This is the LAST STRAW...i.e. the exaggeration, the lack of common sense!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
That anti-straw movement? It's all based on one 9-year-old's suspect statistic
That anti-straw movement? It's all based on one 9-year-old's suspect statistic

Seattle bans plastic straws, utensils, becoming first major US city to do so
The National Park Service estimates 500 million straws are used by Americans each day.
Seattle bans plastic straws, utensils, becoming first major US city to do so

So the USA Today REPEAT this 9 years old totally wrong statistic and cities are citing these statistics as validation for banning straws!


Then upon further source validation you find the largest straw manufacturer of the 14 US manufacture produces 22 million straws a day.
The largest produces 22 million a day... Produces! Not consumes but Makes!
Manta has 14 companies under Drinking Straws Manufacturers in the United States
Here is the annual production of D&W also holds the title as the largest drinking straw manufacturer in North America, says Clay Davis, senior vice president.
The company churns out 22 million straws a day – roughly 3,000 cases – in the Fountain Inn plant alone, distributing throughout the U.S. and Canada. D&W Fine Pack’s customers include food powerhouses such as Sysco, U.S. Foods and many national chain restaurants as well as school systems across the country

Inside D&W Fine Pack - Upstate Business Journal

Now there are 14 manufacturers of straws and the above says they are the largest.

Multiple 22 million straws per day times 14 manufacturers equals
ONLY 306 million per day MANUFACTURED

A FAR smaller number than 500 million and remember the MSM and Seattle and USAToday said CONSUMED!

Makes no sense.
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Yes, it does. Manufactured is identical to consumed because all straws are one-time use.

Let's get rid of straws and also plastic bags. Sooner is better. I'm up for it.
Yes, it does. Manufactured is identical to consumed because all straws are one-time use.

Let's get rid of straws and also plastic bags. Sooner is better. I'm up for it.

NO it is NOT the same! How many straws are in the packages in the stores right now?
How many straws in your house? RIGHT NOW???
For example in McDonalds' alone every day there are left over every night a number of STRAWS! NOT consumed!
With over 50,000 fast food places each having say 1,000 straws left over from night to night that means there are 50 million straws NOT consumed!

Yes, it does. Manufactured is identical to consumed because all straws are one-time use.

Let's get rid of straws and also plastic bags. Sooner is better. I'm up for it.

NO it is NOT the same! How many straws are in the packages in the stores right now?
How many straws in your house? RIGHT NOW???
For example in McDonalds' alone every day there are left over every night a number of STRAWS! NOT consumed!
With over 50,000 fast food places each having say 1,000 straws left over from night to night that means there are 50 million straws NOT consumed!

You can get a stainless steel straw and travel utensils to keep in the glove compartment or in your purse if you're a lady. You can survive this. It should have happened a long time ago.

I suppose you're just a troll trying to get a fight started on a pointless topic ---

Every straw manufactured is used or thrown away. Thrown away before use being identical in plastic pollution to thrown away after use. What, your idea is that someone is storing billions of straws for the future, or using them in the substructure of skyscrapers or something?

I think you are just a crazy, and I'm out.
So idiot! each Fast Food of the 50,000 fast food places has 4 containers each containing 250 straws or 1,000 per store or 50,000,000 straws NOT consumed per day!
Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at 3.40.28 PM.png
I suppose you're just a troll trying to get a fight started on a pointless topic ---

Every straw manufactured is used or thrown away. Thrown away before use being identical in plastic pollution to thrown away after use. What, your idea is that someone is storing billions of straws for the future, or using them in the substructure of skyscrapers or something?

I think you are just a crazy, and I'm out.

But the basis for these banning is 500 million consumed per day! When there are ONLY 308 million MANUFACTURED a DAY!
That's the point. Baseless erroneous statistics causing people angst over literal a straw!

Titanium; top of the line. You can get sets a lot cheaper. Buy once, always around. No garbage.

