Threats to those after Trump attacks them

It was two years ago last week when Donald Trump first started saying positive things about QAnon and its adherents. “I’ve heard these are people who love our country,” the then-president said from behind a White House podium. The Republican added that he didn’t know much about the deranged theory or its followers, “other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate.”

Even at the time, it was jarring. By that point, the FBI had already classified QAnon as a domestic-terror threat in an internal memo. A month before Trump made the comments, the West Point Combating Terrorism Center published a study characterizing QAnon as a burgeoning threat to public safety. The then-president didn’t seem to care.

Two years later, Trump isn’t just offering vague support to the mass delusion, he’s also promoting its adherents’ content by way of his Twitter-like platform. NBC News reported:

Former President Donald Trump spent Tuesday morning posting inflammatory messages on social media, including many explicitly promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory. While Trump has in the past promoted QAnon-inspired accounts and theories, the posts on his Truth Social account were his most explicit, unobscured, QAnon-promoting and QAnon-baiting posts to date.
For those who may need a refresher, the basic idea behind QAnon is that Trump is secretly at war with nefarious forces of evil, including Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, the “deep state,” cannibals, and an underground ring of Satanic pedophiles that only adherents of the conspiracy theory are aware of.

Its followers routinely made bizarre predictions, which fail to come to fruition, though the failures are simply reincorporated into new and more outlandish conspiracy theories.

Common sense would suggest a former American president would want nothing to do with such madness. Trump, however, is embracing it without shame.

There was, however, a related aspect of the Republican’s online tantrum that stood out for me. NBC News’ report added:

In addition to the QAnon-adjacent posts, Trump shared several conspiracy theories Tuesday on his Truth Social site and he re-posted a picture of [President Joe] Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, with the words “Your enemy is not in Russia” written in black bars over their eyes.
There were actually two such items along these lines. This morning, Trump also used his platform to promote a separate image — featuring Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros — which also included the words “Your enemy is not in Russia” over the individual photographs.

It’s difficult to say why Trump is so eager to defend Russia during its brutal and unprovoked war with Ukraine, but even more alarming is the Republican’s support for the idea that Democratic leaders should be seen as Americans’ “enemy.”

In the spring, Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida pushed a related message, telling a couple of audiences that he considers a variety of Americans — Democratic leaders, journalists, educators, tech executives, entertainers, corporate leaders, and “even some” in the U.S. military — to be “the enemy” within the United States.

As we discussed soon after when leading U.S. politicians start referring to Americans as "enemies," it’s cause for alarm. When a former president — and possible future presidential candidate — with authoritarian proclivities pushes the same line, the rhetoric is even more unsettling.

Poster Bill Kelsoe: "You know how ....."

No, in avatar does not.

However, the query remains: When one poster suggests that Sanders "had" one of his supporters attempt to assassinate Republican legislators....the poster Bill, offers us Veritas as validating the suggestion, that Hodgkinson was 'radicalized' on the Sander's campaign.

So, poster it true that you support poster Votto's assertion about Sanders and the assassin?
And are you suggesting that the gadfly group, Veritas, supported Votto's suggestion?
It was two years ago last week when Donald Trump first started saying positive things about QAnon and its adherents. “I’ve heard these are people who love our country,” the then-president said from behind a White House podium. The Republican added that he didn’t know much about the deranged theory or its followers, “other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate.”

Even at the time, it was jarring. By that point, the FBI had already classified QAnon as a domestic-terror threat in an internal memo. A month before Trump made the comments, the West Point Combating Terrorism Center published a study characterizing QAnon as a burgeoning threat to public safety. The then-president didn’t seem to care.

Two years later, Trump isn’t just offering vague support to the mass delusion, he’s also promoting its adherents’ content by way of his Twitter-like platform. NBC News reported:

For those who may need a refresher, the basic idea behind QAnon is that Trump is secretly at war with nefarious forces of evil, including Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, the “deep state,” cannibals, and an underground ring of Satanic pedophiles that only adherents of the conspiracy theory are aware of.

Its followers routinely made bizarre predictions, which fail to come to fruition, though the failures are simply reincorporated into new and more outlandish conspiracy theories.

Common sense would suggest a former American president would want nothing to do with such madness. Trump, however, is embracing it without shame.

There was, however, a related aspect of the Republican’s online tantrum that stood out for me. NBC News’ report added:

There were actually two such items along these lines. This morning, Trump also used his platform to promote a separate image — featuring Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros — which also included the words “Your enemy is not in Russia” over the individual photographs.

It’s difficult to say why Trump is so eager to defend Russia during its brutal and unprovoked war with Ukraine, but even more alarming is the Republican’s support for the idea that Democratic leaders should be seen as Americans’ “enemy.”

