This Sheriff has my support

No one's gonna take up arms and revolt if gun rights are curtailed. At the end of the day they'll just get drunk, bitch and moan, then fall asleep.

Been far more draconian measures adopted in the past that they threatened the same stuff they are now and nothing came of it. Sheriffs are elected politicians, he's just stirring the pot to get more votes.

You don't have your finger on the pulse of the serious gun owners in this country. They are not going to tolerate anymore encroachments, including, if not especially, those on the ownership of semiautomatic rifles. A growing movement is afoot in this country with more and more citizens opencarrying such weapons to educate the public and challenge law enforcement officials. The denizens of blue states might rollover, and have, but not the citizens of most western and southern states who have had enough of the left's threats. But we're not talking about open armed rebellion at this point, but defiance and the refusal to surrender arms.
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As HBO's series "The Newsroom" rightly pointed out, every time someone claims the government's gonna ban your guns, gun sales spike, and campaign donations to anti gun control politicians go through the roof.

Don't believe the hype.

I don't believe hype. That's why I give the back of my hand to the insinuations of naiveté on the part of gun owners in reaction to the very real threats incessantly posed by the statists who actively campaign to propagandize Americans out of the historical and political understanding for the Second Amendment, as they seek to limit magazine size and the types of guns to be owned.
Second Amendment protector:

Sheriff Warns of Second American Revolution if Guns Are Banned (VIDEO)

How about one of you Lefties answer my question?
What part of, "Shall not be infringed" don't you understand??

The part about well regulated militias

"A well regulated militia, [comma] being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The people are the militia, and it's an individual right.

So what about it?

The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of individuals[1][2] to keep and bear arms.[3][4][5][6] The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the right vests in individuals, not merely collective militias, while also ruling that the right is not unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of either firearms or similar devices.[7] State and local governments are limited to the same extent as the federal government from infringing this right per the incorporation of the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791, as part of the first ten amendments comprising the Bill of Rights.

The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common-law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.[8]

In United States v. Cruikshank (1876), the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that, "The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence" and limited the applicability of the Second Amendment to the federal government.[9] In United States v. Miller (1939), the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government and the states could limit any weapon types not having a “reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia”.[10][11]

In the twenty-first century, the amendment has been subjected to renewed academic inquiry and judicial interest.[11] In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), the Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision, expressly holding the amendment to protect an individual right to possess and carry firearms.[12][13] In McDonald v. Chicago (2010), the Court clarified its earlier decisions that limited the amendment's impact to a restriction on the federal government, expressly holding that the Fourteenth Amendment applies the Second Amendment to state and local governments to the same extent that the Second Amendment applies to the federal government.[14] Despite these decisions, the debate between the gun control and gun rights movements and related organizations continues.[15]

Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Guns are not even remotely close to being banned.

So you admit that one day they will but we are "not even remotely close" to that now.
Thanks for that admission that at some time in the future anti gun supporters will ban guns.
They will try to but will fail.
Starting now we will give them no ground.


Guns will never be ‘banned.’

And there is no ‘they’ trying to ‘ban’ guns.

If an appropriate, common-sense measure such as Manchin-Toomey can’t make it to the president’s desk, a measure ‘banning’ guns certainly can’t – not in the near future, not ever.

Oh no, no one's out to ban guns. . . . Democrats led by Obama and Diane "If-I-could-I'd-have-them-all-banned" Feinstein didn't just recently try to make a grab. Bloomberg et. al. isn't out to make a grab. The very talk of it, proposed bills, aggressive gun-control campaigns backed by billions are just imaginary threats. Lefty doesn't mean it and wouldn't do if he had the votes. Oh no, not now, not ever.


Oh no, it could never happen in Great Britain and in Australia either.

Keep your hands off our magazines and our semiautomatic rifles, obtuse one.
The Afgans have done a rather supberb job, and they dont' even have 300,000,000 modern firearms, modern communications technology --- oh, and I didn't mention that there "ammunition" is less-than-home-made quality shit?

Stop being a dumbass.

An American revolt would be unstoppable. Even if the Government "won every battle," they'd still lose the war, since petroleum and other vital supplies would be immediately pirated/hijacked/destroyed and the US dollar and Wall Street would crash with it. This of course, is assuming that the US military would even fire on its own citizens for more than 7-14 days (in reality, defection and desertion and insider espionage would decimate the military after that 7-14 [max 30] day scenario).

Stop being a dumbass.

An armed revolt would be demolished in a few days. They have no command structure or mobility. Air power?
How many battleships do the militias have?
How many fighter squadrons?
How many Blackhawk helicopters?
How many special ops teams?
How many tank battalions?


You're assuming the military will disobey their oath in defending the Constitution. They won't.

Where in the Constitution is it that we should go into Viet Nam when NO WAR was declared by the Congress?
Speaking of the Constitution.
I can name dozens of US military attacks that were not supported by the Constitution.
And this one would be so easy it would be a slaughter.
But it ain't happening. No command structure to support it.
A few Boy Scout troops and Mississippi National Guard would wipe them all out in a few days.
Look here fool. If the Army is gone and the National Guard is gone - what the HELL do YOU expect to do against tanks and artillery pieces that can kill you from a mile away? Grow up you clown.

