This was an actual headline concerning the mueller report release

The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

It is actually in the Mueller report. It would not be in the Mueller report if it were not substantiated.

So, you can stop acting stupid now. Oh; your not acting. OK ........
Sure it is.

It's in there. Go read it.
It is actually in the Mueller report. It would not be in the Mueller report if it were not substantiated.

So, you can stop acting stupid now. Oh; your not acting. OK ........
The Mueller report took over 600 day’s to put together and came of with nothing. Waste of time. It’s probably not substantiated and if you were President Trump and you knew that the whole Washington DC Democrats...FBI...we’re out to get you; would State that too. If you know they’re all out to get you because Hillary lost, you would be a bit pissed off at your spineless AG as well.

What a quote: "we're out to get you."
You do know that you are supporting the paranoia of the same man (Trump) that was the main driving force behind the whole 'birther' movement, right?
They had an all out “stop Trump” campaign of lies and deception. That not’s a fact.

You left out the part of my quote that states Trump attempted to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.

The very people he directed to do this refused, thus saving Trump's ass from an obstruction charge.

It wasn't lies & deception as you claim; it was an INVESTIGATION.

Trump obviously can't handle cooperating with the DOJ.
He attempted to obstruct justice? Mueller said there was no evidence of this. Also, this was just a political hit job against Trump because Hillary lost.

Trump certainly did attempt to obstruct justice. The report states as much. Many of Trump's subordinates refused Trump's directives, thus they saved Trump's ass from an OOJ charge.
Re post #77
The Mueller report took over 600 day’s to put together and came of with nothing. Waste of time. It’s probably not substantiated and if you were President Trump and you knew that the whole Washington DC Democrats...FBI...we’re out to get you; would State that too. If you know they’re all out to get you because Hillary lost, you would be a bit pissed off at your spineless AG as well.

What a quote: "we're out to get you."
You do know that you are supporting the paranoia of the same man (Trump) that was the main driving force behind the whole 'birther' movement, right?
They had an all out “stop Trump” campaign of lies and deception. That not’s a fact.

You left out the part of my quote that states Trump attempted to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.

The very people he directed to do this refused, thus saving Trump's ass from an obstruction charge.

It wasn't lies & deception as you claim; it was an INVESTIGATION.

Trump obviously can't handle cooperating with the DOJ.
He attempted to obstruct justice? Mueller said there was no evidence of this. Also, this was just a political hit job against Trump because Hillary lost.

Trump certainly did attempt to obstruct justice. The report states as much. Many of Trump's subordinates refused Trump's directives, thus they saved Trump's ass from an OOJ charge.
Re post #77
There is no evidence that Trump obstructed Justice. None.
It is actually in the Mueller report. It would not be in the Mueller report if it were not substantiated.

So, you can stop acting stupid now. Oh; your not acting. OK ........
The Mueller report took over 600 day’s to put together and came of with nothing. Waste of time. It’s probably not substantiated and if you were President Trump and you knew that the whole Washington DC Democrats...FBI...we’re out to get you; would State that too. If you know they’re all out to get you because Hillary lost, you would be a bit pissed off at your spineless AG as well.

What a quote: "we're out to get you."
You do know that you are supporting the paranoia of the same man (Trump) that was the main driving force behind the whole 'birther' movement, right?
They had an all out “stop Trump” campaign of lies and deception. That not’s a fact.

You left out the part of my quote that states Trump attempted to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.

The very people he directed to do this refused, thus saving Trump's ass from an obstruction charge.

It wasn't lies & deception as you claim; it was an INVESTIGATION.

Trump obviously can't handle cooperating with the DOJ.
Who was instructed to obstruct justice? If that was true, then why didn't Mueller say Trump obstructed justice?

Re: post #77
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.
What a quote: "we're out to get you."
You do know that you are supporting the paranoia of the same man (Trump) that was the main driving force behind the whole 'birther' movement, right?
They had an all out “stop Trump” campaign of lies and deception. That not’s a fact.

You left out the part of my quote that states Trump attempted to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.

The very people he directed to do this refused, thus saving Trump's ass from an obstruction charge.

It wasn't lies & deception as you claim; it was an INVESTIGATION.

Trump obviously can't handle cooperating with the DOJ.
He attempted to obstruct justice? Mueller said there was no evidence of this. Also, this was just a political hit job against Trump because Hillary lost.

Trump certainly did attempt to obstruct justice. The report states as much. Many of Trump's subordinates refused Trump's directives, thus they saved Trump's ass from an OOJ charge.
Re post #77
There is no evidence that Trump obstructed Justice. None.

