Those favoring Taiwan, etc. health systems.. are you


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
aware that
NO HIPAA in Taiwan,Canadian, YEA!!!
NO Law suits in in these so-called "national health systems".... YEA!!
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.

Taiwan, etc. WOULD NOT allow any hospital to send a claim with 6,000% markup as
happens to Medicare today and Medicare AGREES it is OK!

So in those 4 areas alone.. IF THEY weren't in the USA..
Health care costs would drop $1 trillion a year!
Everyone could afford then health insurance!

BUT of course people favoring nationalized health systems NEVER MENTION that those COST don't exist in Taiwan,Canadian, systems!
So is this an endorsement from you of the Taiwan and Canadian healthcare systems?
So is this an endorsement from you of the Taiwan and Canadian healthcare systems?
Of course idiots like you totally ignore the realities of American health system.. THEN make stupid comments like how good those systems are!
Of course you obviously haven't thought and obviously realize that
A) Govt. intervention gave us HIPAA and since you are so stupid you don't know how much it has cost our health system implementing this GOVT. "HELP"!!
B) Obviously you want the $100 billion a year in legal fees lawyers to continue to fund these millionaires and thereby FORCE which doesn't occur under nationalized health $600 billion in duplicate tests, specialist referrals ALL out of fear of being SUED!
C) You obviously Don't know how hospitals bill Medicare and Medicare accepts cause Medicare just passes on these 6,000% markups! NONE of which you took in consideration when you stupidly support Taiwan, health systems!

All of those above are NOT allowed and if they were not allowed in USA wouldn't NEED to discuss "national health system" which again someone as ignorant of health care finance as you obviously are!
So is this an endorsement from you of the Taiwan and Canadian healthcare systems?
Of course idiots like you totally ignore the realities of American health system.. THEN make stupid comments like how good those systems are!
Of course you obviously haven't thought and obviously realize that
A) Govt. intervention gave us HIPAA and since you are so stupid you don't know how much it has cost our health system implementing this GOVT. "HELP"!!
B) Obviously you want the $100 billion a year in legal fees lawyers to continue to fund these millionaires and thereby FORCE which doesn't occur under nationalized health $600 billion in duplicate tests, specialist referrals ALL out of fear of being SUED!
C) You obviously Don't know how hospitals bill Medicare and Medicare accepts cause Medicare just passes on these 6,000% markups! NONE of which you took in consideration when you stupidly support Taiwan, health systems!

All of those above are NOT allowed and if they were not allowed in USA wouldn't NEED to discuss "national health system" which again someone as ignorant of health care finance as you obviously are!

So is that a yes?
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.
More tests ordered = more profit for doctors and hospitals

I'm sure that has nothing to do with it, though, doctors are immune from profit motive, right? Its only those sleaze bag attorneys that want to make money.
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.
More tests ordered = more profit for doctors and hospitals

I'm sure that has nothing to do with it, though, doctors are immune from profit motive, right? Its only those sleaze bag attorneys that want to make money.

How does additional tests put more pay in the doctors pocket?

He gets paid for the office visit not for administering or ordering a test.......
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.
More tests ordered = more profit for doctors and hospitals

I'm sure that has nothing to do with it, though, doctors are immune from profit motive, right? Its only those sleaze bag attorneys that want to make money.

How does additional tests put more pay in the doctors pocket?

He gets paid for the office visit not for administering or ordering a test.......

In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.
More tests ordered = more profit for doctors and hospitals

I'm sure that has nothing to do with it, though, doctors are immune from profit motive, right? Its only those sleaze bag attorneys that want to make money.

How does additional tests put more pay in the doctors pocket?

He gets paid for the office visit not for administering or ordering a test.......

AH... it is a NATIONAL conspiracy of the physicians... THAT "KNOW" wink..wink.. that they will refer to a buddy doc.. etc... WRONG...
The idiot that said that OBVIOUSLY is totally ignorant of the STARK LAW!

