Thumbs down on Obama's speech from political press


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Oh there's some smoker tweets at this link. Here's just a few.


Before the speech was over, Politico’s Mike O’Brien begged the president to stop.

Mike O'Brien @mpoindc

In terms of politics, this speech could have ended about 20 minutes ago. Drive your message, take your ball, go home.

On the air, MSNBC’s Jonathan Alter said it was “one of the worst speeches I’ve ever heard Barack Obama make.” He refused to back down.

Jonathan Alter @jonathanalter

Just cheerleading BO doesn't help him. He needs a sharper, more cogent message with some memorable lines. I ain't walking my criticism back

I love this one.:razz:

The long running time of President Obama’s speech made Politico’s Jennfier Epstein think of a new inspirational maxim for the country.

Jennifer Epstein @jeneps

In America we don't quit til we've spoken for 54 minutes

Buzzfeed’s Zeke Miller was clearly unimpressed.

Zeke Miller @ZekeJMiller

There is nothing new in this speech.

Full article at link:

President Obama’s Speech Gets A Thumbs Down From Political Press Corps | Politicker
Stage hog.

By the time the election comes around people will be sick of hearing about it.
Stage hog.

By the time the election comes around people will be sick of hearing about it.

Partisan politics aside, Obama's campaign is truly flawed.

He's seriously been over exposed for years in the media from Jay Leno to the View. And his speech writers absolutely suck.
It's part of his narcissism IMO. Listen to him answer questions in his few real press conferences. He just babbles on and on. He truly thinks just saying things authoritatively and looking presidential is all it takes to be a leader. Which is quite laughable as all he's ever lead is a protest in his community agitator days.

I'm starting to think we can put a fork in him sometime before November.
Stage hog.

By the time the election comes around people will be sick of hearing about it.

Partisan politics aside, Obama's campaign is truly flawed.

He's seriously been over exposed for years in the media from Jay Leno to the View. And his speech writers absolutely suck.

But.... but... but.... Obama writes his own speeches... at least, that's what the left have been insisting.... I wonder if they'll walk that back now? :lol:
John Hayward of Human Events compared the speech to a filibuster.

This Obama speech is so long-winded it might be the first attempt to filibuster an election.
John Hayward (@Doc_0) June 14, 2012

when has a politican not ever given a boring, long winded speech? Reagan was the best at meandering and getting lost during his speeches.
Stage hog.

By the time the election comes around people will be sick of hearing about it.

Partisan politics aside, Obama's campaign is truly flawed.

He's seriously been over exposed for years in the media from Jay Leno to the View. And his speech writers absolutely suck.

Yes he has been FAAAAAAR over exposed. But his "speeches," if that's what you want to call them, are nothing but a rehash of blame, blame, blame topped off with some new bull shit, like "measures to pay down the debt," OMG... :lol: It's old, and people are sick of listening to his whining and complaining like a petulant little boi king.

Time for him to move on and let the adults run the country.
when has a politican not ever given a boring, long winded speech? Reagan was the best at meandering and getting lost during his speeches. give Reagan as an example of a bad speech giver? :D

well, well, well, his fav word to use when giving a speech, and ofcourse he slept through meetings and forgot about illegal arm sales to Iran.
It was a long but necessary speech. What made it "boring" was that there were no sound bites, memorable zingers or extreme hyperbole. This was more of a "Professor" Obama outlining what happened, what his administration has done to fix what happened and what a Romney administration would do in terms of the direction of the country. This came on the heels of "the gaffe", which really wasn't a gaffe at all. The private relation to corporate executives, CEOs, and stock holders have been doing extraordinarily well since Obama took office. They got to cover their losses for some really risky actions they took; by having the public cover them..and with absolutely no consequence. And they've been profitting wildly since then. It would be hard to actually point that out because many of these people are people that Obama is seeking donations from. would cause the Republican greek chorus to bray "Class warfare" (As if they don't already).

It was a hard speech to make..because of the fine line it had to walk. But Obama did a very good job with it. was not "entertaining" but it did set a foundation. And that what was important about it.
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It was a long but necessary speech. What made it "boring" was that there were no sound bites, memorable zingers or extreme hyperbole. This was more of a "Professor" Obama outlining what happened, what his administration has done to fix what happened and what a Romney administration would do in terms of the direction of the country. This came on the heels of "the gaffe", which really wasn't a gaffe at all. The private relation to corporate executives, CEOs, and stock holders have been doing extraordinarily well since Obama took office. They got to cover their losses for some really risky actions they took; by having the public cover them..and with absolutely no consequence. And they've been profitting wildly since then. It would be hard to actually point that out because many of these people are people that Obama is seeking donations from. would cause the Republican greek chorus to bray "Class warfare" (As if they don't already).

It was a hard speech to make..because of the fine line it had to walk. But Obama did a very good job with it. was not "entertaining" but it did set a foundation. And that what was important about it.