I said Trump attempted to obstruct justice by instructing subordinates with directives that many of them refused.
You really do not fucking pay attention, do you?
You obviously have not read the report BUT that is what I would expect from a Trump supporter; why?
(1) Trump supporters are stuck so far up Trump's ass they don't know anything else
(2) Trump supporters are LAZY & have no initiative to find out anything regarding 'truth'
(3) Trump supporters can't read
The Mueller report took over 600 day’s to put together and came of with nothing. Waste of time. It’s probably not substantiated and if you were President Trump and you knew that the whole Washington DC Democrats...FBI...we’re out to get you; would State that too. If you know they’re all out to get you because Hillary lost, you would be a bit pissed off at your spineless AG as well.

What a quote: "we're out to get you."
You do know that you are supporting the paranoia of the same man (Trump) that was the main driving force behind the whole 'birther' movement, right?
They had an all out “stop Trump” campaign of lies and deception. That not’s a fact.

You left out the part of my quote that states Trump attempted to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.

The very people he directed to do this refused, thus saving Trump's ass from an obstruction charge.

It wasn't lies & deception as you claim; it was an INVESTIGATION.

Trump obviously can't handle cooperating with the DOJ.
Who was instructed to obstruct justice? If that was true, then why didn't Mueller say Trump obstructed justice?

Re: post #77
I've already commented on the piece of shit.
They had an all out “stop Trump” campaign of lies and deception. That not’s a fact.

You left out the part of my quote that states Trump attempted to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.

The very people he directed to do this refused, thus saving Trump's ass from an obstruction charge.

It wasn't lies & deception as you claim; it was an INVESTIGATION.

Trump obviously can't handle cooperating with the DOJ.
He attempted to obstruct justice? Mueller said there was no evidence of this. Also, this was just a political hit job against Trump because Hillary lost.

Trump certainly did attempt to obstruct justice. The report states as much. Many of Trump's subordinates refused Trump's directives, thus they saved Trump's ass from an OOJ charge.
Re post #77
There is no evidence that Trump obstructed Justice. None.

I said Trump attempted to obstruct justice by instructing subordinates with directives that many of them refused.
You really do not fucking pay attention, do you?
You obviously have not read the report BUT that is what I would expect from a Trump supporter; why?
(1) Trump supporters are stuck so far up Trump's ass they don't know anything else
(2) Trump supporters are LAZY & have no initiative to find out anything regarding 'truth'
(3) Trump supporters can't read
Please quote where Trump instructed subordinates to obstruct justice.
You left out the part of my quote that states Trump attempted to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.

The very people he directed to do this refused, thus saving Trump's ass from an obstruction charge.

It wasn't lies & deception as you claim; it was an INVESTIGATION.

Trump obviously can't handle cooperating with the DOJ.
He attempted to obstruct justice? Mueller said there was no evidence of this. Also, this was just a political hit job against Trump because Hillary lost.

Trump certainly did attempt to obstruct justice. The report states as much. Many of Trump's subordinates refused Trump's directives, thus they saved Trump's ass from an OOJ charge.
Re post #77
There is no evidence that Trump obstructed Justice. None.

I said Trump attempted to obstruct justice by instructing subordinates with directives that many of them refused.
You really do not fucking pay attention, do you?
You obviously have not read the report BUT that is what I would expect from a Trump supporter; why?
(1) Trump supporters are stuck so far up Trump's ass they don't know anything else
(2) Trump supporters are LAZY & have no initiative to find out anything regarding 'truth'
(3) Trump supporters can't read
Please quote where Trump instructed subordinates to obstruct justice.

It is in the report; testimony given by numerous former White House staff. It is all unredacted.

If you're not too goddamn lazy, you might try reading it.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.
He said that because he knew the DC establishment was out to get him at any and all cost. The Special Counsel was going to politicized by liberals and he knew it.
He attempted to obstruct justice? Mueller said there was no evidence of this. Also, this was just a political hit job against Trump because Hillary lost.

Trump certainly did attempt to obstruct justice. The report states as much. Many of Trump's subordinates refused Trump's directives, thus they saved Trump's ass from an OOJ charge.
Re post #77
There is no evidence that Trump obstructed Justice. None.

I said Trump attempted to obstruct justice by instructing subordinates with directives that many of them refused.
You really do not fucking pay attention, do you?
You obviously have not read the report BUT that is what I would expect from a Trump supporter; why?
(1) Trump supporters are stuck so far up Trump's ass they don't know anything else
(2) Trump supporters are LAZY & have no initiative to find out anything regarding 'truth'
(3) Trump supporters can't read
Please quote where Trump instructed subordinates to obstruct justice.

It is in the report; testimony given by numerous former White House staff. It is all unredacted.

If you're not too goddamn lazy, you might try reading it.
I did. No obstruction...just a big goddamn smear campaign against the President.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.
He said that because he knew the DC establishment was out to get him at any and all cost. The Special Counsel was going to politicized by liberals and he knew it.

Apparently it's the At tourney General and the president who are politicizing the report by lying about it's conclusions and not releasing an unredacted version of it to Congress. The only way we will ever know the truth about the report is to put sunshine on it and get Mueller, his team and those who are quoted in it on the stand.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.
He said that because he knew the DC establishment was out to get him at any and all cost. The Special Counsel was going to politicized by liberals and he knew it.