Stop being a dumbass.

The Afgans have done a rather supberb job, and they dont' even have 300,000,000 modern firearms, modern communications technology --- oh, and I didn't mention that there "ammunition" is less-than-home-made quality shit?

Stop being a dumbass.

An American revolt would be unstoppable. Even if the Government "won every battle," they'd still lose the war, since petroleum and other vital supplies would be immediately pirated/hijacked/destroyed and the US dollar and Wall Street would crash with it. This of course, is assuming that the US military would even fire on its own citizens for more than 7-14 days (in reality, defection and desertion and insider espionage would decimate the military after that 7-14 [max 30] day scenario).

Stop being a dumbass.

Again, you're out of your mind. Tell me there mister GI Joe, How much ammo can a man carry? How much food? Where the hell does this "army" get it's logistics from? What about hygiene? Medical supplies? Fresh water? You ever humped a full battle load out to the field and lived for a month? I didn't think so. I HAVE - in the jungles of Southeast Asia and it was no picnic - I was 20 years old.

No one is talking about an "American Revolt" here you dolt. I'm talking about an armed citizenry being all that is left. You know 60 year old men and 11 year old children. Not to mention 60 year old women. And then, look around you. Liberals are pussies. They will be in charge of planting trees so that the enemy can march into town in the shade.

You ever fought in a war? I didn't think so. I have. Any idea what a "battle load" is? Didn't think so. Any idea where your logistics are going to come from to support this "revolt" that you are referring to? Didn't think so. Any idea how to treat Typhus or Cholera when your "Army" drinks bad water? Didn't think so. Any idea where ANY of the resupply of your TOE is going to come from? Didn't think so. Any idea where your cold weather gear will come from when the seasons change? Didn't think so. Any idea where your medics will be resupplied from? Didn't think so. Any idea of how to set up a communications network that won't be compromised by the enemy? I didn't think so. Know how to effectively shackle your radio traffic (if you are even luck enough to HAVE radios) to keep prying ears at bay? I didn't think so.Any idea how to effectively combat chemical or nerve agents that the enemy will most likely use against you? Didn't think so. Any idea how to read and interpret a topographical map in order to place your "troops" (again, 60+ year old men and children) for effective guerrilla operations or how to set up a proper ambush? Didn't think so. What about night vision? Thermal imaging? This enemy is well equipped. YOU are not.

Any idea where the HELL you are going to fall back to when the Arty has your positions marked from 8 miles away? Didn't think so. Any idea as to how to instruct these same old men and women in the proper methods of escape and evasion AND what to do if they are captured? Didn't think so. Any idea what to do when a 57 Ton Tank rolls up on you? I didn't think so. Any idea what to do when the enemy stays (conveniently) out of range of your AR's and your shotguns - not to mention pistols - until THEY decide to attack? Didn't think so.

What do you tell your old men and women (who are patriots) when they are starving from lack of food, or are suffering from disease (from lack of treatment), they are out of ammunition, food and clean drinking water and the enemy is following you with satellite imagery and firing at you using GPS and using a well equipped, and determined military?

Your example of the Afghani's is ridiculous and you know it. Those people have been at war for the last 500 or so years. Generations of Afghani children are raised to fight. Civilians in the United States haven't fought in a war since your great-great Grandfather. However, I'm certain that given a few years of training those 60+ year old men and women can learn how to field strip their grandfather's old 12 gauge. I was 11B in Vietnam. I could field strip a 1911 and a M14 - and then a M16 in under two minutes. That was 40 years ago. I am an old man. Too damned old to fight your ridiculous "revolt".

If you are ever lucky enough to fight an enemy on a level field, you "might" stand a chance. The days of "musket against musket" ended 100 years ago sparky. Citizens just don't have the equivalent firepower any longer. The deck is stacked against you from the outset.

Remember, YOU are the last line of defense for this country. The US Military has been decimated - the National Guard has been wiped out. All that's left is YOU and a bunch of children and senior citizens. So, General Patton - what do you tell THEM?

This ain't an Airsoft or a paint ball game buster. Now, YOU stop being a dumbass, dumbass.
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They have been watching too much Hollywood.
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This ain't an Airsoft or a paint ball game buster. Now, YOU stop being a dumbass, dumbass.

You and Gadawg have missed The2ndAmendment's point entirely. You guys spent an awful lot of words on that.

No, I agree with gun rights.
And I believe they will never be "banned".
But those that deny there are MANY now that WANT TO BAN guns are naive and gullible.
They actively want to ban them now.
Because they believe GUNS, not PEOPLE are the problem.
They are the same folks that believe corporations, INSTEAD OF PEOPLE, pay taxes.
This ain't an Airsoft or a paint ball game buster. Now, YOU stop being a dumbass, dumbass.

You and Gadawg have missed The2ndAmendment's point entirely. You guys spent an awful lot of words on that.