Hmmm... you believe obama has actually "fixed" something? What would that be?

Stage hog.

By the time the election comes around people will be sick of hearing about it.

Partisan politics aside, Obama's campaign is truly flawed.

He's seriously been over exposed for years in the media from Jay Leno to the View. And his speech writers absolutely suck.

I have been saying this forever now.
This President is out there giving speeches every day it seems.
When he's not giving speeches he's appearing on the talk show circuit.
I don't even pay attention to him anymore.I just tune him out.
This guy love to talk,appear in the spot light and have his adoring fans around him
hooting and hollering.

He has a 90 minute press conference where he only answers 6 questions.
He takes like 18 minutes to answer a single question. :cuckoo:
It was a long but necessary speech. What made it "boring" was that there were no sound bites, memorable zingers or extreme hyperbole. This was more of a "Professor" Obama outlining what happened, what his administration has done to fix what happened and what a Romney administration would do in terms of the direction of the country. This came on the heels of "the gaffe", which really wasn't a gaffe at all. The private relation to corporate executives, CEOs, and stock holders have been doing extraordinarily well since Obama took office. They got to cover their losses for some really risky actions they took; by having the public cover them..and with absolutely no consequence. And they've been profitting wildly since then. It would be hard to actually point that out because many of these people are people that Obama is seeking donations from. would cause the Republican greek chorus to bray "Class warfare" (As if they don't already).

It was a hard speech to make..because of the fine line it had to walk. But Obama did a very good job with it. was not "entertaining" but it did set a foundation. And that what was important about it.
Are you going to save your blue dress too?
It was a long but necessary speech. What made it "boring" was that there were no sound bites, memorable zingers or extreme hyperbole. This was more of a "Professor" Obama outlining what happened, what his administration has done to fix what happened and what a Romney administration would do in terms of the direction of the country. This came on the heels of "the gaffe", which really wasn't a gaffe at all. The private relation to corporate executives, CEOs, and stock holders have been doing extraordinarily well since Obama took office. They got to cover their losses for some really risky actions they took; by having the public cover them..and with absolutely no consequence. And they've been profitting wildly since then. It would be hard to actually point that out because many of these people are people that Obama is seeking donations from. would cause the Republican greek chorus to bray "Class warfare" (As if they don't already).

It was a hard speech to make..because of the fine line it had to walk. But Obama did a very good job with it. was not "entertaining" but it did set a foundation. And that what was important about it.

Hmmm... you believe obama has actually "fixed" something? What would that be?


Congress controls the budget process, they are to blame for the credit downgrade.
It was a long but necessary speech. What made it "boring" was that there were no sound bites, memorable zingers or extreme hyperbole. This was more of a "Professor" Obama outlining what happened, what his administration has done to fix what happened and what a Romney administration would do in terms of the direction of the country. This came on the heels of "the gaffe", which really wasn't a gaffe at all. The private relation to corporate executives, CEOs, and stock holders have been doing extraordinarily well since Obama took office. They got to cover their losses for some really risky actions they took; by having the public cover them..and with absolutely no consequence. And they've been profitting wildly since then. It would be hard to actually point that out because many of these people are people that Obama is seeking donations from. would cause the Republican greek chorus to bray "Class warfare" (As if they don't already).

It was a hard speech to make..because of the fine line it had to walk. But Obama did a very good job with it. was not "entertaining" but it did set a foundation. And that what was important about it.

Hmmm... you believe obama has actually "fixed" something? What would that be?

The GOP followed it's plan from Day One of the Obama Administration, to block President Obama in everything. Obviously that matters more to them than the credit rating of the US.
It was a long but necessary speech. What made it "boring" was that there were no sound bites, memorable zingers or extreme hyperbole. This was more of a "Professor" Obama outlining what happened, what his administration has done to fix what happened and what a Romney administration would do in terms of the direction of the country. This came on the heels of "the gaffe", which really wasn't a gaffe at all. The private relation to corporate executives, CEOs, and stock holders have been doing extraordinarily well since Obama took office. They got to cover their losses for some really risky actions they took; by having the public cover them..and with absolutely no consequence. And they've been profitting wildly since then. It would be hard to actually point that out because many of these people are people that Obama is seeking donations from. would cause the Republican greek chorus to bray "Class warfare" (As if they don't already).

It was a hard speech to make..because of the fine line it had to walk. But Obama did a very good job with it. was not "entertaining" but it did set a foundation. And that what was important about it.

Hmmm... you believe obama has actually "fixed" something? What would that be?

The GOP followed it's plan from Day One of the Obama Administration, to block President Obama in everything. Obviously that matters more to them than the credit rating of the US.

poor thing, they stopped Obama from his greatness...ObamaCare and the 800 billion stimulus that was suppose to keep unemployment below 8% wasn't he needed more more more

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