Tienanmen Square Survivor: Importance of the Second Amendment


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.

Transcript of All Speeches at the Rally Today

Do you know that the Chinese Constitution guarantees almost all the nice things we have here? It is written that Chinese citizens enjoy freedom of speech and religion, they have human and property rights, and that such rights cannot be taken away without due process of the law. And do you know what? Chinese people do not have the right to keep and bear arms. I assure you all those nice guarantees, are not worth the paper they are printed on, because when the government has all the guns, they have all the rights.

I was not born a citizen of the United States, I was naturalized in 2007. In 2008, I became a proud gun owner. To me, a rifle is not for sporting or hunting, it is an instrument of freedom. It guarantees that I cannot be coerced, that I have free will, and that I am a free man.

And when a government has monopoly on guns, it has absolute power!
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Don't panic. You can keep your guns, within reason. I can keep mine as well, within reason.

The minute we lose sight of the fact that Government is an aggressive entity which must be kept in line by an alert and well armed citizenry that is when the seemingly bumbling but benign lap dog of a Government will turn into a tiger.
How about we just give the far left a few states to go and do the makey-uppey society thing. They can ban cars, fast food, insults, jokes, free speech, guns, knives, nails, bottles, jails, contact sports and have a minimum wage of $50.00/hour. Go.....go.....go........
The folks in the Ukraine want one too. You need a license to own a weapon in the Ukraine and the license is granted based only on the need to own one. Naturally the criteria for the need is exquisitely stringent. Dragging seventy of your unarmed dead comrades out of the line of fire after they were shot by government forces has a tendency to make rational folks think that way. Of course, that's precisely why Comrade Obama, along with Comrades Cuomo, Patrick, Malloy, O'Malley, ex KGB agent Lawlor (D-CT), and Hickenlooper don't want you to own a weapon. The right to deadly force should be exclusively the prerogative of the state and only the state. After all, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." What more could a populace want? Make's ya feel better already, don't it?
Don't panic. You can keep your guns, within reason. I can keep mine as well, within reason.

What is "reason" ?
That changes with the times, and the guns, and who is getting killed by them.

not really, it is an amendment, the point is so it doesn't change, say to zero with the "times"

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