This is what you get for practicing free speech.

Why were you FB friends with your boss?
no. A Customer of our company read the comment, linked back to my FB account, found out where I was working and emailed it to him.

I believe that you were unlawfully terminated--------however you should have been careful
in your language-------the elaboration of a WORLD WIDE CALIPHATE is an accepted
goal of islam------just as WORLDWIDE SALVATION thru Jesus is an accepted goal
of Christianity according to many scholars of those religions. Your big problem in bringing
a lawsuit is------paying experts and lawyers-----try some legal rights organizations

I think he is lying..3 hours latter and FB didn't ban me.
You know....I agree with you....I keep seeing these posts on FB claiming to have certain things banned and spread them....all BS imo.
Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?
Was he on the clock? On the property?

Not what I did. I stated a political opinion on a News site on my own time.

Been 30 minutes and FB didn't ban me yet
Someone has to report it to FB and it can take up to 48-72 hours for the to review it and ban you. I have been given so many 30 day bans its not even funny....currently on a 30 day ban on my main acct but I have 2 other backup accounts I use on a regular basis with same friends etc.
That's interesting....that you keep saying stuff on FB bad enough to get banned a lot.
You actions have consequences, take some individual responsibility

This poison is what passes for liberal tolerance of dissent these day. You can see the Marxist influence.
The point of free speech is that it be free. It has nothing to do with the government. NOTHING. There is an amendment which prevents the government from censoring your speech. but that is it. The amendment didn't give you free speech. That comes from God. Your free speech isn't measured by the amendment and really should never be addressed in a discussion of free speech unless the government is inhibiting it.
But if you are intimidated out of free speech the result is the same. If I tell you "say Trump is orange again and I'll knock you teeth out with this baseball bat" would you say "ah well i have free speech with consequences"?
which god is the one that hands out free speech?
The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.

What's disputed is whether his employer has the right to fire him.

Maybe we should think again about unions?
Exactly....a union would protect him and provide a lawyer.
Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.

What's disputed is whether his employer has the right to fire him.

I got a well known lawyer to take my case. He only gets paid if he wins. We shall soon see.

I don't care about your personal situation. I'm interested in the principles involved. Unless an employee is under contract, an employer is under no obligation to continue employing a person, regardless of their reason for declining.
So we can fire all the Liberals and employ only Conservatives?
We've had many here claim to be employers and do that very thing. If they are telling the truth, that is their right. However, I would advise anyone looking for a job, if the potential employer ASKS them in the interview what their political party
I lost my job yesterday.
Free speech is only for the rich.
While not all Muslims may be violent, they all want the same thing, A world wide Caliphate. The Peaceful Muslims path to achieving their goals is to outbreed all non-Muslims like Roaches. I also said something about Muslims won't be happy until everyone is a Muslim or Kowtows to a Muslim.
And in another post I said; Muslims are Like Spemin on the game Starflight.
Deleted original post at the suggestion of my employer.

In that Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality pyramid scheme where if Christians don't support Islam for their immaculate conception in the fabricated misnomer of Christ & get that purged speech jihad. Not much different from the Federal Lynching state of hate sportsman which refuse any commentary on how their master plan of a more perfect union of Islam-Christian marriage "serve the Pope or die" for 9/11 to make Jews pay West Nazi Germany Virginia for the Holocaust that is a supreme swastika up Uranus court "man is God" business.
Huh? :confused-84:
Why were you FB friends with your boss?
no. A Customer of our company read the comment, linked back to my FB account, found out where I was working and emailed it to him.

I believe that you were unlawfully terminated--------however you should have been careful
in your language-------the elaboration of a WORLD WIDE CALIPHATE is an accepted
goal of islam------just as WORLDWIDE SALVATION thru Jesus is an accepted goal
of Christianity according to many scholars of those religions. Your big problem in bringing
a lawsuit is------paying experts and lawyers-----try some legal rights organizations

I think he is lying..3 hours latter and FB didn't ban me.
You know....I agree with you....I keep seeing these posts on FB claiming to have certain things banned and spread them....all BS imo.

You won't hear me demanding a ban except when it comes to specific groups which demonstrated a historic precedence for advocating genocide. It doesn't matter if it's the Weather Underground, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Chuck Manson's groupies, the Klan, the Neo Nazis or ISIS...all of them have a history of killing a lot of innocent people and a demonstrated intolerance for anyone outside their circle.

I will not tolerate their intolerance for simple survival reasons. It's a practical matter. Letting them hide behind constitutional protections is tantamount to inviting a mass murderer into your bedroom.
Outside of that, I couldn't care less.

But an employer isn't obligated to retain an employee who posts stuff that jeopardizes their client base, so for the employer it's also a practical matter. He's not making the decision to can the employee based on his like or dislike, he's making the decision because his phone is blowing up from people who refuse to do business with him anymore until he DOES can that employee.
Yes. Some have disputed that.

What's disputed is whether his employer has the right to fire him.

I got a well known lawyer to take my case. He only gets paid if he wins. We shall soon see.

