Three Against The House


Sep 23, 2010

To no one’s surprise the Senate confirmed John Kerry. I’ll get to that later on. Let me begin by paraphrasing Martin Niemoller (1892-1984):

In Brazil the United Nations first came for the Indians and I didn't speak up because I wasn’t an Indian. Then the United Nations came for the Jews in Israel, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then the United Nations came for working people everywhere and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a worker. Then the United Nations came for the Americans, and I didn't speak up because I am an Internationalist. Then the United Nations came for me--and by that time no one was left to speak up.

What does that have to do with John Kerry? Answer: Events in Brazil should be of concern to the secretary of state —— especially since Democrats care so much about the poor of the world.

Thousands of poor Brazilian families are living in wretched conditions at make-shift refugee camps after being evicted from their homes at gunpoint by federal forces, some of whom were sporting United Nations logos, according to sources.

The massive operation, which left an estimated 7,500 or more people, including thousands of children, homeless was justified by authorities under the guise of creating an Indian reservation.

Towns literally have been wiped off the map, and no compensation was offered to the victims. About 400,000 acres of land were expropriated in the latest operation.


Leaders of the feeble resistance, meanwhile, are being hunted down by authorities for punishment.


It was in 1993, shortly after the first United Nations summit on sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro, when the scheme was proposed. The Brazilian government’s executive branch decreed that the land in question belonged to Indians.


Authorities also told WND that the U.N. was not involved in the eviction efforts but that the organization’s logos were on the military equipment and personnel because they had recently returned from “peace-keeping” abroad.

Notice that President Bush wanted no part of the UN agreement, while Hussein lined up with Brazil’s executive branch:

To defuse the situation and prevent deaths, the senator called for a temporary suspension of the evictions and a change in the Constitution that would allow lawmakers to have some control over the executive branch’s currently unilateral establishment of “Indian lands” wherever it chooses.


A little-known U.N. agreement dubbed the “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People,” approved by the global body’s General Assembly in 2007, has been cited as a justification for expropriating the land.

While the U.S. originally rejected the controversial U.N. scheme, which purports to require the surrender of lands “traditionally” occupied by natives, President Obama signed on to it in late 2010.

Because Hussein always had a soft spot in his heart for dictators in Latin America, I see a trend developing. Dictators are sticking together, but not in the same way Mussolini and Hitler did it. Instead of starting cross-border wars of conquest each dictator makes war on his own people. In effect, their collective brutality amounts to an undeclared war against the poor and disfranchised. People who fret over triggering World War Three need look no further than the war in progress.

Worse still, the International community overthrows dictators like Qaddafi while it supports Socialist dictators. Even that nut case in North Korea gets the UN’s protection.


It’s no secret that Communists want to abolish all private property. Here’s why Hussein reversed President Bush——the man Hussein blames for all of America’s ills:

Numerous other possible motives, however, have also been identified.

Among the most frequently cited: pressure from foreign NGOs like Greenpeace and religious persecution of the conservative and devout evangelical communities there by powerful Catholic “liberation theology” forces.

Victims and analysts who spoke with WND also identified as a probable cause the effort to advance socialism in Brazil and the broader region by eroding property rights and attacking independent citizens like farmers and ranchers, a process that is already well underway in Latin America led in large part by senior PT officials.

. . . mega-corporations from abroad and foreign governments hoping to extract rare minerals have been cited as well.


The march of socialism in Latin America, meanwhile, continues, backed by foreign powers and largely under the radar of the Western media.

It is making great progress through the Foro de São Paulo (FSP), a shadowy socialist and communist political organization founded by former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva with the PT, Marxist despot Fidel Castro, the Sandinistas and others.

Marxist narco-terror groups like the FARC have also been intimately involved in the group, including by providing funding from the drug trade to advance the cause.

Today, political parties that are part of the FSP, such as the Brazilian PT, control most national governments in Latin America. Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, for example, is a prominent participant, as are other, less-known socialist strongmen.

Current Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, a “former” communist guerrilla and revolutionary, is also playing an increasingly important in the network.

Troops bulldoze homes, leave thousands homeless
Soldiers wearing U.N. logos evict whole towns in land grab
Published: 12 hours ago
By Alex Newman

Troops bulldoze homes, leave thousands homeless

John Kerry

Secretary of State Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice guided Hussein’s hand in reversing Bush. Does anyone really think that John Kerry, a man with a history of betraying his country, is going to be any different than Clinton? Hussein never would have nominated him if there was a chance he would put America ahead of the UNIC (United Nations/International Community).

The US Senate has long-been headquarters for Democrat traitors. They would have confirmed Kerry without a single Republican vote; nevertheless, just to be on the safe side he got 94 votes. The lot of them are no better than traitors.

Even tragedies have their humor:

Senator Robert Menendez, chairman of the Foreign Relations committee, said before the roll call that a heavy vote for Kerry would send a “strong message” to the rest of the world that he had the firm backing of the entire United States.

John Kerry Wins Confirmation as Secretary of State ?

Kerry has the firm backing of the US Senate, Hussein & Company, and the International community. That is far from the entire United States.

Finally, A well-known gambling axiom says ‘You can’t beat the house.’ In politics the axiom says ‘You can’t beat city hall.’ Still, you have to give credit to three senators who shit on the steps. Republicans John Cornyn, Ted Cruz, and James Inhofe did not vote to confirm Kerry.

In a gaudy display of noblesse oblige Kerry voted “Present.”

After former SENATOR Chuck Hagel is confirmed that will be two more Senate quislings in position to spread the Senate’s poison worldwide. If you want to split hairs call it one more quisling moving on up since Kerry is replacing former SENATOR Clinton.
These three are clinging to an idea that they should do something to stop obama's headlong rush to oblivion. How silly. Kerry is the perfect Secretary of State for obama. Clueless, arrogant, devoted to leftist ideals not recognizing reality. Who could do that job better?
These three are clinging to an idea that they should do something to stop obama's headlong rush to oblivion. How silly. Kerry is the perfect Secretary of State for obama. Clueless, arrogant, devoted to leftist ideals not recognizing reality. Who could do that job better?

To Katzndogz: Senator Inhofe was being polite:

Texas Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn and Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe were the only three no votes. Inhofe released a statement saying while he considers Kerry a friend, Kerry has made wrong national defense decisions as far back as the cold war and in meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad multiple times.

Inhofe says "Kerry's lack of ability at times to distinguish between friend and foe is troubling."

Texas & Oklahoma U.S. Senators vote against Kerry confirmation - KSWO, Lawton, OK- Wichita Falls, TX: News, Weather, Sports. ABC, 24/7, Telemundo -

I also read somewhere that Senator Cornyn said Kerry’s liberal positions are not consistent with a majority of Texans.

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