Again as you point out IT IS NOT fees but FEAR of having to spend time with lawyers, testify in deputizations, be in court possibly all adding up to this study:

If 1,231 physicians...(90%) Ninety percent of physicians surveyed said
"doctors overtest and overtreat to protect themselves from malpractice lawsuits.
"Defensive medicine is when doctors order multiple tests, MRIs and other procedures, not because the patient needs them, but to protect against litigation based on allegations that something should have been done but wasn’t. according to the survey published Monday in Archives of Internal Medicine.
Besides more time-consuming appointments, patients are left with fewer services and less access to quality care as doctors either narrow their practices or leave the profession entirely."
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.
More tests ordered = more profit for doctors and hospitals

I'm sure that has nothing to do with it, though, doctors are immune from profit motive, right? Its only those sleaze bag attorneys that want to make money.

How does additional tests put more pay in the doctors pocket?

He gets paid for the office visit not for administering or ordering a test.......

That's not even true. YOU may only pay out of your pocket for the visit, but the doctor will bill your insurance company for every service performed - including lab tests. Are you seriously this ignorant? This issue is actually at the center of the debate over why health care costs so much here. You honestly think the insurance company pays the doctor the same amount regardless of whether he orders blood work,. an X-Ray, or performs an MRI? That's laugable, naive, and sad that you would think that. But then again, most folks who have insurance don't even think twice about what's actually being billed to their insurance company.
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More tests ordered = more profit for doctors and hospitals

I'm sure that has nothing to do with it, though, doctors are immune from profit motive, right? Its only those sleaze bag attorneys that want to make money.

How does additional tests put more pay in the doctors pocket?

He gets paid for the office visit not for administering or ordering a test.......


I just went to the doctors for tests, now tell me about my bill, you know so much...........
More tests ordered = more profit for doctors and hospitals

I'm sure that has nothing to do with it, though, doctors are immune from profit motive, right? Its only those sleaze bag attorneys that want to make money.

How does additional tests put more pay in the doctors pocket?

He gets paid for the office visit not for administering or ordering a test.......

AH... it is a NATIONAL conspiracy of the physicians... THAT "KNOW" wink..wink.. that they will refer to a buddy doc.. etc... WRONG...
The idiot that said that OBVIOUSLY is totally ignorant of the STARK LAW!

Again as you point out IT IS NOT fees but FEAR of having to spend time with lawyers, testify in deputizations, be in court possibly all adding up to this study:

If 1,231 physicians...(90%) Ninety percent of physicians surveyed said
"doctors overtest and overtreat to protect themselves from malpractice lawsuits.
"Defensive medicine is when doctors order multiple tests, MRIs and other procedures, not because the patient needs them, but to protect against litigation based on allegations that something should have been done but wasn’t. according to the survey published Monday in Archives of Internal Medicine.
Besides more time-consuming appointments, patients are left with fewer services and less access to quality care as doctors either narrow their practices or leave the profession entirely."


Stark only applies to medicare and medicaid. It also does nothing to stop doctors from profiting off of unecessary treatment.
How does additional tests put more pay in the doctors pocket?

He gets paid for the office visit not for administering or ordering a test.......


I just went to the doctors for tests, now tell me about my bill, you know so much...........

So let me see if I have this right. You got billed something, but you don't think that the tests that were performed or whatever else was done was paid for? You think that's just cost that the doctor eats?

I knew you were an idiot already but this is taking it to a different level.
aware that
NO HIPAA in Taiwan,Canadian, YEA!!!
NO Law suits in in these so-called "national health systems".... YEA!!
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.

Taiwan, etc. WOULD NOT allow any hospital to send a claim with 6,000% markup as
happens to Medicare today and Medicare AGREES it is OK!

So in those 4 areas alone.. IF THEY weren't in the USA..
Health care costs would drop $1 trillion a year!
Everyone could afford then health insurance!

BUT of course people favoring nationalized health systems NEVER MENTION that those COST don't exist in Taiwan,Canadian, systems!

Please select that which applies

1) _______ This post was meant to be a supportive position of the healthcare system in Taiwan and Canada

2) _______ This post was meant to be a criticism of the healthcare system in Taiwan and Canada
aware that
NO HIPAA in Taiwan,Canadian, YEA!!!
NO Law suits in in these so-called "national health systems".... YEA!!
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.

Taiwan, etc. WOULD NOT allow any hospital to send a claim with 6,000% markup as
happens to Medicare today and Medicare AGREES it is OK!