I don't care about your personal situation. I'm interested in the principles involved. Unless an employee is under contract, an employer is under no obligation to continue employing a person, regardless of their reason for declining.
So we can fire all the Liberals and employ only Conservatives?
We've had many here claim to be employers and do that very thing. If they are telling the truth, that is their right. However, I would advise anyone looking for a job, if the potential employer ASKS them in the interview what their political party

LOL, I can see how that might be a red flag.
But it is happening.
Look, I wonder if maybe society is having a wee bit of trouble, on all sides, grasping the import of social media's very existence. I mean, after all, social media is a modern day replacement for what used to be the "public square", where people gathered.

The thing is, even as far back as the Revolutionary days, if you were a loyalist to King George III, you were hanging around in the square with other loyalists, right?
All of you owned a print shop, or you were a tailor, or you owned a butchery, or a tallow operation, or a livery.
If those loyalists suddenly found out that one of their employees was a fan of these Jeffersons and Washingtons, did THEY shit can that employee?

It's a good possibility, because after the Revolution an awful lot of the folks who fought alongside revolutionary colonists returned penniless and never recovered.
Why were you FB friends with your boss?
no. A Customer of our company read the comment, linked back to my FB account, found out where I was working and emailed it to him.

People are asshole and no wonder they CRY if karma kicks them down

No way should what you say on social media have any reflection on your personal life
Why not? You just say random stuff you don't believe on social media?

Why are you trying to post stuff I said 6 days ago and out of context?

So know I am going to have to read everything again to prove you are stupid?
I'm so sorry to have inconvenienced you.
Comic book convention bans Kevin Sorbo over friendship with Sean Hannity
Kevin Sorbo not allowed to be part of comic con convention, he foundered, because he's a friend of a Republican.
If you can keep someone out for being a Republican why can you force a Baker to bake a cake he doesn't want to?
Are political positions listed in state PA laws?

PA? Political Association?
It's a comic book convention. Help me out here because I am not sure where you're taking this. Maybe I'm dense this morning, wouldn't be the first time.
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?

You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

I'm wondering why the o/p thinks that free speech means that there are no repercussions for stupid and bigoted.
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?

You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

I'm wondering why the o/p thinks that free speech means that there are no repercussions for stupid and bigoted.

Well, that IS why I sorta lit into him so hard early on.
I keep hearing people screeching about their "free speach" [sp] but it's always about how they got fired, or otherwise penalized in a private manner by private citizens.
When I used to have camera crews, I had a kind of "no dickheads" rule.
If you weren't a dickhead and you knew how to make pretty motion pictures I didn't care what your political views were. If you were a dickhead about it, you were gone, sometimes before the end of the day if I could find a replacement.
Comic book convention bans Kevin Sorbo over friendship with Sean Hannity
Kevin Sorbo not allowed to be part of comic con convention, he foundered, because he's a friend of a Republican.
If you can keep someone out for being a Republican why can you force a Baker to bake a cake he doesn't want to?
Are political positions listed in state PA laws?

PA? Political Association?
It's a comic book convention. Help me out here because I am not sure where you're taking this. Maybe I'm dense this morning, wouldn't be the first time.
Public Accommodation laws.
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?

You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

I'm wondering why the o/p thinks that free speech means that there are no repercussions for stupid and bigoted.

Well, that IS why I sorta lit into him so hard early on.
I keep hearing people screeching about their "free speach" [sp] but it's always about how they got fired, or otherwise penalized in a private manner by private citizens.
When I used to have camera crews, I had a kind of "no dickheads" rule.
If you weren't a dickhead and you knew how to make pretty motion pictures I didn't care what your political views were. If you were a dickhead about it, you were gone, sometimes before the end of the day if I could find a replacement.

seems that was the same assessment made by the o/p's employer. now he's got to figure out how to explain why they canned him.
Comic book convention bans Kevin Sorbo over friendship with Sean Hannity
Kevin Sorbo not allowed to be part of comic con convention, he foundered, because he's a friend of a Republican.
If you can keep someone out for being a Republican why can you force a Baker to bake a cake he doesn't want to?

It's going to be entertaining to watch you morons try to tie comic book conventions and Kevin Sorbo to the Constitution. Could it possibly be that the folks who run the convention think Sorbo and Hannity are assholes, and their convention doesn't allow assholes?

Yep. Just like the baker thinks gay weddings are asinine and doesn't want to play along.
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?

You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

I'm wondering why the o/p thinks that free speech means that there are no repercussions for stupid and bigoted.

Well, that IS why I sorta lit into him so hard early on.
I keep hearing people screeching about their "free speach" [sp] but it's always about how they got fired, or otherwise penalized in a private manner by private citizens.
When I used to have camera crews, I had a kind of "no dickheads" rule.
If you weren't a dickhead and you knew how to make pretty motion pictures I didn't care what your political views were. If you were a dickhead about it, you were gone, sometimes before the end of the day if I could find a replacement.

And why is your conception of "dickhead" better than anyone else's?
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?

You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

Liberals promote a pretense of tolerance and defending the rights of others. But more often they are intolerant (of any opinion they disagree with) and completely oblivious to the rights that their social engineering efforts trample.

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