No, I agree with gun rights.
And I believe they will never be "banned".
But those that deny there are MANY now that WANT TO BAN guns are naive and gullible.
They actively want to ban them now.
Because they believe GUNS, not PEOPLE are the problem.
They are the same folks that believe corporations, INSTEAD OF PEOPLE, pay taxes.

What 2nd's talking about is the idea that the government wouldn't have it's hands full against an armed citizenry in this country. Oh, yes it would!
No one's gonna take up arms and revolt if gun rights are curtailed. At the end of the day they'll just get drunk, bitch and moan, then fall asleep.

Then why haven't you done it?

Been far more draconian measures adopted in the past that they threatened the same stuff they are now and nothing came of it. Sheriffs are elected politicians, he's just stirring the pot to get more votes.

If you don't grasp that this nation is a powder keg, you are truly stupid.

Keep giving off sparks, it's a brilliant plan.....

Guns will never be ‘banned.’

And there is no ‘they’ trying to ‘ban’ guns.

If an appropriate, common-sense measure such as Manchin-Toomey can’t make it to the president’s desk, a measure ‘banning’ guns certainly can’t – not in the near future, not ever.

Saul; don't you grasp that you are irrelevant? You are a buffoon, an caricature? Look, I believe you went to law school (in Haiti, from a matchbook ad) and are not Jillian, watching "Law and Order" reruns and playing lawyer. But seriously dude, your idiotic posts make you look like a fool.

You and Gadawg have missed The2ndAmendment's point entirely. You guys spent an awful lot of words on that.

No, I agree with gun rights.
And I believe they will never be "banned".
But those that deny there are MANY now that WANT TO BAN guns are naive and gullible.
They actively want to ban them now.
Because they believe GUNS, not PEOPLE are the problem.
They are the same folks that believe corporations, INSTEAD OF PEOPLE, pay taxes.

What 2nd's talking about is the idea that the government wouldn't have it's hands full against an armed citizenry in this country. Oh, yes it would!

Get serious. Are YOU going to hole up in a mountain area with no heat or air or food or water for years at a time fighting a government that forces you to buy health insurance and taxes you too much?
So who is it that will?
It would be easier than what we are doing now in Afghanistan.
How many unpopular wars OVER SEAS have we sent troops to fight awar?
Which is worse? Getting put out as cannon fodder over seas or paying high taxes and buying health insurance?
Nonsense to believe there is going to be any armed resistance here. Things have been much worse with the Depression.
The folks that you claim will be arming and heading to the hills will be jumping out of buildings like they did the last time this country truly went south.
Get serious. Are YOU going to hole up in a mountain area with no heat or air or food or water for years at a time fighting a government that forces you to buy health insurance and taxes you too much?

Don't be an idiot.

Armed insurrection has been used repeatedly and successfully in this nation.

Watts Riots, Rodney King Riots, Rosewood, democratic convention riots...

So who is it that will?
It would be easier than what we are doing now in Afghanistan.

That is an incredibly strange claim.

Fighting a better armed force with far better communication would be easier?

How many unpopular wars OVER SEAS have we sent troops to fight awar?
Which is worse? Getting put out as cannon fodder over seas or paying high taxes and buying health insurance?

You're deluding yourself if you think the armed forces will move against the American people. I know the KOS kiddies dream of SS Troops machine gunning white people in the streets, but it will never happen, So you better come to grips with the fact that only the BATF, IRS, and FBI will be taking on 200 million armed civilians.

Nonsense to believe there is going to be any armed resistance here. Things have been much worse with the Depression.
The folks that you claim will be arming and heading to the hills will be jumping out of buildings like they did the last time this country truly went south.

Yeah, no one ever rises up in America...


