CDZ This video explains my revulsion for Trump


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017

Whomever you are, wherever you stand on matters Trump, you should watch this video. Hopefully you'll have something thoughtful to share -- something bigger greater than whether you agree or disagree -- after watching it.
They're talking how "America intensely disliked Hillary," as most conservatives say, yet they seem to be forgetting that Hillary won the popular vote by 3,000,000. It's a fact that Americans came out to vote for Hillary in droves.

The reality is that this election was stolen by the GOP, thanks to elaborate programs such as Interstate Crosscheck implemented by Republicans, which purged tens of thousands of minorities and people of color (who tend to vote Democrat) from the voter rolls in key swing states. This action allowed him to barely squeak by with a win in those few swing states, enabling an electoral college win -- granting him a seat in the oval office while losing the popular vote.

That's it. That's why he won. There simply aren't enough old, white racist men in America anymore to elect a Republican fair and square. So, they have to cheat. Enter -- Interstate Crosscheck, created by Republican Kris Kobach. There were other voter suppression techniques used in this election as well. It was very, very sneaky on the part of the GOP. Trump simply does not belong in the White House. People have this unconscious "knowing" that he didn't win this election fairly, which is why so many people felt so sick on election night.

Fortunately, there are organizations preparing to take these bastards to court over Crosscheck, and all of this will come out in the open and become public knowledge very soon.

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