Apparently it's the At tourney General and the president who are politicizing the report by lying about it's conclusions and not releasing an unredacted version of it to Congress. The only way we will ever know the truth about the report is to put sunshine on it and get Mueller, his team and those who are quoted in it on the stand.
It is already published. Anyone who wants to can read it. What more sunshine is required?
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.
He said that because he knew the DC establishment was out to get him at any and all cost. The Special Counsel was going to politicized by liberals and he knew it.

Apparently it's the At tourney General and the president who are politicizing the report by lying about it's conclusions and not releasing an unredacted version of it to Congress. The only way we will ever know the truth about the report is to put sunshine on it and get Mueller, his team and those who are quoted in it on the stand.
It is already published. Anyone who wants to can read it. What more sunshine is required?

Allowing Congress to read an unredacted report.
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The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

Mueller put it in his report.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.
He said that because he knew the DC establishment was out to get him at any and all cost. The Special Counsel was going to politicized by liberals and he knew it.

Apparently it's the At tourney General and the president who are politicizing the report by lying about it's conclusions and not releasing an unredacted version of it to Congress. The only way we will ever know the truth about the report is to put sunshine on it and get Mueller, his team and those who are quoted in it on the stand.
It is already published. Anyone who wants to can read it. What more sunshine is required?

The unredacted version, Congress should get that. Also maybe Barr shouldn't lie about the report by saying it exonerated Trump when it specifically made the point of not doing that.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.
He said that because he knew the DC establishment was out to get him at any and all cost. The Special Counsel was going to politicized by liberals and he knew it.

Apparently it's the At tourney General and the president who are politicizing the report by lying about it's conclusions and not releasing an unredacted version of it to Congress. The only way we will ever know the truth about the report is to put sunshine on it and get Mueller, his team and those who are quoted in it on the stand.
It is already published. Anyone who wants to can read it. What more sunshine is required?

Allowing Congress to read an unredacted report.
It would be illegal for Barr to publish such a report. You're demanding that Barr break the law.
The headline: (Breaking News it flashed), had a picture of trump up top, then read: He (implying trump who was pictured) said “I’m fucked, this is going to end my presidency”.

I read a little bit. It said in a matter of a couple paragraphs THIS WAS SOMETHING THAT A “SOURCE” ALLGEEDLY HEARD TRUMP SAY during the investigation.

BWHAHAHAHA. WTF. So instead of reporting on what was in the actual report...they are reporting on what trump allegedly said years ago, out of context, with secondhand information, using an unnamed source, about a crime he’s just been exonerated from. Obviously this article is intended to mislead the hordes of retards out there who only read the headlines by implying trump knew he was colluding and thought he was gonna get caught...while the report on the extremely thorough investigation exonerating him is being released. Apparently something he allegedly said, years ago, coming from an unnamed source, is somehow BREAKING NEWS!!!!! But not the mueller report...yea the media totally isn’t biased at all.

How is it even possible the mainstream media doesn’t even understand that because of their antics, the chickens have already come home to roost in the form of freaking Donald Trump, of all people, becoming president? And they’re getting even more crazier. It’s honestly bewildering.

Mueller Reveals Trump’s First Reaction to Special Counsel: ‘This is the End of My Presidency. I’m F*cked’

"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.
He said that because he knew the DC establishment was out to get him at any and all cost. The Special Counsel was going to politicized by liberals and he knew it.

Apparently it's the At tourney General and the president who are politicizing the report by lying about it's conclusions and not releasing an unredacted version of it to Congress. The only way we will ever know the truth about the report is to put sunshine on it and get Mueller, his team and those who are quoted in it on the stand.
It is already published. Anyone who wants to can read it. What more sunshine is required?

The unredacted version, Congress should get that. Also maybe Barr shouldn't lie about the report by saying it exonerated Trump when it specifically made the point of not doing that.
No Congress shouldn't get the version. It isn't legally entitled to it, and it would be illegal for Barr to give it to them.

No one is surprised that leftwing morons demand that Barr break the law.
"I'm fucked" is in the Mueller report. Sure, it's a sensationalist part of the Mueller report however unlike your post the press was accurately representing the Mueller report.
He said that because he knew the DC establishment was out to get him at any and all cost. The Special Counsel was going to politicized by liberals and he knew it.

Apparently it's the At tourney General and the president who are politicizing the report by lying about it's conclusions and not releasing an unredacted version of it to Congress. The only way we will ever know the truth about the report is to put sunshine on it and get Mueller, his team and those who are quoted in it on the stand.
It is already published. Anyone who wants to can read it. What more sunshine is required?

Allowing Congress to read an unredacted report.
It would be illegal for Barr to publish such a report. You're demanding that Barr break the law.

If a congressional committee requests the unredacted report, and they have the authority, it has to be released to them at a minimum.

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