1960 - HUAC riot, May 13, Students protest House Un-American Activities Committee hearings, 12 injured, 64 arrested, San Francisco, California
1960 – El Cajon Boulevard Riot, August 20, San Diego, California
1960 - Ax Handle Saturday, August 27, Jacksonville, Florida
1962 - Ole Miss riot 1962, September 3 - October 1, The University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi
1963 - Cambridge riot 1963, June 14, Cambridge, Maryland
1964 - the July 16 police-killing of James Powell, in the Yorkville neighbourhood just south of East Harlem, precipitates a string of race riots in July and August, including:
1964 - Harlem Riot of 1964, July 16–22, New York City, New York
1964 - Rochester 1964 race riot, July 24–25, Rochester, New York
1964 - Jersey City 1964 race riot, August 2–4, Jersey City, New Jersey
1964 - Paterson 1964 race riot, August 11–13, Paterson, New Jersey
1964 - Elizabeth 1964 race riot, August 11–13, Elizabeth, New Jersey
1964 - Chicago 1964 race riot, Dixmoor riot, August 16–17, Chicago, Illinois
1964 - Philadelphia 1964 race riot, August 28–30, Philadelphia, PA
1965 - Watts Riots, August 11-17, Los Angeles, California
1966 - Division Street Riots, June 12–14, Humboldt Park, Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1966 - Omaha riot of 1966, July 2, Omaha, Nebraska
1966 - Hunter's Point Riot, September 27 - October 1, San Francisco, California
1966 - Hough Riots, July 18–24, Cleveland, Ohio
1966 - Waukegan Riot, August 27, Waukegan, Illinois
1966 - Benton Harbor Riot, August 30 - September 4, Benton Harbor, Michigan
1966 - Atlanta riot of 1966, September 6, Atlanta, Georgia
1966 - Sunset Strip curfew riots, November 12, various other flareups, basis for the song "For What It's Worth (Buffalo Springfield song)", West Hollywood, California
1967 - Long Hot Summer of 1967 refers to a year in which 159 race riots erupted across the United States, including:
1967 - Belle Isle riot, April 30, Detroit, Michigan {Source: Detroit Free Press' "The Detroit Almanac", 2001.}
1967 - Roxbury riot, June 2–7 Boston, Massachusetts
1967 - Tampa Riots, June 11, Tampa, Florida
1967 - Buffalo riot of 1967, June 27, Buffalo, New York
1967 - 1967 Newark riots, July 12–17, Newark, New Jersey
1967 - 1967 Plainfield riots, July 14–21, Plainfield, New Jersey
1967 - Cairo riot, July 17, Cairo, Illinois
1967 - Durham riot, July 19, Durham, North Carolina
1967 - Memphis riot, July 20, Memphis, Tennessee
1967 - 1967 Detroit riot, July 23–29, Detroit, Michigan
1967 - Cambridge riot of 1967, July 24, a.k.a. the H. Rap Brown riot, Cambridge, Maryland
1967 - Milwaukee riot, July 30, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1967 - Minneapolis North Side Riots, August, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota
1967 - Dow riot, October 18, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
1968 - Orangeburg Massacre, S.C. State Univ., February 8, Orangeburg, South Carolina
1968 - Memphis Sanitation Strike riot, March 28, Memphis, Tennessee
1968 - Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., April 4, Memphis, Tennessee, precipitates all April 4-14 riots, including:
1968 - Detroit MLK-assassination riot, April 4-5, Detroit, Michigan {Source: "Violence in the Model City", Sidney Fine.}
1968 - 1968 Washington, D.C. riots, April 4–8, Washington, D.C.
1968 - Baltimore riot of 1968, April 6–12, Baltimore, MD
1968 - 1968 Chicago riots, West Side Riots, April 7–14, Chicago, Illinois
1968 - Avondale riot of 1968, April 8, Cincinnati, Ohio
1968 - 1968 Kansas City riot, April 9, Kansas City, Missouri
1968 - Wilmington Riot of 1968, April 9-10, Wilmington, Delaware
1968 - Columbia University protests of 1968, April 23, New York City, New York
1968 - Cobo Hall riot, May 13, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan {Source: "Violence in the Model City", Sidney Fine.}
1968 - Salisbury riot, May 18–20, Salisbury, Maryland
1968 - Louisville riots of 1968, May 27, Louisville, Kentucky
1968 - Glenville Shootout, July 23–28, Cleveland, Ohio
1968 - Liberty City riot, August 7–13, Miami, Florida
1968 - 1968 Democratic National Convention protests, including riot August 27-28, Chicago, Illinois
1968 - "Cobo II" riot, October 29, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan {Source: "Violence in the Model City", Sidney Fine.}
1968 - Veterans' Memorial Hall riot, November 1, Detroit, Michigan {Source: "Violence in the Model City", Sidney Fine.}
1969 - Republic of New Africa riot, March 29, Detroit, Michigan {Source: "Violence in the Model City", Sidney Fine.}
1969 - Zip to Zap riot, May 9–11, Zap, North Dakota
1969 - 1969 Greensboro uprising, May 21–25, Greensboro, North Carolina
1969 - Cairo disorders, May–December, Cairo, Illinois
1969 - Stonewall riots, June 28 - July 2, New York City, New York
1969 - San Diego Riot, July 13, San Diego, California
1969 - Youngstown Riot, July 15, Youngstown, Ohio
1969 - Sacramento Disorder, July 17, Shootout between BPP & police, Sacramento, California
1969 - S.E. Melee, July 21, S.E. DC, Washington, DC
1969 - 1969 York Race Riot, July 17-24, York, Pennsylvania
1969 - Passaic Disorder, August 3, Passaic, New Jersey
1969 - Hartford riot, September 2, Hartford, Conn.
1969 - Ft. Lauderdale Riot, September 2, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
1969 - Las Vegas Riot, October 6, Las Vegas, Nevada
1969 - Days of Rage, October 8–11, Weathermen riot in Chicago, Chicago, Illinois


