have to moderate their message.

Folks around here may support a Woman's right to choose. But it is done reluctantly. It is viewed as the least worst option. The support is almost done in an embarrassed manner. They don't want back alley abortions or any of that, but they really don't want abortions either. If forced to choose, they reluctantly choose choice. They are uncomfortable with that choice though. Crowing and screaming that it is the most important issue doesn't make them feel better. It makes them wonder if they are doing the wrong thing.

When the Republicans have Trey out there screaming about Birth Certificates, the Tea Party and more extreme elements are cheered. But they know that Gowdy isn't speaking for the majority of Republicans. They hope that the Republicans will go further right. They doubt it will happen.

The Republicans are smarter. They know they need those moderate Republicans to maintain control, and they do what they can to protect and support the more moderate members.

The Democrats are dumb, because they sniff and snort and view those more moderate Democrats with derision, and with disdain. When one is defeated, the Democrats shrug and argue that the party is better off without them.

You want to win, quit insulting those who disagree with you but are otherwise generally alligned with you. Quit making it impossible for Democrats to win in those rural slightly left of center districts, and if by God you manage to win one, then don't demand that they support something they can't defend at home in the name of party unity. That is how the Republicans won in 2010.
While it's nice to read that you don't "regret" your vote, those of us that don't buy into the "taking turns to fuck over the citizenry" duopoly certainly do regret your vote, along with regretting the votes of those that voted for that miscreant Clinton.
It's a sad state of affairs that the choices in each Presidential election boils down to "the lesser of two gaping assholes" and that much of the citizenry cannot seem to come to grips with the fact that "democracy" in the U.S. is just an illusion, the choices get made by the power brokers in the Republicrat deception machine long before any votes are cast; the Trump supporters may think that their support of him was somehow a thumb in the eye of those power brokers but reality tells a different story, he's surrounded himself with many of the same cast of characters that have been screwing the citizenry over for decades.

"However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion" -- George Washington, Farewell Address
Yes the two parties are aligned and colluding like two Mafia families. However, the choice between The Don and Cankles, was an easy one. She is without question a warmongering criminal.

That said, our political class is entirely corrupt, which may be why Americans voted for an outsider and why the establishment is inflaming Americans against the Don.

That remains to be seen, the populism and lack of principles that Trump has so far demonstrated is IMHO no less dangerous and potentially destructive than the criminality and unquenchable thirst for power put on display by the Queen of Corruption.

At the end of the day, what Trump says he's going to do isn't important (although some of that is bad enough) it's what he actually does that is and so far his economic interventionism and the disconnect between what he says his foreign policy objectives are and the way it's being practiced aren't a good sign. On the plus side at least his SCOTUS pick wasn't horrible and he's put the brakes on the growth of the federal regulatory regime (for now), so time will tell if he is the positive change agent conservatives hoped he is.

"It is curious that people tend to regard government as a quasi-divine, selfless, Santa Claus organization. Government was constructed neither for ability nor for the exercise of loving care; government was built for the use of force and for necessarily demagogic appeals for votes. If individuals do not know their own interests in many cases, they are free to turn to private experts for guidance. It is absurd to say that they will be served better by a coercive, demagogic apparatus." -- Murray N. Rothbard
Agreed. Trump could turnout worse than her, but that is most unlikely.

I wish I could share your optimism, however the history of D.C. politics over the course of my life has beaten all the optimism outta me. :(

"The beatings will continue until morale improves" -- Voltaire, Candide
Funny. No one has ever accused me of being optimistic.

I expect nothing but shit from our government. Just a little less shit from Trump than Cankles.

My guess is we will be in another big war before much longer. Probably instigated by the elites, military, and CIA.

Allow me to clarify, you appear to be more optimistic about the prospects of any positive change in Washington than I am, which is a very low hurdle to leap. ;)
Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President..

I am not familiar with this idea that folks want to insert Hillary as President. Do you have a link for this?


3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020

Military coup has been suggested more than once.
Thanks, SavannahMann. The first link seems to be critical of one pundit or commentator with a poorly informed crazy idea and I didn't see anything about inserting Hillary as President in the second one.
I'm going to hurt your feelings now. I'm going to tell you why the Republicans are smarter than the Democrats.
Ummm...no you're not, you don't possess the capacity to accomplish that task.

The Republicans are smarter. They know they need those moderate Republicans to maintain control, and they do what they can to protect and support the more moderate members.
Thanks for sharing but need I remind you that the Republicans are only "smarter" right now, they're weren't "smarter" 8 years ago after they lost all the federal marbles to the Democrats and being "smarter" than the Democrats is like saying you're "smarter" than a box of retarded rocks, feels good but doesn't say much about your own "smarts"; while these two criminal gangs engage in their dog & puppet show to out "smart" each other the liberty and prosperity of the citizenry is being eroded away at an ever increasing pace and nobody seems to care, including the citizens that are getting their futures flushed down the toilet by the duopoly's constant Game Of Thrones.

Fuck the Republicans and fuck the Democrats, IMHO neither one of these crime families deserves anybody's respect or loyalty.

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