This Is What It Has Come Too.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The medium to far left calling for the murder imprisonment or banishment of the right. And the far right calling for the same of the left. And a President that emboldens those cries from the left. A Congress where the Dems in the Senate REFUSE to even consider bills passed by the Republican House. And encouraged to do so by the President.

A President that not once but 3 times attacked the Police for doing their jobs without the facts on the matter. All because a black person was involved. A Justice department more interested in not doing its job then in enforcing the laws of the land. A President and Justice Department that encourages and allows illegal aliens to flood the Country spreading disease and mayhem in their wake.

A Government of crooks and thieves, liars and criminals.
I agree with the latter part but which conservatives are calling for imprisonment and murder of the left?
There are several far right on this board that have but not many.

Maybe a few, but what I think you mean is that there are those on the right that think liberals need INSTITUTIONALIZED for treatment of their mental disorder.
Go up to 30,000 feet and look at this over the course of several decades, its actually good news what we are seeing. It used to be decades ago the loud minority aka liberals sneaked around under the radar undermining the country while shouting down opposition. The silent majority largely remained silent, too busy working and raising families to get involved. Fast forward to today, the silent majority is silent no more. They ended the Democrats 40 year rule in congress. They are fed up with liberals and growing wise to their lies. They are openly opposing the left and in desperation the left is now trying to divide the country by any means possible to hold onto what power they have left but its not working. Their only hope now is to flood the country with millions of illegals, get them amnesty and the vote so they have a new block of idiots voters to lie to and bribe.

Mark my words the lying America hating liberals are on their way out of power long term.

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