In the spring, Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida pushed a related message, telling a couple of audiences that he considers a variety of Americans — Democratic leaders, journalists, educators, tech executives, entertainers, corporate leaders, and “even some” in the U.S. military — to be “the enemy” within the United States.

As we discussed soon after when leading U.S. politicians start referring to Americans as "enemies," it’s cause for alarm. When a former president — and possible future presidential candidate — with authoritarian proclivities pushes the same line, the rhetoric is even more unsettling.

BLah, blah blah TDS
Poster Bill Kelsoe: "You know how ....."

No, in avatar does not.

However, the query remains: When one poster suggests that Sanders "had" one of his supporters attempt to assassinate Republican legislators....the poster Bill, offers us Veritas as validating the suggestion, that Hodgkinson was 'radicalized' on the Sander's campaign.

So, poster it true that you support poster Votto's assertion about Sanders and the assassin?
And are you suggesting that the gadfly group, Veritas, supported Votto's suggestion?
how can it be different than Jan 6 with Trump exactly?
Collins noted that these forums “had been relatively dead in the last few months, with users headed over to general Trump forums and militia/Q influencer Telegrams. Not anymore.”

The New York Times recently explored just how deeply Truth Social has become a hub of QAnon activity. A recent report from media watchdog NewsGuard found the platform hosted 88 users, each with more than 10,000 followers, promoting QAnon theories on Truth Social. Over 30 of these accounts had been previously banned by Twitter.

“He’s not simply President Trump the political leader here—he’s the proprietor of a platform,” Newsguard CEO Steven Brill told the Times. “That would be the equivalent of Mark Zuckerberg reposting content from supporters of QAnon.”

(full article online)

Collins noted that these forums “had been relatively dead in the last few months, with users headed over to general Trump forums and militia/Q influencer Telegrams. Not anymore.”

The New York Times recently explored just how deeply Truth Social has become a hub of QAnon activity. A recent report from media watchdog NewsGuard found the platform hosted 88 users, each with more than 10,000 followers, promoting QAnon theories on Truth Social. Over 30 of these accounts had been previously banned by Twitter.

“He’s not simply President Trump the political leader here—he’s the proprietor of a platform,” Newsguard CEO Steven Brill told the Times. “That would be the equivalent of Mark Zuckerberg reposting content from supporters of QAnon.”

(full article online)

Ahhh your daily TDS
"We're in a very dangerous place… and I think it is important that we understand what's at stake."

That's what U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, told MSNBC's Ali Velshi Saturday in an interview about how rhetoric from former President Donald Trump and his political allies—including their "Big Lie" that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by Democrats—connects to threats against both American democracy and individual lawmakers, including her.

The interview came just two days after Jayapal released audio of some threatening voicemails she has received and The Washington Post published a detailed account of her experience on July 9, when an armed man who lives just seven blocks away yelled obscenities outside her Seattle home. According to the newspaper, Brett Forsell's pistol was seized by police and he is now out on bail.

"This is not normal. We should not accept it as normal," Jayapal said after Velshi aired some of the messages. "Where the hell are we as a country when this is becoming normalized? And so that's part of the reason I did the story and that I released some of the voicemails—those are just a fraction of what we've received, along with death threats and many other things."

"I think it's important that people understand the connections between the Big Lie, January 6th, and what happened at my house, and see how these things are affecting each of us individually and then all of us as a society," she continued, referencing when a pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol last year. "I wanted people to be aware of what we're dealing with so that we can reject it and say we gotta put whatever has been unleashed back away and not allow this to be normal."

Asked by Velshi how her experience with threats of violence has changed over the years, Jayapal responded that "it's completely different over the last… four to five years—really since Donald Trump was in the White House and actually allowing and promoting this kind of violence and political rhetoric, racism, and sexism."

Citing her own experiences at protests, she stressed that "there's a big difference between protesting peacefully—free speech peacefully—and showing up for harassment with a gun at somebody's house in the middle of the night, constantly coming by and yelling racist, sexist, xenophobic things."

"I think that what has changed is there's a sense that everything is so unfair and it's been propelled by Donald Trump—the institutions are unfair—that the only recourse is to violence, and that is an extremely dangerous thing and we saw it come to fruition on January 6th, and now in ways that… I've seen outside my door, " she added. "It is particularly bad if you're a woman of color."

(full article online )

Don't you think the word "attacks" is inappropriate in this case? You could say democrats attack the homes and families of Supreme Court Justices but Trump merely criticized the election results. Drama queens on the left never miss a freaking trick.

So all of those people who have turned up at the homes of election workers to make "citizens' arrests", or turned up at the home of the Arizona SoS, and who threatened to rape and murder his wife and daughter, or the thugs who plotted to kidnap and murder the Governor of Michigan after Trump attacked her, are what if not attackers??? Neighbourly folks just dropping by to thank them for their service???

