This is both funny and

Obviously you're so ashamed of your own country, you won't even mention the name of it. I see.

BTW: That's the fucking ugliest dog in your little avatar there. Are all dogs that fucking ugly in whatever little shithole of a country you live in?

:auiqs.jpg: :lmao: :laughing0301:

Leave him alone. What did he do to you? I think he's cute. No idea whose dog he is.

So you stole someone else's dog? No wonder they have a warrant out for your arrest in Australia.

Shit, I thought you people just stole sheep or something. I was so wrong.

Obviously you're so ashamed of your own country, you won't even mention the name of it. I see.

BTW: That's the fucking ugliest dog in your little avatar there. Are all dogs that fucking ugly in whatever little shithole of a country you live in?

:auiqs.jpg: :lmao: :laughing0301:

Leave him alone. What did he do to you? I think he's cute. No idea whose dog he is.

So you stole someone else's dog? No wonder they have a warrant out for your arrest in Australia.

Shit, I thought you people just stole sheep or something. I was so wrong.

Stole sheep?
What actually happened?
Exactly. Not saying he will be found guilty, but from what I understand both women want to go forward after he leaves office. Who knows? Are they gold diggers, spurned women, or rape victims? No idea.
It's sad that someone who claims to be somewhat intelligent believes 99% of the bullshit written about Trump.
So you stole someone else's dog? No wonder they have a warrant out for your arrest in Australia.
Shit, I thought you people just stole sheep or something. I was so wrong.

Nah, NZ was never a penal colony, unlike the US and Australia....;o)
Anyway, I am an ex-LEO, so the idea of me actually committing a crime (other than occasionally going over the speed limit) is laughable.
Obviously you're so ashamed of your own country, you won't even mention the name of it. I see.

BTW: That's the fucking ugliest dog in your little avatar there. Are all dogs that fucking ugly in whatever little shithole of a country you live in?

:auiqs.jpg: :lmao: :laughing0301:

Leave him alone. What did he do to you? I think he's cute. No idea whose dog he is.

So you stole someone else's dog? No wonder they have a warrant out for your arrest in Australia.

Shit, I thought you people just stole sheep or something. I was so wrong.

Stole sheep?

Well, maybe got one preggers and refused to pay the child support.

What actually happened?
Exactly. Not saying he will be found guilty, but from what I understand both women want to go forward after he leaves office. Who knows? Are they gold diggers, spurned women, or rape victims? No idea.
It's sad that someone who claims to be somewhat intelligent believes 99% of the bullshit written about Trump.
I actually only listen to the stuff he says. That comes out of his mouth. That's enough for me to know he is full of shit.
fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

If the risk of prison becomes too great, the impeached president trump will pack Ivanka in Air Force One and wing away to some non-extradition country, where they can live off the millions-of-dollars he stole from campaign donors and siphoned off from "federal sources".

fantastic at the same time.
I apologise to you normal Americans who just want to turn the other cheek when it come to the Orange Buffoon, but I dunno, I just hope this happens.

If the risk of prison becomes too great, the impeached president trump will pack Ivanka in Air Force One and wing away to some non-extradition country, where they can live off the millions-of-dollars he stole from campaign donors and siphoned off from "federal sources".

Actually this post reminds me. What about his demanding monies from his followers to help get this voting 'fraud' sorted, while the fineprint says some of the money will be used to pay off his campaign debt. What a guy!
What actually happened?
Exactly. Not saying he will be found guilty, but from what I understand both women want to go forward after he leaves office. Who knows? Are they gold diggers, spurned women, or rape victims? No idea.
It's sad that someone who claims to be somewhat intelligent believes 99% of the bullshit written about Trump.
I actually only listen to the stuff he says. That comes out of his mouth. That's enough for me to know he is full of shit.
Then you are an idiot because all he talks about is how US politicians steal money...and he's 100% on target.
Do you know the US sends billions of dollars overseas?
Because it can't be audited and it goes into accounts that our congress critters can access when they go on vacation.
We have millions living sub-standard lives in the USA; no call for sending anyone else our money.
Then you are an idiot because all he talks about is how US politicians steal money...and he's 100% on target.
Do you know the US sends billions of dollars overseas?
Because it can't be audited and it goes into accounts that our congress critters can access when they go on vacation.
We have millions living sub-standard lives in the USA; no call for sending anyone else our money.

You must be listening to different speeches and reading different tweets from me.
As for the money? Yeah, well that wouldn't surprise me.
Then you are an idiot because all he talks about is how US politicians steal money...and he's 100% on target.
Do you know the US sends billions of dollars overseas?
Because it can't be audited and it goes into accounts that our congress critters can access when they go on vacation.
We have millions living sub-standard lives in the USA; no call for sending anyone else our money.

You must be listening to different speeches and reading different tweets from me.
As for the money? Yeah, well that wouldn't surprise me.
I live here and know what's happening on the ground; you don't.
So set me straight then. Aren't you that asshole from New Zealand, or am I mistaken?

Well, arsehole, is debatable. Depends who you talk to. My partner would say no, but my ex would probably sit on the fence about it. On a bad day she'd agree with you.

Which has what to do with anything?
Nothing worse than a Neville Nobody trying to sit on the shoulder of giants when taking credit for what their forebears did. If you fought in WWII then good for you and thank you for your service. If not, STFU. You did NOTHING for my country during WWII.

Indeed this generation of Americans cannot even win small wars in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Deplorables. :up::eusa_dance:

Then you are an idiot because all he talks about is how US politicians steal money...and he's 100% on target.
Do you know the US sends billions of dollars overseas?
Because it can't be audited and it goes into accounts that our congress critters can access when they go on vacation.
We have millions living sub-standard lives in the USA; no call for sending anyone else our money.

You must be listening to different speeches and reading different tweets from me.
As for the money? Yeah, well that wouldn't surprise me.

Of course we're listening to different speeches and reading different tweets. Everything you think you know about Donald J. Trump is being filtered and distorted through your obviously-tainted left-wing globalist media sources, or second-hand information from your peers.

In other words, you only believe what they want you to believe. You only know what they want you to know.

Geez, for a bunch of people who proclaim themselves to be "open-minded" and tolerant, you liberals sure are a bunch of stubborn, intolerant, and stodgy bunch of fuckers. Try to step outside of your own little sphere sometime, and look at the world as others do. The sun is shining brightly, the air is fresh and clean, and the future has no bounds in my world.
I live here and know what's happening on the ground; you don't.

Well, unless you are an accountant and have seen the books of state, county and federal legislators and the IRS, you know as much as I do in terms of finding the info.
Which has what to do with what?
Dunno. You're the one claiming I need to be living there to know what is going on. I don't agree. I get CNN and Fox over here. Read the online US newspapers. What information are you getting that I'm not? And from where?

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