This is the stuff every liberal's nightmare is made of


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Thought I'd leave this here before the USMB progressives found about it.

Sweet dreams. :04:

"The FBI said Timothy Wilson planned to blow up a hospital in Missouri. Before that, he was active in online chats for two neo-Nazi groups.

A Missouri man who died in a confrontation with the FBI on Tuesday and who authorities said was in the final stages of a plot to blow up a hospital was an admirer of the 1980s terrorist group The Order and had ties to two active neo-Nazi organizations, The Informant has learned..."

Heartland terror
Thought I'd leave this here before the USMB progressives found about it.

Sweet dreams. :04:

"The FBI said Timothy Wilson planned to blow up a hospital in Missouri. Before that, he was active in online chats for two neo-Nazi groups.

A Missouri man who died in a confrontation with the FBI on Tuesday and who authorities said was in the final stages of a plot to blow up a hospital was an admirer of the 1980s terrorist group The Order and had ties to two active neo-Nazi organizations, The Informant has learned..."

Heartland terror
Thanks for sharing, JGalt. I'm glad they caught that one.l
Thought I'd leave this here before the USMB progressives found about it.

Sweet dreams. :04:

"The FBI said Timothy Wilson planned to blow up a hospital in Missouri. Before that, he was active in online chats for two neo-Nazi groups.

A Missouri man who died in a confrontation with the FBI on Tuesday and who authorities said was in the final stages of a plot to blow up a hospital was an admirer of the 1980s terrorist group The Order and had ties to two active neo-Nazi organizations, The Informant has learned..."

Heartland terror
Another alt right nut-job.
I thought alt right neo nazi types hated Jews, homos and blacks?
Why not a fag bar or a KFC? A hospital?

The FBI cultivates suspects like this. They had probably been following his social media posts for years and when the time came, were going to "hook him up" with the materials to carry out something like that.

They do the same thing whether it involves radical righties, lefties, Islamics, Hispanics, or blacks.
I thought alt right neo nazi types hated Jews, homos and blacks?
Why not a fag bar or a KFC? A hospital?

The FBI cultivates suspects like this. They had probably been following his social media posts for years and when the time came, were going to "hook him up" with the materials to carry out something like that.

They do the same thing whether it involves radical righties, lefties, Islamics, Hispanics, or blacks.
It's posts like yours that make me sad they took the 'Medal' icon away. Spot on!
No doubt he was a Drumpf supporter.

He was was angry with the government’s social distancing measures and had anti-government views. I love my government, especially with Donald Trump running it.

But you don't seem to love your government or your President.

Should I be concerned about you?
I cant stand that incompetent fuckup Drumpf.

I cant tell you who to be concerned with. You have to deal with your feelings of being intimidated by me with your mental health professional.
I cant stand that incompetent fuckup Drumpf.

Says the idiot with incompetent as a middle name. LOL
I didnt know your middle name was incompetent. Are you a fuckup like Drumpf?

No, but lets face it, Trump is the POTUS while your sit in your mommy's basement with a sever case of TDS. Now who is incompetent?
Drumpf is a incompetent fuckup. Why do you keep asking?
No doubt he was a Drumpf supporter.
I sense a great deal of hope and desperation in that post.
Thats fine. Just know it wont change the fact that he was a Drumpf supporter.
Obviously, you are attempting to associate him with normal, sane Americans who also support the President (I have to assume you're talking about him since he's the leader of the free world, but maybe you should check your bad spelling). That's really lame and totally meaningless.
Thought I'd leave this here before the USMB progressives found about it.

Sweet dreams. :04:

"The FBI said Timothy Wilson planned to blow up a hospital in Missouri. Before that, he was active in online chats for two neo-Nazi groups.

A Missouri man who died in a confrontation with the FBI on Tuesday and who authorities said was in the final stages of a plot to blow up a hospital was an admirer of the 1980s terrorist group The Order and had ties to two active neo-Nazi organizations, The Informant has learned..."

Heartland terror
Why do you say it is a "liberal" nightmare?

Was he planning to blow up a hospital with only liberals in it?

Wouldn't a terrorist attack be a nightmare for Americans in general?? Or does that only apply when its muslims involved
Thought I'd leave this here before the USMB progressives found about it.

Sweet dreams. :04:

"The FBI said Timothy Wilson planned to blow up a hospital in Missouri. Before that, he was active in online chats for two neo-Nazi groups.

A Missouri man who died in a confrontation with the FBI on Tuesday and who authorities said was in the final stages of a plot to blow up a hospital was an admirer of the 1980s terrorist group The Order and had ties to two active neo-Nazi organizations, The Informant has learned..."

Heartland terror
Why do you say it is a "liberal" nightmare?

Was he planning to blow up a hospital with only liberals in it?

Wouldn't a terrorist attack be a nightmare for Americans in general?? Or does that only apply when its muslims involved

The scariest person to most liberals is the radical right-wing white nationalist, even though the deaded idiot didn't appear to be much of a "nationalist".

They are more afraid of them then they are radical Islamics, communists, radical Hispanic groups like Las Raza, or radical black liberation theologists.

If you need proof, just look at the SPLC website: They mention literally nothing about left-wing hate groups, except for one mention of "black separatists."

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