There have been DOZENS of arrests of people attacking and threatening people Trump has targeted. Hundreds of people have claimed as their defense in criminal trials that they were just "protecting" the President, or "going after his enemies". Yes these people all seem to be mentally unbalanced but Trump's violent rhetoric is making people think they have the right or the duty to do this for their President or their nation.
So all of those people who have turned up at the homes of election workers to make "citizens' arrests", or turned up at the home of the Arizona SoS, and who threatened to rape and murder his wife and daughter, or the thugs who plotted to kidnap and murder the Governor of Michigan after Trump attacked her, are what if not attackers??? Neighbourly folks just dropping by to thank them for their service???

There have been DOZENS of arrests of people attacking and threatening people Trump has targeted. Hundreds of people have claimed as their defense in criminal trials that they were just "protecting" the President, or "going after his enemies". Yes these people all seem to be mentally unbalanced but Trump's violent rhetoric is making people think they have the right or the duty to do this for their President or their nation.
Just more propaganda like "Russian Collusion" "COVID" "January 6th" It's all lies and manipulation. Same as Maro Lago Panty Raid. All you care about is the headlines it generates, so that your comrades can pound the pulpit on The DemoFascist State Run Media with their "NARRATIVE"

DemNazis have to DemNazi in their Religious War against America, Democracy, and The Integrity of our Elections. The least you could do for America is wear Brown Shirts and arm patches so we can pick you out of a crowd instead of having you infiltrate peaceful rallies attended by people who love and want to save this country from the likes of DemoFascism and committing violent and unlawful acts in an attempt to delegitimize legitimate and lawful dissent.

This is why The Alphabet Grooming Lobby you support refuses to secure our elections, and why California has become a cesspool of political corruption as an independent Banana Republic with no real prospect for actual Democracy ever to resume there again. Your Globalist Fascist Green Cancer will continue to spread across the nation until it completely consumes any remaining Freedoms we have.

While I would like to blame Obama for beginning this weaponization of Government against US Citizens and "Legitimate Democracy," it really began with 9/11.

That was the day America began to deteriorate into a Banana Republic with Nazi states like California and New York leading the charge. It is just going to take a few decades to complete The Fundamental Destruction of America.

Obama accelerated the process and took what was supposed to be a temporary state of elevated security, and made it permanent under the guise of "Fundamentally Changing America" and "The War on Terrorism" "The War on Terrorism" is now being waged against our own citizens by our own government who swore an oath to protect our freedoms, not dismantle them.

"Fundamentally Changing America" means destroying Democracy, and Free Markets and installing a Fascist Socialist State to ensure Equivalent Misery for The Masses. The DemNazis have codenamed the process, "Fundamental Change" or "Structural Change". It means taking a wrecking ball to all our freedoms and then imposing a Globalist Fascist State across The Once Home of The Brave and Land of The Free.

You may return to your hair sniffing obsession now, Comrade CCP DragonLady.

Death to America, right Comrade CCP DragonLady?
Lofgren says Trump’s Saturday rally ‘proving’ Biden’s case on MAGA Republicans

by Zach Schonfeld, The Hill — Sept 4, 2022

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) on Sunday called former President Trump’s rally the day prior “bizarre,” saying he was proving right President Biden’s warnings about “MAGA Republicans.”
“President Biden did caution Americans about extremism in his speech in Philadelphia, and the ex-president is proving his case,” she continued. “To call out law enforcement as vicious enemies, I understand that he identified an FBI agent by name on his social media, probably exposing that law enforcement official to threats that we’ve seen.”
“If we want to be accurate about it, as threats to democracy and as enemies of the state — you’re all enemies of the state,” Trump said. “[Biden’s] an enemy of the state, you know that? The enemy of the state is him and the group that control him.”
It’s like someone said, ‘Donald Trump is an untethered threat to Democracy’ —

and on queue Trump obliged, and said:

Let me show you how unhinged I am. You thought Jan 6th was bad — well you haven’t seen nothing yet!

