This Young Gal Thinks For Herself.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
This young gal has obviously wised up to the ole RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) divide & conquer tactic of "My Team @ Any Cost" mentality. She comes across to me as a growing Classical Liberal/Libertarian(Ron Paul/president Jefferson type of mentality) that despite her youth well demonstrates that she thinks for herself instead of relying on the grouped up groupsters to think for her.

This young gal has obviously wised up to the ole RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) divide & conquer tactic of "My Team @ Any Cost" mentality. She comes across to me as a growing Classical Liberal/Libertarian(Ron Paul/president Jefferson type of mentality) that despite her youth well demonstrates that she thinks for herself instead of relying on the grouped up groupsters to think for her.

The uniparty will lose to China. Every...damn...time.

Libertarians would win the hearts of the world and would have a real chance of submitting China.

Which Western society will we embrace?
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This young gal has obviously wised up to the ole RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) divide & conquer tactic of "My Team @ Any Cost" mentality. She comes across to me as a growing Classical Liberal/Libertarian(Ron Paul/president Jefferson type of mentality) that despite her youth well demonstrates that she thinks for herself instead of relying on the grouped up groupsters to think for her.

Individualism doesn't work for the commies, it shows on this board every day.

Libertarians, if they had an education they would not be libertarians.

I joined the party, once. Got a nice book with essays and articles by libertarian authors. This was during the Iraq war. The theme was, that Democracy would never work in Iraq because Iraq never new democracy or had people who thought of freedom.

Yet, since before the first world war their were groups of freedom fighters in Iraq.
After the first world war, Iraq got a constitution and a form of democracy.

Complete ignorance, the book was based on, put out by the libertarian party. I quit after that. You can not have a foreign policy created by those with no education.
Bidenists refuse to admit Biden is senile and they believe the UNTESTED mRNA EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY SHOT is safe and effective and Social distancing and masks work.

I voted for Trump twice, but I have never and will never get the Trump COVID vaccine. The shot does not work as we were told (”You will not get infected nor transmit the virus if you get the shot.”). Social distancing and masks DO NOTHING TO STOP THE SPREAD NOR GETTING INFECTED.

Who is in a cult?
This young gal has obviously wised up to the ole RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) divide & conquer tactic of "My Team @ Any Cost" mentality. She comes across to me as a growing Classical Liberal/Libertarian(Ron Paul/president Jefferson type of mentality) that despite her youth well demonstrates that she thinks for herself instead of relying on the grouped up groupsters to think for her.

Young people are stupid. Hopefully they grow up at some point. Unfortunately, many don't.
Individualism doesn't work for the commies, it shows on this board every day.

Individualism does not take over power over countries and the world and force people to do their bidding.

That takes collectivism like communism/fascism/Progressivism.

Form more powerful groups to take over other groups.
Individualism does not take over power over countries and the world and force people to do their bidding.

That takes collectivism like communism/fascism/Progressivism.

Form more powerful groups to take over other groups.

Yep, that's why the commies are pushing top down, centralized, one size fits all BS. Hopefully there are enough individual thinkers to put a stop to it.

Bidenists refuse to admit Biden is senile and they believe the UNTESTED mRNA EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY SHOT is safe and effective and Social distancing and masks work.

I voted for Trump twice, but I have never and will never get the Trump COVID vaccine. The shot does not work as we were told (”You will not get infected nor transmit the virus if you get the shot.”). Social distancing and masks DO NOTHING TO STOP THE SPREAD NOR GETTING INFECTED.

Who is in a cult?

Who is in a cult? You are.

Prior to the Govt giving it a name and telling you to do it, we all used to practice social distancing out of common sense and instinct.

If someone was coughing or sneezing most people would move away from that person, not get closer. We used to say things like "do not come too close, I am sick". If a co-worker said they were sick, the vast majority of people would give them extra space. These were all things we did without even thinking about because they just make sense.

If fact I bet you still do them, even while saying they do not work.
Young people are stupid. Hopefully they grow up at some point. Unfortunately, many don't.

Yes, and those that don’t become staunch Democrats.

I have said it many times, but alarm bells would be going off in my head if my politics aligned with the majority of 16 years olds. Kids didn’t suddenly become bastions of knowledge and wisdom.
Yes, and those that don’t become staunch Democrats.

I have said it many times, but alarm bells would be going off in my head if my politics aligned with the majority of 16 years olds. Kids didn’t suddenly become bastions of knowledge and wisdom.
A long time ago a friend of mine, who had teenagers, told me that while they are teenagers, that is the stupidest your kids will ever be. Hell, I remember when I was young in the seventies. I was a diehard Democrat through and through. Republicans were evil and wanted wars, wanted to take social security away, and were for the rich and against the poor. I remember working a job for minimum wage and couldn't wait for democrats to raise the minimum wage up so that I could earn more money because those evil Republicans didn't want to raise the minimum wage.

Then, I don't know why, but one day I was just smacked in the face with a revelation and saw that the beliefs I had didn't jive with reality and that if my only goal in life was to wait for minimum wage to go up to earn more money, I would always be poor and that most of the things I had believed, just weren't true. So, I picked myself up by my bootstraps and today I own my own business and am doing far better than if I had continued the path I was going on in my early days.

I'd also have to say that the lurch left democrats have made in recent years is nothing short of total insanity. In todays world, we still have social security, democrats are the ones starting wars, and Republican policies help the little guy, not leftist policies which teach you to do nothing and just leach off the government. And, democrats are actually taking democracy away while claiming that it is Republicans who want to take democracy away. In addition, democrats say we should follow the science and yet they wish to ignore the science which defines what a woman is.
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A long time ago a friend of mine, who had teenagers, told me that while they are teenagers, that is the stupidest your kids will ever be. Hell, I remember when I was young in the seventies. I was a diehard Democrat through and through. Republicans were evil and wanted wars, wanted to take social security away, and were for the rich and against the poor. I remember working a job for minimum wage and couldn't wait for democrats to raise the minimum wage up so that I could earn more money because those evil Republicans didn't want to raise the minimum wage.

Then, I don't know why, but one day I was just smacked in the face with a revelation and saw that the beliefs I had didn't jive with reality and that if my only goal in life was to wait for minimum wage to go up to earn more money, I would always be poor and that most of the things I had believed, just weren't true. So, I picked myself up by my bootstraps and today I own my own business and am doing far better than if I had continued the path I was going on in my early days.

I'd also have to say that the lurch left democrats have made in recent years is nothing short of total insanity. In todays world, we still have social security, democrats are the ones starting wars, and Republican policies help the little guy, not leftist policies which teach you to do nothing and just leach off the government. And, democrats are actually taking democracy away while claiming that it is Republicans who want to take democracy away. In addition, democrats say we should follow the science and yet they wish to ignore the science which defines what a woman is.
I also fell for the DNC propaganda in my younger years. After the Carter administration I started to back the RNC propaganda. In 1983 I married up with our Libertarian party USA & remained with them through 2014 as a contributing member. After 2014 I avoided political party affiliation & started voting in support of various candidates that appeared to support our federal Constitution & BoR.
Who is in a cult? You are.

Prior to the Govt giving it a name and telling you to do it, we all used to practice social distancing out of common sense and instinct.

If someone was coughing or sneezing most people would move away from that person, not get closer. We used to say things like "do not come too close, I am sick". If a co-worker said they were sick, the vast majority of people would give them extra space. These were all things we did without even thinking about because they just make sense.

If fact I bet you still do them, even while saying they do not work.

Name Biden policies you do not agree with.

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