So in those 4 areas alone.. IF THEY weren't in the USA..
Health care costs would drop $1 trillion a year!
Everyone could afford then health insurance!

BUT of course people favoring nationalized health systems NEVER MENTION that those COST don't exist in Taiwan,Canadian, systems!

Please select that which applies

1) _______ This post was meant to be a supportive position of the healthcare system in Taiwan and Canada

2) _______ This post was meant to be a criticism of the healthcare system in Taiwan and Canada

The POST was because IDIOTS try to compare APPLES to Oranges! You understand? do NOT have
1) $600 billion a year in "DEFENSIVE medicine" costs out of FEAR of lawsuits!
Lawsuits don't exist in those programs so THERE IS NO COSTS comparison!
2) You don't have hospitals sending 6,000% MARKUPS cause their health system won't pay!

So to make a stupid comparison WITHOUT comprehending what is all entailed?
When by the way did the latest drug come from Taiwan or Canada?
Why do more people come to the USA for health care then Taiwan, Canada?

Again.. you are naive and ignorant when making statements like Taiwan comparisons
because it is totally an APPLES to Oranges!
aware that
NO HIPAA in Taiwan,Canadian, YEA!!!
NO Law suits in in these so-called "national health systems".... YEA!!
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.

Taiwan, etc. WOULD NOT allow any hospital to send a claim with 6,000% markup as
happens to Medicare today and Medicare AGREES it is OK!

So in those 4 areas alone.. IF THEY weren't in the USA..
Health care costs would drop $1 trillion a year!
Everyone could afford then health insurance!

BUT of course people favoring nationalized health systems NEVER MENTION that those COST don't exist in Taiwan,Canadian, systems!

Please select that which applies

1) _______ This post was meant to be a supportive position of the healthcare system in Taiwan and Canada

2) _______ This post was meant to be a criticism of the healthcare system in Taiwan and Canada

The POST was because IDIOTS try to compare APPLES to Oranges! You understand? do NOT have
1) $600 billion a year in "DEFENSIVE medicine" costs out of FEAR of lawsuits!
Lawsuits don't exist in those programs so THERE IS NO COSTS comparison!
2) You don't have hospitals sending 6,000% MARKUPS cause their health system won't pay!

So to make a stupid comparison WITHOUT comprehending what is all entailed?
When by the way did the latest drug come from Taiwan or Canada?
Why do more people come to the USA for health care then Taiwan, Canada?

Again.. you are naive and ignorant when making statements like Taiwan comparisons
because it is totally an APPLES to Oranges!

Wrong? I didn't make a statement. I asked a question. I can't figure out if you're saying these healthcare systems are good or bad.

I'm asking for your opinion which you obviously either are ashamed to give us or don't know because Fox news hasn't run a story on this yet to tell you what to think.
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.
More tests ordered = more profit for doctors and hospitals

I'm sure that has nothing to do with it, though, doctors are immune from profit motive, right? Its only those sleaze bag attorneys that want to make money.

How does additional tests put more pay in the doctors pocket?

He gets paid for the office visit not for administering or ordering a test.......

Maybe..............maybe not. Lots of clinics and groups have their own testing facilities and even whole facilities like imaging centers and clinics devoted to a single issue, such as colostomies. Of course the referring doctor will refer to the parent group. Since most of the doctors in these groups are on salaries it is simply a question of when the group does better, they do better.

It's a fine line and it gets crossed more often than not.
aware that
NO HIPAA in Taiwan,Canadian, YEA!!!
NO Law suits in in these so-called "national health systems".... YEA!!
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.

Taiwan, etc. WOULD NOT allow any hospital to send a claim with 6,000% markup as
happens to Medicare today and Medicare AGREES it is OK!

So in those 4 areas alone.. IF THEY weren't in the USA..
Health care costs would drop $1 trillion a year!
Everyone could afford then health insurance!

BUT of course people favoring nationalized health systems NEVER MENTION that those COST don't exist in Taiwan,Canadian, systems!

Tell us why it exists here in our perfect system of supply and demand? Better yet tell us how to get rid of it short of the dreaded government regulations?
aware that
NO HIPAA in Taiwan,Canadian, YEA!!!
NO Law suits in in these so-called "national health systems".... YEA!!
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.

