This represents the Republican Base


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
NJ Republican Governor Christie hit the ground running and continues to plow through the fraud, waste and taxpayer abuse that has come to typify New Jersey under the one-party Democrat rule.

He has proposed a cap on real estate taxes (NJ are off the charts) and Dems have fought with a vigor and purpose not seen since the Soviets retook Stalingrad and for the same reasons: this is it for the high tax, spend, spend, spend, regulate, regulate, regulate strategy that NJ has suffered for so many years.

And now he has proposed privatizing services in an effort to streamline and save money.

"Christie looks to privatize motor vehicle inspections, other services
Friday, July 9, 2010

New Jersey would close its centralized car inspection lanes and motorists would pay for their own emissions tests under a sweeping set of recommendations set to be released by the Christie administration today.

State parks, psychiatric hospitals and even turnpike toll booths could also be run by private operators, according to the 57-page report on privatization obtained by The Star-Ledger. Preschool classrooms would no longer be built at public expense, state employees would pay for parking and private vendors would dish out food, deliver health care and run education programs behind prison walls.

All told, the report says, New Jersey could save at least $210 million a year by delivering an array of services through private hands.

"The question has to be, ‘Why do you continue to operate in a manner that’s more costly and less effective?’ rather than, ‘Why change?’ " said Richard Zimmer, the former Republican congressman who chaired the task force." Christie looks to privatize motor vehicle inspections, other services

That's the real Republican base and that's America's future!
"All told, the report says, New Jersey could save at least $210 million a year by delivering an array of services through private hands."

This almost brings a tear to my eye, it's so beautiful.

It could be a poem.
Christie is the sh!t...........the model of the future politician in America once America has had their fill of the radical clueless in power now.

Christie's approach is not at all understood by many Democrats and 100% of liberals because it is rooted in common sense.

He'll lose the Zombies of society but hopefully there are still enough non- leeches in society to turn it around..............

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Selling off the public commons is the wetdream of Randians.

The problem is not government its BAD government.

And who is controlling our increasingly bad governments?

Randians either in the guise of Republicans or Democrats

You do the math.
Selling off the public commons is the wetdream of Randians.

The problem is not government its BAD government.

And who is controlling our increasingly bad governments?

Randians either in the guise of Republicans or Democrats

You do the math.

What qualities define a "Randian"?
"All told, the report says, New Jersey could save at least $210 million a year by delivering an array of services through private hands."

This almost brings a tear to my eye, it's so beautiful.

It could be a poem.

I heard the same thing when is came to Iraq. When I was in the service, food was cooked by soldiers. Policing was done by soldiers. Laundry was done by soldiers. The Republicans felt that it would be "cheaper" to let soldiers "soldier" and hire people to do "service" jobs. So they hired people to cook and do laundry. Well, not people exactly, but companies, such as "Haliburton" - at a staggering 5 times the cost. Haliburton, where have I heard that name before?
Letting Republicans run anything is a sure road to disaster and financial ruin, unless, of course, you're rich and connected, then it's very profitable indeed.
Selling off the public commons is the wetdream of Randians.

The problem is not government its BAD government.

And who is controlling our increasingly bad governments?

Randians either in the guise of Republicans or Democrats

You do the math.

What qualities define a "Randian"?

IN thirty words or less?

Read Anyn Rands books.

She's a far better spokewoman of her political philosophies than I am, so naturally I can only give you my read on her theories.

Basically she believes that all governments are inherently corrupt, and believes that any form of collectivism is evil. She believes that only the individual matters

In my opinion she's got on the best minds of the 13th century, but she and her supporters thinks she's a modern thinker.

She's a feudalist but doesn't (apparently, one can never be sure what truly motivates people) understand that her theories lead us backward into neo-aristocractic forms of governance.

She is RIGHT about one thing...bad governments are BAD.
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Selling off the public commons is the wetdream of Randians.

The problem is not government its BAD government.

And who is controlling our increasingly bad governments?

Randians either in the guise of Republicans or Democrats

You do the math.

What qualities define a "Randian"?

IN thirty words or less?

Read Anyn Rands books.

She's a far better spokewoman of her political philosophies than I am, so naturally I can only give you my read on her theories.

Basically she believes that all governments are inherently corrupt, and believes that any form of collectivism is evil. She believes that only the individual matters

In my opinion she's got on the best minds of the 13th century, but she and her supporters thinks she's a modern thinker.