The "plastic patch" in the Pacific is the size of Texas.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a collection of plastic, floating trash halfway between Hawaii and California, has grown to more than 600,000 square miles, a study published Thursday found. That's twice the size of Texas.
Now let's assume there are say 6 gyres... Gyres are large systems of circulating ocean currents, kind of like slow-moving whirlpools like Pacific.. and contains the same size, i.e.
600,000 square miles or 3,600,000 square miles of the oceans.
How many square miles of Oceans are there? he oceans cover 141,600,000 square miles, or 72% of the earth's surface.
what percent of square miles have garbage based on 3.6 million square miles? 2.5%! Wow... let's get excited!
So Starbucks stopped giving out straws because of plastic pollution and instead went to plastic sippy cups...I'd say there is a lot more plastic in a sippy cup than a can such successful business people be so stupid??? LMAO

Titanium; top of the line. You can get sets a lot cheaper. Buy once, always around. No garbage.
Right and guess what you have to do.... clean the above right especially a titanium straw. Now you've added detergent to the waste management issue.
So Starbucks stopped giving out straws because of plastic pollution and instead went to plastic sippy cups...I'd say there is a lot more plastic in a sippy cup than a can such successful business people be so stupid??? LMAO

Starbucks cups are not recyclable, which means 4 billion go to landfill each year
Starbucks cups are not recyclable, which means 4 billion go to landfill each year
Same with McDonalds coffee cups...
That anti-straw movement? It's all based on one 9-year-old's suspect statistic
That anti-straw movement? It's all based on one 9-year-old's suspect statistic

Seattle bans plastic straws, utensils, becoming first major US city to do so
The National Park Service estimates 500 million straws are used by Americans each day.
Seattle bans plastic straws, utensils, becoming first major US city to do so

So the USA Today REPEAT this 9 years old totally wrong statistic and cities are citing these statistics as validation for banning straws!


Then upon further source validation you find the largest straw manufacturer of the 14 US manufacture produces 22 million straws a day.
The largest produces 22 million a day... Produces! Not consumes but Makes!
Manta has 14 companies under Drinking Straws Manufacturers in the United States
Here is the annual production of D&W also holds the title as the largest drinking straw manufacturer in North America, says Clay Davis, senior vice president.
The company churns out 22 million straws a day – roughly 3,000 cases – in the Fountain Inn plant alone, distributing throughout the U.S. and Canada. D&W Fine Pack’s customers include food powerhouses such as Sysco, U.S. Foods and many national chain restaurants as well as school systems across the country

Inside D&W Fine Pack - Upstate Business Journal

Now there are 14 manufacturers of straws and the above says they are the largest.

Multiple 22 million straws per day times 14 manufacturers equals
ONLY 306 million per day MANUFACTURED

A FAR smaller number than 500 million and remember the MSM and Seattle and USAToday said CONSUMED!

Makes no sense.

The funny part is companies will be using more plastic in their lids to help libs suck....:rolleyes-41:

The "plastic patch" in the Pacific is the size of Texas.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a collection of plastic, floating trash halfway between Hawaii and California, has grown to more than 600,000 square miles, a study published Thursday found. That's twice the size of Texas.
Now let's assume there are say 6 gyres... Gyres are large systems of circulating ocean currents, kind of like slow-moving whirlpools like Pacific.. and contains the same size, i.e.
600,000 square miles or 3,600,000 square miles of the oceans.
How many square miles of Oceans are there? he oceans cover 141,600,000 square miles, or 72% of the earth's surface.
what percent of square miles have garbage based on 3.6 million square miles? 2.5%! Wow... let's get excited!
I'm excited. I don't know why you're not. Are you a plastics manufacturer's heir?
Probably not, Oldy, just a knee-jerk against 'Regulation', the idea that the Govt should interfere with the Corporations' march to higher profits, regardless of the damage being done to our children's future.

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