1970 - University of Puerto Rico riot - Río Piedras campus, March 4 - 11, at least one killed, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico
1970 - Student Strike of 1970, May 1970, USA
1970 - Lawrence disorders, University of Kansas, April, Lawrence, Kansas
1970 - University of Maryland riots, University of Maryland, May 1970, College Park, Maryland
1970 - Kent State riots/shootings, May 1970, four killed, Kent, Ohio
1970 - New Haven Green disorders, Yale University, May 1970, New Haven, Connecticut
1970 - Hard Hat Riot, Wall Street, May 8, New York City, New York
1970 - Jackson State killings, May 14–15, two killed, Jackson, Mississippi
1970 - Augusta riot, May 1970, Augusta, Georgia
1970 - Alexandria disorders, May 29 – June 3, Alexandria, Virginia
1970 - Russells Point disorder, July 5, Russells Point, Ohio
1970 - Yosemite disturbance, July 5, Yosemite National Park, Calif.
1970 - Pasco disturbance,July 8, Pasco, Washington
1970 - Asbury Park riot, July 9, Asbury Park, New Jersey
1970 - Michigan City riot, July 10, Michigan City, Indiana
1970 - Highland Park disorder, July 11, Highland Park, Michigan
1970 - Hartford riot, July 28, Hartford, Connecticut
1970 - New Bedford riots, July, New Bedford, Mass.
1970 - Sterling Hall bombing, Univ. of Wisc., August 24, one killed, Madison, Wisconsin
1970 - Chicano Moratorium riot, August 29, Los Angeles, California
1970 - 14th Street riot, September 21, Washington, D.C.
1970 - Georgetown melee, October 4, 330 arrested, Washington, D.C.
1970 - Henderson disorder, November 7, 350 Guardsmen sent in, Henderson, North Carolina
1971 - Tampa disorder, January 13, Tampa, Florida
1971 - Wilmington riot 1971, February 9, 2 killed, Wilmington, North Carolina
1971 - May Day Protests 1971, May 3, Washington, D.C.
1971 - Albuquerque riot 1971, June 14, Albuquerque, New Mexico
1971 - Student Rebellion UMCP, II, University of Maryland, May 1971, College Park, Maryland
1971 - Camden riots, August 1971, Camden, New Jersey
1971 - Black Muslim rally and riot, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
1971 - Fiesta de Santa Fe disorder, September 6, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1971 - Attica Prison uprising, September 9-13, at least 39 killed, (Attica, New York)
1972 - Student Rebellion UMCP, III, University of Maryland, May 1972, College Park, Maryland
1972 - Southern University disorders/shootings, November 16, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
1973 - Wounded Knee incident, February 27 – May 8, Wounded Knee, South Dakota
1974 - SLA Shootout, L.A., May 17, Los Angeles, California
1974 - Ten Cent Beer Night, June 4, Cleveland Municipal Stadium, Cleveland, Ohio
1974 - Baltimore police strike, July, Baltimore, Maryland
1974 - Boston busing race riots anti-busing riots throughout Boston, Massachusetts
1975 - Pine Ridge shootout, June 26, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
1975 - Livernois-Fenkell riot, July 1975, Detroit, Michigan
1976 - Escambia High School riots, February 5, Pensacola, Florida
1976 - Anti-busing riot in downtown Boston, April 5, 1976 Boston, Massachusetts
1976 - "Rock & Roll Riot", after a concert at Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan
1977 - Chicago riot 1977, Humboldt Park riot, June 4–5, Chicago, Illinois
1977 - New York City blackout of 1977 disturbance, July 13–14, New York City, New York
1979 - White Night Riots, May 1979, San Francisco, California
1979 - Disco Demolition Night, July 12, Comiskey Park, Chicago, Illinois
1979 - Greensboro massacre, November 3, Greensboro, North Carolina


1980 - New Mexico State Penitentiary Riot, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1980 - Chattanooga Riot of 1980, Chattanooga, Tennessee
1980 - Miami Riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1982 - Anti-Klan protest 1982, November 27, Washington, D.C.
1982 - Miami Riot 1982, Overtown Riot, December 1982, Miami, Florida
1984 - East Los Angeles Disturbances involved street gangs, repeatedly from April to August 1984, Los Angeles, California
1984 - Detroit Tigers World Series riot, October 14, Detroit, Michigan
1986 - Palm Springs Spring Break Riot, April 1986, Palm Springs, California
1987 - Tampa Riot 1987, February 1987, Tampa, Florida
1988 - Tompkins Square Park Police Riot, August 1988 (East Village, Manhattan, New York City)
1989 - Overtown Riot 1989, January 16–18 - an Hispanic Miami police officer shoots and kills a speeding black motorcyclist in the Overtown section of Miami, starting three days of rioting. Miami, Florida
1989 - Tampa Riots, February 1989, Tampa, Florida
1989 - Virginia Beach Riot, July 1989, Virginia Beach, Virginia
1989 - Bensonhurst Riot, September 1989, Brooklyn, New York


1990 - Anti-Klan protest 1990, October 28, Washington, D.C.
1991 - 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 - Crown Heights Riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 - L.A. riot/Rodney King riot, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 - Sporadic urban violence in response to the L.A. Riots (San Diego, San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Bernardino Cal., Las Vegas Nev., Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Miami, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, St. Louis, Washington DC, etc.) across African-American and Hispanic communities in the United States and in Toronto, Canada, May 1992.
1996 - St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 - The July 4th Immigration Demonstration Lockdown, July 1997, Los Angeles, California
1999 - WTO Meeting of 1999, "The Battle in Seattle", November 1999, Seattle, Washington
1999 - Michigan State University student riot, April 1999, (East Lansing, Michigan)
1999 - Woodstock '99 music festival riot, August 1999, (Rome, New York)
Get serious. Are YOU going to hole up in a mountain area with no heat or air or food or water for years at a time fighting a government that forces you to buy health insurance and taxes you too much?