She's a feudalist but doesn't (apparently, one can never be sure what truly motivates people) understand that her theories lead us backward into neo-aristocractic forms of governance.

She is RIGHT about one thing...bad governments are BAD.

Governments aren't bad. It's some people who are bad. Our government is great.

The current government has made some strides. The Dow is up thousands of points. My 401, which devalued nearly half under Bush is back to where it was.

To me, while the Republicans were certainly a disaster, I don't really even blame them. They are out there and honest. They are for corporations over the middle class. They're are not very inclusive. They are profit oriented "by any means". They are not pro education or interested in rebuilding America. It's not like they are hiding these positions.

Who I blame is the press. When the Republicans led us into Iraq with lies and deceit, the press went along with it. They are supposed to report the "facts" to the American people. They knew Administration claims were bogus. Then after all the lies, "slam dunk", "secret meetings in Eastern Europe", when Bush said, "NO one in this administration ever said there was a connection between Saddam and al Qaeda", the press let that slide. When the administration said, "Iraq won't allow inspectors into Iraq", then they had to wait to invade until all the hundreds of UN inspectors left.

When the press when on endlessly about Rev. Wright, they totally ignored Rod Parsley, John Hagee and Palin's witch-hunter and domestic terrorist, Rev. Thomas Muthee. Hardly the "liberal press" we have heard so much about.

Or when the press went on about William Ayers, who did his "thing" when Obama was "8 years old", yet, where is the outrage at Todd Palin belonging to a treasonous and traitorous secessionist organization for YEARS?

Our press has been so one sided for the last ten years. Republicans won't believe it, but they have been trained to "follow the party line", but the facts are there. Just from what I've said, they know to be true.
I heard the same thing when is came to Iraq. When I was in the service, food was cooked by soldiers. Policing was done by soldiers. Laundry was done by soldiers. The Republicans felt that it would be "cheaper" to let soldiers "soldier" and hire people to do "service" jobs. So they hired people to cook and do laundry. Well, not people exactly, but companies, such as "Haliburton" - at a staggering 5 times the cost. Haliburton, where have I heard that name before?
Letting Republicans run anything is a sure road to disaster and financial ruin, unless, of course, you're rich and connected, then it's very profitable indeed.

PSST.. you never "when is came to Iraq" so you know not what it is you speak of, since if you had "when is came to Iraq" you'd be enlightened enough to know that there are no political parties in the military.

Back when I "when is came to the army" 27 years ago , I looked for a Republican and couldn't find any, then I looked for a Democrat couldn't find one of those either (libertarians, greens and constitutionalists had made themselves scarce as well), apparently we were all green and supported our chain of command whomever that happened to be on any given day, funny how the military works that way.
Randians are in control of big gubmint now?!?!?

Care to name a few? :doubt:

Well er umm.. we definitely got Mr. Thompson in the Oval Office, Wesley Mouch is in charge of the economy and apparently Professor Ferris snaked his way into the top cop job at DOJ, Dagny is apparently still hanging on at AMTRAK (in case you were wondering).

Galt, d’Anconia, Reardon, Danneskjold, Mulligan and Askton are suspiciously no where to be found .. hmmmmmmm....... I say we start the search in Colorado with faulty prop planes.

Selling off the public commons is the wetdream of Randians.

The problem is not government its BAD government.

And who is controlling our increasingly bad governments?

Randians either in the guise of Republicans or Democrats

You do the math.

What qualities define a "Randian"?

Economic coward, misplaced selfishness, easily duped .. simplistic
Randians are in control of big gubmint now?!?!?

Care to name a few? :doubt:

Well er umm.. we definitely got Mr. Thompson in the Oval Office, Wesley Mouch is in charge of the economy and apparently Professor Ferris snaked his way into the top cop job at DOJ, Dagny is apparently still hanging on at AMTRAK (in case you were wondering).

Galt, d’Anconia, Reardon, Danneskjold, Mulligan and Askton are suspiciously no where to be found .. hmmmmmmm....... I say we start the search in Colorado with faulty prop planes.

Ohhh....Randian antagonists are in charge.

That makes much more sense. :lol::lol::lol:
Randians are in control of big gubmint now?!?!?