Taiwan, etc. WOULD NOT allow any hospital to send a claim with 6,000% markup as
happens to Medicare today and Medicare AGREES it is OK!

So in those 4 areas alone.. IF THEY weren't in the USA..
Health care costs would drop $1 trillion a year!
Everyone could afford then health insurance!

BUT of course people favoring nationalized health systems NEVER MENTION that those COST don't exist in Taiwan,Canadian, systems!

Tell us why it exists here in our perfect system of supply and demand? Better yet tell us how to get rid of it short of the dreaded government regulations?

First of all RECOGNIZE there are NOT 50 million "uninsured" which was the phony number used to pass Obamacare!

1) 10 million of "uninsured" ARE NOT citizens!
2) 14 million of "uninsured" ARE ALREADY covered by Medicaid!
3) Finally 18 million are people under age 34, make over $50k and PAY out of pocket their
health services. And of course NOW pelosi etc. calling these people "FREE loaders"!
SO wrong.. And so wrong to count as uninsured!
SO that leaves ONLY 8 million truly UNINSURED!

Provide these 8 million with health insurance premiums that are paid for by :
A) Taxing Lawyers!
Recognize that lawyers are costing $600 billion a year in defensive medicine.
Remember Obamacare is TAXING TANNING SAlons! WHY?
So why not TAX lawyers that are according to physicians costing $600 billion strictly out of FEAR of lawsuits! 10% would generate $10 billion a year for the premiums.

B) FORCE audit, require ALL hospitals that see "uninsured" patients to register these patients and then SEND the claims to the insurance company that manages the program.

Also Tax the hospitals on all the claims that are "PADDED and Passed " on to Medicare
that the hospitals have done to recover "uncompensated" services.
THE facts are some hospitals send Medicare claims for 6,000% markups! These hospitals will charge those that pay for their seeing "uncompensated" services!
THIS is a major reason for health care escalation costs!
Auditing the hospitals claims would FORCE hospitals to
A) see uninsured but send claims
B) TAX the hospitals 10% for claims that are "padded and Passed" collecting another
$10 billion added to lawyers $10 billion would cover a $3,000 per uninsured!

The lawyers tax would decline as $600 billion defensive medicine costs declined and
hospitals tax decline as "padded and passed" costs decline!

In one solution the $600 billion defensive medicine would drop by at least $60 billion and
the overcharging of Medicare/private insurance another $60 billion!
Problem solved without DESTROYING health care as we know it!
aware that
NO HIPAA in Taiwan,Canadian, YEA!!!
NO Law suits in in these so-called "national health systems".... YEA!!
In the USA $600 billion a year totally agreed by 90% of physicians spent out of FEAR of lawsuits.. again something they don't fear in TAIWAN, etc.

Taiwan, etc. WOULD NOT allow any hospital to send a claim with 6,000% markup as
happens to Medicare today and Medicare AGREES it is OK!

So in those 4 areas alone.. IF THEY weren't in the USA..
Health care costs would drop $1 trillion a year!
Everyone could afford then health insurance!

BUT of course people favoring nationalized health systems NEVER MENTION that those COST don't exist in Taiwan,Canadian, systems!

Tell us why it exists here in our perfect system of supply and demand? Better yet tell us how to get rid of it short of the dreaded government regulations?

First of all RECOGNIZE there are NOT 50 million "uninsured" which was the phony number used to pass Obamacare!

1) 10 million of "uninsured" ARE NOT citizens!
2) 14 million of "uninsured" ARE ALREADY covered by Medicaid!
3) Finally 18 million are people under age 34, make over $50k and PAY out of pocket their
health services. And of course NOW pelosi etc. calling these people "FREE loaders"!
SO wrong.. And so wrong to count as uninsured!
SO that leaves ONLY 8 million truly UNINSURED!

Provide these 8 million with health insurance premiums that are paid for by :
A) Taxing Lawyers!
Recognize that lawyers are costing $600 billion a year in defensive medicine.
Remember Obamacare is TAXING TANNING SAlons! WHY?
So why not TAX lawyers that are according to physicians costing $600 billion strictly out of FEAR of lawsuits! 10% would generate $10 billion a year for the premiums.

