This Is Socialism...The New Zealand govt. is now taking babies from parents that don’t want vaccinated blood pumped into their baby

Thank God for the 2A here.

If you believe like millions of others that the clot shots are extremely dangerous, anyone trying to infect your children with anything to do with it is actively trying to kill your children.
You have the absolute right to protect yourself & family from tyranny from any source.
Safeties off
New Zealand has been known for it's "closed society" extremeism for as long as they've been a country.

When I was in High School, we were taught New Zealand thought of themselves as a "pure race" of caucasians, and the government refused entry to anybody that wasn't obviously caucasion.

New Zealand has always had strict rules and laws governing their little island. It is logical to assume that their laws for their citizens would be equally as strict and bigoted towards anything or anyone trying to stand outside their realm of oligarchy power.
No parent has the right to neglect their children for any reason be it religious, political or simple ignorance.

Just make sure that your direct TV-to-brain DNC talking points download cable is firmly connected. You don't want to be separated from all of the other parishioners in your branch of The Church Of The Holy Glowing Rectangle!


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