Thugs go shopping

This is the lawlessness you want to turn America into? Just think about that when you say in other countries they are ___________
Video: Gang of bike thugs terrorise customers as they rampage through Asda | Daily Mail Online

A baseball bat would have taken care of those punks handily. What is wrong with all those people, can't they even deal with a bunch of skinny, snotty-nosed punks on bicycles? Block them with your cart? Get in their face? One punch to the face would have knocked one of those kids off his bike, they all should have had their bikes taken from them, pantsed and thrown out into the street in their underwear.

Oops, sorry, can't do THAT, it would be ASSAULT! And we wonder why we have these problems. America, the nation of the now cowering defenseless living in fear of even saying the wrong thing. What will we do if we ever have to face a REAL enemy?

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