B) FORCE audit, require ALL hospitals that see "uninsured" patients to register these patients and then SEND the claims to the insurance company that manages the program.

Also Tax the hospitals on all the claims that are "PADDED and Passed " on to Medicare
that the hospitals have done to recover "uncompensated" services.
THE facts are some hospitals send Medicare claims for 6,000% markups! These hospitals will charge those that pay for their seeing "uncompensated" services!
THIS is a major reason for health care escalation costs!
Auditing the hospitals claims would FORCE hospitals to
A) see uninsured but send claims
B) TAX the hospitals 10% for claims that are "padded and Passed" collecting another
$10 billion added to lawyers $10 billion would cover a $3,000 per uninsured!

The lawyers tax would decline as $600 billion defensive medicine costs declined and
hospitals tax decline as "padded and passed" costs decline!

In one solution the $600 billion defensive medicine would drop by at least $60 billion and
the overcharging of Medicare/private insurance another $60 billion!
Problem solved without DESTROYING health care as we know it!

Everything you believe in has been proven to be false and yet you continue to post it. Odd.
Tell us why it exists here in our perfect system of supply and demand? Better yet tell us how to get rid of it short of the dreaded government regulations?

First of all RECOGNIZE there are NOT 50 million "uninsured" which was the phony number used to pass Obamacare!

1) 10 million of "uninsured" ARE NOT citizens!
2) 14 million of "uninsured" ARE ALREADY covered by Medicaid!
3) Finally 18 million are people under age 34, make over $50k and PAY out of pocket their
health services. And of course NOW pelosi etc. calling these people "FREE loaders"!
SO wrong.. And so wrong to count as uninsured!
SO that leaves ONLY 8 million truly UNINSURED!

Provide these 8 million with health insurance premiums that are paid for by :
A) Taxing Lawyers!
Recognize that lawyers are costing $600 billion a year in defensive medicine.
Remember Obamacare is TAXING TANNING SAlons! WHY?
So why not TAX lawyers that are according to physicians costing $600 billion strictly out of FEAR of lawsuits! 10% would generate $10 billion a year for the premiums.

B) FORCE audit, require ALL hospitals that see "uninsured" patients to register these patients and then SEND the claims to the insurance company that manages the program.

Also Tax the hospitals on all the claims that are "PADDED and Passed " on to Medicare
that the hospitals have done to recover "uncompensated" services.
THE facts are some hospitals send Medicare claims for 6,000% markups! These hospitals will charge those that pay for their seeing "uncompensated" services!
THIS is a major reason for health care escalation costs!
Auditing the hospitals claims would FORCE hospitals to
A) see uninsured but send claims
B) TAX the hospitals 10% for claims that are "padded and Passed" collecting another
$10 billion added to lawyers $10 billion would cover a $3,000 per uninsured!

The lawyers tax would decline as $600 billion defensive medicine costs declined and
hospitals tax decline as "padded and passed" costs decline!

In one solution the $600 billion defensive medicine would drop by at least $60 billion and
the overcharging of Medicare/private insurance another $60 billion!
Problem solved without DESTROYING health care as we know it!

Everything you believe in has been proven to be false and yet you continue to post it. Odd.

IS that your BEST most informed RETORT???
I am not stating the FACT 10 million of the phony 50 million are NOT citizens... Census Bureau said it!
Fourteen million of the 47 million are already eligible for government insurance, Medicaid, but have not signed up.
EDITORIAL: Who are the uninsured? - Washington Times

And WHY are those 18 million that PAY their own health costs out of pocket and don't want or need health insurance COUNTED as "UNINSURED" before Obamacare passed and NOW are called "Free loaders" FALSELY by the way by Pelosi were ever counted?

So tell me if your math is so poor that when you subtract 42 million from 50 million.. YOU DON"T come up with a real UNINSURED that want insurance number of 8 million?

The problem is congress believed, passed this albatross destructive bill because some thought there WAS 50 million when there WASN'T! That was the ONLY reason and for some STRANGE reason YOU still think there is 50 million EVEN in light of 42 million are not considered to be truly UNINSURED!

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