Three GOP Lies Exposed


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Modest deficits are fine. Cutting spending harms the economy. And balanced budgets don’t create jobs. Michael Tomasky rebuts the three key GOP budget lies and calls on Democrats to do the same.

As we immerse ourselves in March Madness this weekend, a thought experiment for you: imagine that a majority of Americans were under the impression that the team that committed fewer fouls won the game. After all, not committing fouls is a good, even salutary, thing. It demonstrates self-discipline. It gives the other team fewer opportunities for what are literally called “free” throws. The propensity not to foul reflects a house in order, a group that plays by the rules, a team rich in inner—nay, even moral—strength. That is all self-evidently preposterous, of course. But it is exactly how we talk about the budget in Washington, such talk being driven by a Republican Party that is way out of the mainstream, saddled with near all-time-low approval ratings, and desperate for a campaign issue with which they can hold on to the House in 2014. How can the public be educated not to buy this nonsense?

The GOP?s Three Fiscal Lies - The Daily Beast

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