Don't be an idiot.

Armed insurrection has been used repeatedly and successfully in this nation.

Watts Riots, Rodney King Riots, Rosewood, democratic convention riots...

So who is it that will?
It would be easier than what we are doing now in Afghanistan.

That is an incredibly strange claim.

Fighting a better armed force with far better communication would be easier?

How many unpopular wars OVER SEAS have we sent troops to fight awar?
Which is worse? Getting put out as cannon fodder over seas or paying high taxes and buying health insurance?

You're deluding yourself if you think the armed forces will move against the American people. I know the KOS kiddies dream of SS Troops machine gunning white people in the streets, but it will never happen, So you better come to grips with the fact that only the BATF, IRS, and FBI will be taking on 200 million armed civilians.

Nonsense to believe there is going to be any armed resistance here. Things have been much worse with the Depression.
The folks that you claim will be arming and heading to the hills will be jumping out of buildings like they did the last time this country truly went south.

Yeah, no one ever rises up in America...


1960 - HUAC riot, May 13, Students protest House Un-American Activities Committee hearings, 12 injured, 64 arrested, San Francisco, California
1960 – El Cajon Boulevard Riot, August 20, San Diego, California
1960 - Ax Handle Saturday, August 27, Jacksonville, Florida
1962 - Ole Miss riot 1962, September 3 - October 1, The University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi
1963 - Cambridge riot 1963, June 14, Cambridge, Maryland
1964 - the July 16 police-killing of James Powell, in the Yorkville neighbourhood just south of East Harlem, precipitates a string of race riots in July and August, including:
1964 - Harlem Riot of 1964, July 16–22, New York City, New York
1964 - Rochester 1964 race riot, July 24–25, Rochester, New York
1964 - Jersey City 1964 race riot, August 2–4, Jersey City, New Jersey
1964 - Paterson 1964 race riot, August 11–13, Paterson, New Jersey
1964 - Elizabeth 1964 race riot, August 11–13, Elizabeth, New Jersey
1964 - Chicago 1964 race riot, Dixmoor riot, August 16–17, Chicago, Illinois
1964 - Philadelphia 1964 race riot, August 28–30, Philadelphia, PA
1965 - Watts Riots, August 11-17, Los Angeles, California
1966 - Division Street Riots, June 12–14, Humboldt Park, Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1966 - Omaha riot of 1966, July 2, Omaha, Nebraska
1966 - Hunter's Point Riot, September 27 - October 1, San Francisco, California
1966 - Hough Riots, July 18–24, Cleveland, Ohio
1966 - Waukegan Riot, August 27, Waukegan, Illinois
1966 - Benton Harbor Riot, August 30 - September 4, Benton Harbor, Michigan
1966 - Atlanta riot of 1966, September 6, Atlanta, Georgia
1966 - Sunset Strip curfew riots, November 12, various other flareups, basis for the song "For What It's Worth (Buffalo Springfield song)", West Hollywood, California
1967 - Long Hot Summer of 1967 refers to a year in which 159 race riots erupted across the United States, including:
1967 - Belle Isle riot, April 30, Detroit, Michigan {Source: Detroit Free Press' "The Detroit Almanac", 2001.}
1967 - Roxbury riot, June 2–7 Boston, Massachusetts
1967 - Tampa Riots, June 11, Tampa, Florida
1967 - Buffalo riot of 1967, June 27, Buffalo, New York
1967 - 1967 Newark riots, July 12–17, Newark, New Jersey
1967 - 1967 Plainfield riots, July 14–21, Plainfield, New Jersey
1967 - Cairo riot, July 17, Cairo, Illinois
1967 - Durham riot, July 19, Durham, North Carolina
1967 - Memphis riot, July 20, Memphis, Tennessee
1967 - 1967 Detroit riot, July 23–29, Detroit, Michigan
1967 - Cambridge riot of 1967, July 24, a.k.a. the H. Rap Brown riot, Cambridge, Maryland
1967 - Milwaukee riot, July 30, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1967 - Minneapolis North Side Riots, August, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota
1967 - Dow riot, October 18, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
1968 - Orangeburg Massacre, S.C. State Univ., February 8, Orangeburg, South Carolina
1968 - Memphis Sanitation Strike riot, March 28, Memphis, Tennessee
1968 - Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., April 4, Memphis, Tennessee, precipitates all April 4-14 riots, including:
1968 - Detroit MLK-assassination riot, April 4-5, Detroit, Michigan {Source: "Violence in the Model City", Sidney Fine.}
1968 - 1968 Washington, D.C. riots, April 4–8, Washington, D.C.
1968 - Baltimore riot of 1968, April 6–12, Baltimore, MD
1968 - 1968 Chicago riots, West Side Riots, April 7–14, Chicago, Illinois
1968 - Avondale riot of 1968, April 8, Cincinnati, Ohio
1968 - 1968 Kansas City riot, April 9, Kansas City, Missouri
1968 - Wilmington Riot of 1968, April 9-10, Wilmington, Delaware
1968 - Columbia University protests of 1968, April 23, New York City, New York
1968 - Cobo Hall riot, May 13, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan {Source: "Violence in the Model City", Sidney Fine.}
1968 - Salisbury riot, May 18–20, Salisbury, Maryland
1968 - Louisville riots of 1968, May 27, Louisville, Kentucky
1968 - Glenville Shootout, July 23–28, Cleveland, Ohio
1968 - Liberty City riot, August 7–13, Miami, Florida
1968 - 1968 Democratic National Convention protests, including riot August 27-28, Chicago, Illinois
1968 - "Cobo II" riot, October 29, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan {Source: "Violence in the Model City", Sidney Fine.}
1968 - Veterans' Memorial Hall riot, November 1, Detroit, Michigan {Source: "Violence in the Model City", Sidney Fine.}
1969 - Republic of New Africa riot, March 29, Detroit, Michigan {Source: "Violence in the Model City", Sidney Fine.}
1969 - Zip to Zap riot, May 9–11, Zap, North Dakota
1969 - 1969 Greensboro uprising, May 21–25, Greensboro, North Carolina
1969 - Cairo disorders, May–December, Cairo, Illinois
1969 - Stonewall riots, June 28 - July 2, New York City, New York
1969 - San Diego Riot, July 13, San Diego, California
1969 - Youngstown Riot, July 15, Youngstown, Ohio
1969 - Sacramento Disorder, July 17, Shootout between BPP & police, Sacramento, California
1969 - S.E. Melee, July 21, S.E. DC, Washington, DC
1969 - 1969 York Race Riot, July 17-24, York, Pennsylvania
1969 - Passaic Disorder, August 3, Passaic, New Jersey
1969 - Hartford riot, September 2, Hartford, Conn.
1969 - Ft. Lauderdale Riot, September 2, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
1969 - Las Vegas Riot, October 6, Las Vegas, Nevada
1969 - Days of Rage, October 8–11, Weathermen riot in Chicago, Chicago, Illinois


