This is a Bald-Faced Lie


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
Puyallup, WA
John Kerry, the biggest of the big-government liberals, saying that he wants to cap federal spending?!? This is laughable. But it proves my axiom that to get elected nationally, liberals have to run as moderates/conservatives.

Kerry Says He Would Cap Federal Spending
By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Democrat John Kerry (news - web sites) said Wednesday if he is elected president he will not let government programs outside of security and education grow beyond the rate of inflation, even if it means cutting some of his own campaign promises and existing government programs.

"When I say a cap on spending, I mean it," Kerry said in a speech prepared for delivery Wednesday. "We will have to make real choices — and that includes priorities of my own."

Kerry said he would freeze the federal travel budget, reduce oil royalty exemptions for drilling on federal lands, cut 100,000 federal government contractors, and cut electricity used by the federal government by 20 percent, among other programs.

It has changed wording a bit since I got the link, but the points are still there:

High School Service Requirement

As President, John Kerry will ensure that every high school student in America performs community service as a requirement for graduation. This service will be a rite of passage for our nation’s youth and will help foster a lifetime of service.

100,000 Older Americans in Service

As President, John Kerry will defend and strengthen vital programs such as Medicare and Social Security, but he also believes on calling on America's seniors to give their time, experience, and expertise to an America that needs their help. ... John Kerry plans to engage 100,000 seniors a year in service in the next decade.

Creating a New Community Defense Service

John Kerry believes we must create a new Community Defense Service to be guided by our nation’s first responders. This service would be comprised of hundreds of thousands of Americans in neighborhoods all over the country. Service captains would be there to make sure our communities have the information they need and are ready to respond a crisis, complimenting but not supplanting the work done by police, fire fighters, and other first defenders. ... This initiative would be funded out of the Department of Homeland Security and administered by local community leaders, including first responders.

National Service Plan

John Kerry has a plan to create a seamless web of service where every American can enlist in a new army of patriots who will serve on all the frontlines of our future and build a nation that is more truly one America.

Creating a New Army of Patriots

On September 11th, 2001, America experienced the most terrible and deadly attack in its history. (political language edited out) John Kerry will call on all Americans - tapping into the idealism and ingenuity of Americans and putting it to work on building a safer, stronger, and more secure nation. Americans already make an enormous difference in their communities, volunteering, in Boys and Girls Clubs or homeless shelters. Many Americans do full time service. John Kerry believes that in these times, we need to bolster these efforts with a nationwide commitment to national service. Whether it is a Summer of Service for our teenagers, helping young people serve their country in return for college, or the Older Americans in Service program, John Kerry's plan will call on every American of every age and every background to serve. John Kerry will set a goal of one million Americans a year in national service within the next decade.

It is worth a look. Cap federal spending? HOW?!?!?!?!
Sorry, everytime John "The Undertaker" Kerry speaks, I have to hit the mute button. He just drones on and on and on and on and oooops, sorry! I was in a trance watching his lips move....

:sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

Maybe thats how he polls at 40 something percent? People are in a dazed stupor listening or watching him............

I can't bring myself to read the drivel on his web site:poop:

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