Care to name a few? :doubt:

Well er umm.. we definitely got Mr. Thompson in the Oval Office, Wesley Mouch is in charge of the economy and apparently Professor Ferris snaked his way into the top cop job at DOJ, Dagny is apparently still hanging on at AMTRAK (in case you were wondering).

Galt, d’Anconia, Reardon, Danneskjold, Mulligan and Askton are suspiciously no where to be found .. hmmmmmmm....... I say we start the search in Colorado with faulty prop planes.

Ohhh....Randian antagonists are in charge.

That makes much more sense. :lol::lol::lol:

** PHEWWW*** Now that we've got those pesky particulars out of the way we can get to the important matters at hand like for example ... how comfortable are you piloting a plane over the Rockies? and do you happen to have any gold coins about for landing fees ? after all I'd hate to have to try to ride Nate Taggart's rickety railroad to get to where I'm going (the bridge and the tunnel are both suspect). :doubt:
I heard the same thing when is came to Iraq. When I was in the service, food was cooked by soldiers. Policing was done by soldiers. Laundry was done by soldiers. The Republicans felt that it would be "cheaper" to let soldiers "soldier" and hire people to do "service" jobs. So they hired people to cook and do laundry. Well, not people exactly, but companies, such as "Haliburton" - at a staggering 5 times the cost. Haliburton, where have I heard that name before?
Letting Republicans run anything is a sure road to disaster and financial ruin, unless, of course, you're rich and connected, then it's very profitable indeed.

PSST.. you never "when is came to Iraq" so you know not what it is you speak of, since if you had "when is came to Iraq" you'd be enlightened enough to know that there are no political parties in the military.

Back when I "when is came to the army" 27 years ago , I looked for a Republican and couldn't find any, then I looked for a Democrat couldn't find one of those either (libertarians, greens and constitutionalists had made themselves scarce as well), apparently we were all green and supported our chain of command whomever that happened to be on any given day, funny how the military works that way.

I'm guessing you have a point?

27 years ago? So you had KP duty? You had to clean your own barracks?
I heard the same thing when is came to Iraq. When I was in the service, food was cooked by soldiers. Policing was done by soldiers. Laundry was done by soldiers. The Republicans felt that it would be "cheaper" to let soldiers "soldier" and hire people to do "service" jobs. So they hired people to cook and do laundry. Well, not people exactly, but companies, such as "Haliburton" - at a staggering 5 times the cost. Haliburton, where have I heard that name before?
Letting Republicans run anything is a sure road to disaster and financial ruin, unless, of course, you're rich and connected, then it's very profitable indeed.

PSST.. you never "when is came to Iraq" so you know not what it is you speak of, since if you had "when is came to Iraq" you'd be enlightened enough to know that there are no political parties in the military.

Back when I "when is came to the army" 27 years ago , I looked for a Republican and couldn't find any, then I looked for a Democrat couldn't find one of those either (libertarians, greens and constitutionalists had made themselves scarce as well), apparently we were all green and supported our chain of command whomever that happened to be on any given day, funny how the military works that way.

I'm guessing you have a point?

27 years ago? So you had KP duty? You had to clean your own barracks?

Exhibit A: Why no one takes Rdean seriously
I heard the same thing when is came to Iraq. When I was in the service, food was cooked by soldiers. Policing was done by soldiers. Laundry was done by soldiers. The Republicans felt that it would be "cheaper" to let soldiers "soldier" and hire people to do "service" jobs. So they hired people to cook and do laundry. Well, not people exactly, but companies, such as "Haliburton" - at a staggering 5 times the cost. Haliburton, where have I heard that name before?
Letting Republicans run anything is a sure road to disaster and financial ruin, unless, of course, you're rich and connected, then it's very profitable indeed.

PSST.. you never "when is came to Iraq" so you know not what it is you speak of, since if you had "when is came to Iraq" you'd be enlightened enough to know that there are no political parties in the military.

Back when I "when is came to the army" 27 years ago , I looked for a Republican and couldn't find any, then I looked for a Democrat couldn't find one of those either (libertarians, greens and constitutionalists had made themselves scarce as well), apparently we were all green and supported our chain of command whomever that happened to be on any given day, funny how the military works that way.

I'm guessing you have a point?

27 years ago? So you had KP duty? You had to clean your own barracks?

That ***** WWWWOOOOOSSHHHHH****** you just heard wasn't your imagination.
Funny how the right does not think there will be any corruption coming out of the contracts to service these government needs.

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