1970 - University of Puerto Rico riot - Río Piedras campus, March 4 - 11, at least one killed, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico
1970 - Student Strike of 1970, May 1970, USA
1970 - Lawrence disorders, University of Kansas, April, Lawrence, Kansas
1970 - University of Maryland riots, University of Maryland, May 1970, College Park, Maryland
1970 - Kent State riots/shootings, May 1970, four killed, Kent, Ohio
1970 - New Haven Green disorders, Yale University, May 1970, New Haven, Connecticut
1970 - Hard Hat Riot, Wall Street, May 8, New York City, New York
1970 - Jackson State killings, May 14–15, two killed, Jackson, Mississippi
1970 - Augusta riot, May 1970, Augusta, Georgia
1970 - Alexandria disorders, May 29 – June 3, Alexandria, Virginia
1970 - Russells Point disorder, July 5, Russells Point, Ohio
1970 - Yosemite disturbance, July 5, Yosemite National Park, Calif.
1970 - Pasco disturbance,July 8, Pasco, Washington
1970 - Asbury Park riot, July 9, Asbury Park, New Jersey
1970 - Michigan City riot, July 10, Michigan City, Indiana
1970 - Highland Park disorder, July 11, Highland Park, Michigan
1970 - Hartford riot, July 28, Hartford, Connecticut
1970 - New Bedford riots, July, New Bedford, Mass.
1970 - Sterling Hall bombing, Univ. of Wisc., August 24, one killed, Madison, Wisconsin
1970 - Chicano Moratorium riot, August 29, Los Angeles, California
1970 - 14th Street riot, September 21, Washington, D.C.
1970 - Georgetown melee, October 4, 330 arrested, Washington, D.C.
1970 - Henderson disorder, November 7, 350 Guardsmen sent in, Henderson, North Carolina
1971 - Tampa disorder, January 13, Tampa, Florida
1971 - Wilmington riot 1971, February 9, 2 killed, Wilmington, North Carolina
1971 - May Day Protests 1971, May 3, Washington, D.C.
1971 - Albuquerque riot 1971, June 14, Albuquerque, New Mexico
1971 - Student Rebellion UMCP, II, University of Maryland, May 1971, College Park, Maryland
1971 - Camden riots, August 1971, Camden, New Jersey
1971 - Black Muslim rally and riot, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
1971 - Fiesta de Santa Fe disorder, September 6, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1971 - Attica Prison uprising, September 9-13, at least 39 killed, (Attica, New York)
1972 - Student Rebellion UMCP, III, University of Maryland, May 1972, College Park, Maryland
1972 - Southern University disorders/shootings, November 16, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
1973 - Wounded Knee incident, February 27 – May 8, Wounded Knee, South Dakota
1974 - SLA Shootout, L.A., May 17, Los Angeles, California
1974 - Ten Cent Beer Night, June 4, Cleveland Municipal Stadium, Cleveland, Ohio
1974 - Baltimore police strike, July, Baltimore, Maryland
1974 - Boston busing race riots anti-busing riots throughout Boston, Massachusetts
1975 - Pine Ridge shootout, June 26, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
1975 - Livernois-Fenkell riot, July 1975, Detroit, Michigan
1976 - Escambia High School riots, February 5, Pensacola, Florida
1976 - Anti-busing riot in downtown Boston, April 5, 1976 Boston, Massachusetts
1976 - "Rock & Roll Riot", after a concert at Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan
1977 - Chicago riot 1977, Humboldt Park riot, June 4–5, Chicago, Illinois
1977 - New York City blackout of 1977 disturbance, July 13–14, New York City, New York
1979 - White Night Riots, May 1979, San Francisco, California
1979 - Disco Demolition Night, July 12, Comiskey Park, Chicago, Illinois
1979 - Greensboro massacre, November 3, Greensboro, North Carolina


