THIS is the party people want leading this country? Yikes


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

No thanks! Oh and its NOT just because its democrats those cities all have something else in common as well. 2 biggest problems in America.

Definition of servant

: one that serves others

a public servant especially : one that performs duties about the person or home of a master or personal employer

Who are "they" employed by? Who are they "serving"?

This is an area "Public" Education failed in miserably- "we the people" are the "leaders"- not the Public SERVANTS.

Demopublican and Republicrats subscribe to the same bullshit. They just use different rhetoric to achieve the same results. To wit: this article and the stupid belief they are leaders. At best, (and I question even this) they are managers. They're hired help. Period. End of story.
Stop revering them as special, regardless of the Party they are supported by. The Duopoly exists for a reason.
Most of them don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain. They're narcissist and a lot of drunks, be it booze, drugs or power.
They're as bad as the quintisential used car salesman. Liars.

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