This is how things were........

Let's get technical.Why was Obama allowed to never
Be On Time for any Press Conference.He was always late.
Whereas Bush 43 was seldom ever late.

I have no idea if that is true or not and really, not something I care about since I didn't vote him and have no obligation to defend him.

If Bush was always on time, I suppose I would have hoped he wasn't so maybe he wouldn't have lied us into war.
I have no idea if that is true or not and really, not something I care about since I didn't vote him and have no obligation to defend him.

If Bush was always on time, I suppose I would have hoped he wasn't so maybe he wouldn't have lied us into war.
Yer not interested in Truth.That is why you adore Obama.,
You must need an afternoon nap each weekday.To help break
the stupendous monotony of being clueless.
Plus Obama had The 2nd Most Liberal Voting record as
a U.S. Senator.Only Bernie Sanders had a more Liberal
voting record.Of course that makes perfect sense as to why
Chicago Commie David Axelrod made sure to advertise Obama
in 2008 as a MODERATE.
They pulled the same Democrat hat trick with Old Joe.
He'll be a Moderate who will Unite the Country.
Even Tugboat Bilge water is sweet compared to.

Santos, McCarthy and the Shameless Republican Party

The hallmark of the modern Republican Party is its shamelessness. You can be many things and still be a Republican — in favor of free trade or opposed; pro-Ukraine or pro-Putin; even in favor of climate change legislation or against. However, you must not feel shame. You cannot admit mistakes. Hypocrisy is a virtue, not a vice. Most of all, never admit defeat.

When Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) ran for president in 2012, a Republican candidate for Senate claimed that “legitimate rape” rarely leads to pregnancy because “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” That candidate was swiftly denounced by Romney and ostracized from the party.

Four years earlier, then-Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) stopped one of his supporters mid-sentence when she made false claims about former President Barack Obama’s background. “No ma’am,” McCain said. “He’s a decent family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about.”

Even former President Richard Nixon felt sufficiently shameful about being associated with the Watergate break-in that he insisted to his supporters that he was not a crook. The assumption that being a crook would disqualify Nixon from holding office just shows that he was a Republican politician from a different era.

The Republican Party today embraces crooks. It revels in cheating. It celebrates fraudsters.


Santos, McCarthy and the Shameless Republican Party

The hallmark of the modern Republican Party is its shamelessness. You can be many things and still be a Republican — in favor of free trade or opposed; pro-Ukraine or pro-Putin; even in favor of climate change legislation or against. However, you must not feel shame. You cannot admit mistakes. Hypocrisy is a virtue, not a vice. Most of all, never admit defeat.

When Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) ran for president in 2012, a Republican candidate for Senate claimed that “legitimate rape” rarely leads to pregnancy because “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” That candidate was swiftly denounced by Romney and ostracized from the party.

Four years earlier, then-Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) stopped one of his supporters mid-sentence when she made false claims about former President Barack Obama’s background. “No ma’am,” McCain said. “He’s a decent family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about.”

Even former President Richard Nixon felt sufficiently shameful about being associated with the Watergate break-in that he insisted to his supporters that he was not a crook. The assumption that being a crook would disqualify Nixon from holding office just shows that he was a Republican politician from a different era.

The Republican Party today embraces crooks. It revels in cheating. It celebrates fraudsters.

Damn you cock suckers love those "unnamed" people. -
And RINO enablers.
Let's get technical.Why was Obama allowed to never
Be On Time for any Press Conference.He was always late.
Whereas Bush 43 was seldom ever late.

Deblasio and the Hildabeast did a little skit on that one.

Barack Hussein was on Colored People's Time.

Even though he was only half colored.

He cheated at everything.

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