1980 - New Mexico State Penitentiary Riot, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1980 - Chattanooga Riot of 1980, Chattanooga, Tennessee
1980 - Miami Riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1982 - Anti-Klan protest 1982, November 27, Washington, D.C.
1982 - Miami Riot 1982, Overtown Riot, December 1982, Miami, Florida
1984 - East Los Angeles Disturbances involved street gangs, repeatedly from April to August 1984, Los Angeles, California
1984 - Detroit Tigers World Series riot, October 14, Detroit, Michigan
1986 - Palm Springs Spring Break Riot, April 1986, Palm Springs, California
1987 - Tampa Riot 1987, February 1987, Tampa, Florida
1988 - Tompkins Square Park Police Riot, August 1988 (East Village, Manhattan, New York City)
1989 - Overtown Riot 1989, January 16–18 - an Hispanic Miami police officer shoots and kills a speeding black motorcyclist in the Overtown section of Miami, starting three days of rioting. Miami, Florida
1989 - Tampa Riots, February 1989, Tampa, Florida
1989 - Virginia Beach Riot, July 1989, Virginia Beach, Virginia
1989 - Bensonhurst Riot, September 1989, Brooklyn, New York


1990 - Anti-Klan protest 1990, October 28, Washington, D.C.
1991 - 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 - Crown Heights Riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 - L.A. riot/Rodney King riot, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 - Sporadic urban violence in response to the L.A. Riots (San Diego, San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Bernardino Cal., Las Vegas Nev., Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Miami, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, St. Louis, Washington DC, etc.) across African-American and Hispanic communities in the United States and in Toronto, Canada, May 1992.
1996 - St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 - The July 4th Immigration Demonstration Lockdown, July 1997, Los Angeles, California
1999 - WTO Meeting of 1999, "The Battle in Seattle", November 1999, Seattle, Washington
1999 - Michigan State University student riot, April 1999, (East Lansing, Michigan)
1999 - Woodstock '99 music festival riot, August 1999, (Rome, New York)

All armed rebellions seeking to take over the US government.
You have lost your mind.
No, I agree with gun rights.
And I believe they will never be "banned".
But those that deny there are MANY now that WANT TO BAN guns are naive and gullible.
They actively want to ban them now.
Because they believe GUNS, not PEOPLE are the problem.
They are the same folks that believe corporations, INSTEAD OF PEOPLE, pay taxes.

What 2nd's talking about is the idea that the government wouldn't have it's hands full against an armed citizenry in this country. Oh, yes it would!

Get serious. Are YOU going to hole up in a mountain area with no heat or air or food or water for years at a time fighting a government that forces you to buy health insurance and taxes you too much?
So who is it that will?
It would be easier than what we are doing now in Afghanistan.
How many unpopular wars OVER SEAS have we sent troops to fight awar?
Which is worse? Getting put out as cannon fodder over seas or paying high taxes and buying health insurance?
Nonsense to believe there is going to be any armed resistance here. Things have been much worse with the Depression.
The folks that you claim will be arming and heading to the hills will be jumping out of buildings like they did the last time this country truly went south.

It's self-evident.
All armed rebellions seeking to take over the US government.
You have lost your mind.

Moving the goal posts won't help you. Insurrections rarely have the goal of full blown rebellion.

Anyone who things that the Watts Riots failed to achieve their goal is a complete and utter fool.

The uncomfortable fact is that armed insurrection usually works in this nation. Sometimes, as in the case of the Watts Riots, it may be the ONLY way to achieve aims.
YOU Armchair revolutonaries of the right are as laughable as our armchair warriors of the LEFT were back in the 60s and 70s.

Keep your guns boys, but stop telling yourselves that your guns are keeping you free.

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