Read Everything Donald Trump Said at His First Rally After Mar-a-Lago Raid

Newsweek — Sept 3, 2022

[… Donald Trump:]
As you know this week Joe Biden came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to give the most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president, vilifying 75 million citizens, plus another probably 75 to 150.
There's only one party that's waging war in American democracy by censoring free speech, criminalizing dissent. You see that happening? Disarming law-abiding citizens, issuing lawless mandates and unconstitutional orders, imprisoning political protesters. That's what they're doing, rigging elections. weaponizing the Justice Department and the FBI like never ever before. And raiding and breaking into the homes of their political opponents. I wonder who that could be.
Republicans in the MAGA movement are not the ones trying to undermine our democracy. We are the ones trying to save our democracy very simple. The danger to democracy comes from the radical left, not from the right. Not from the right.
This November, we're going to stand up to this rising tyranny of sickness, lawlessness And death. And we are going to take back our country. We're going to take it.
The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters. controlled by radical left scoundrels lawyers and the media who tell them what to do—you people right there—and when to do it.
They're trying to silence me and more importantly, they are trying to silence you. But we will not be silenced, right. We will never stop speaking the truth. We have no choice because we're not going to have a country love. The evil and malice of this demented persecution of you and me should be obvious to all entities.
And what did President Biden actually say that lit that bonfire under Trump’s fragile and combustible ego?

Nothing, but the truth. Nothing but the facts about the failed insurrection that Trump incited

[ Donald Trump — Sept 3, 2022: ]
This November, we're going to stand up to this rising tyranny of sickness, lawlessness And death. And we are going to take back our country. We're going to take it.
So much for “lowering the temperature” in exchange for leniency from the FBI and Justice. With the evidence-tsunami building around you on all fronts, those Constitution-protectors must now be called out as “vicious monsters” too … you know, for enforcing the Law.

Unvanquishable foes, set on seeing your plethora of crimes — finally receive the Justice that they deserve. How can this be?

The only one “rigging elections” and fomenting “political violence,” is the unhinged one, who“lies like other people breath.” The MAGA Republican leader who cannot contemplate a world, where he could possibly lose.

A freedom-based democratic system like that — one that enforces and protects the peaceful transfer of power — is once again “the enemy” in the dangerous, demented mind of Donald Trump.

Real Republicans [Never-Trumpers] have noticed this ongoing tinderbox threat, one we’d be wise to nip in the bud; a wildfire that should be quenched before it wreaks anymore damage, on our democratic system of government:

[ President Biden — Sept 1, 2022: ]
Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Luttig has called Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans “a clear and present danger” to our democracy.

But he was a Bernie Sanders fan, one that kept hearing his rhetoric about revolution

Ever witness a revolution in history that did not include violence?

Very few revolutions are successful. Most go horribly wrong.
So much for “lowering the temperature” in exchange for leniency from the FBI and Justice. With the evidence-tsunami building around you on all fronts, those Constitution-protectors must now be called out as “vicious monsters” too … you know, for enforcing the Law.

Unvanquishable foes, set on seeing your plethora of crimes — finally receive the Justice that they deserve. How can this be?

The only one “rigging elections” and fomenting “political violence,” is the unhinged one, who“lies like other people breath.” The MAGA Republican leader who cannot contemplate a world, where he could possibly lose.

A freedom-based democratic system like that — one that enforces and protects the peaceful transfer of power — is once again “the enemy” in the dangerous, demented mind of Donald Trump.

Real Republicans [Never-Trumpers] have noticed this ongoing tinderbox threat, one we’d be wise to nip in the bud; a wildfire that should be quenched before it wreaks anymore damage, on our democratic system of government:

Trump is a wounded narcissist.. like a wounded animal. Revenge is more important to him than reelection.
This is who and what conservatives are: violent, lawless, terrorists.

And I suppose this ^^^ dumbass little fucktard is a saint.


Leftie terrorism: 40 people dead, 4 billion dollars in damage, 2000 injured cops

Rightie terrorism: Nancy Pelosi's desk got messed up.

The search of Trump’s property was perfectly appropriate, lawful, and Constitutional – Trump has only himself to blame for the search, the consequence of his corruption and criminality.

Shut up, fool
Just more propaganda like "Russian Collusion" "COVID" "January 6th" It's all lies and manipulation. Same as Maro Lago Panty Raid. All you care about is the headlines it generates, so that your comrades can pound the pulpit on The DemoFascist State Run Media with their "NARRATIVE"

Yes, yes Tree, we've all read your fascist rants demonizing Democrats using the crazy talk of the rabid far right Trump worshipping religious zealots, and we're not buying any of it. In part because in other parts of this Forum, you're also posting about your love of porn.

I go to church to refresh and nourish my spirit, and connect with my faith community. When I volunteer, it's for programs to help my faith community, because their financial resources are stretched so thin.

You sure as hell aren't some fire and brimstone fundamentalist. You can't even quote scripture. The real fundamentalists not only quote scripture correctly, they can give you chapter and verse on where to find it. I've known people who speak like you write, but they're quoting actual scripture, and you're not.

Sam Kinison used to do the funniest bits on Jesus and the Christian faith, that were completely blamphemous,, and funny as hell. But that's because Kinison was an ordained minister and was well versed in the topic. You're doing a carnie act evangelical parody, having no substance whatsoever.

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