This has started with a Shotgun approach by the Progressives to me.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
I have not the first idea of how the Progressives planning the assault on this Nation. We all know about the High Court hearing went last week. Now there is information coming to the surface of Foundation money used to organize demonstrations and personal attacks on just about anyone who will or might vote on the Judge.

Now we are hearing of DOJ money being used to setup a Government in the Europe area, being spend by none other than the George Soros Foundations.

Money is being spend by Clinton to back groups involved to bust up this Nation and take control of the Government. This is a problem. Remember they did buy 25 million rounds of ammo back under the Obama rule.

In South America Colombia. The cash flows through the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and is used to support extremist groups that want to rewrite the nations Consitution to be a Commie Country. FARC is the leader. The Org, Dejusticia’s are being financed by the United States, and George Soros, Soros has his Spanish speaking Agents working within the Nation. You can guess the Nations money is going to dive to a low order and Soros will make millions. You should understand he has bought into several banks and owns a large part of them.

It is hard to follow all the battles that Soros is fighting since he does have many working on his behalf. President Trump is right we really need to get and keep control of our border even if we have to string out the Troops along it.
I have not the first idea of how the Progressives planning the assault on this Nation. We all know about the High Court hearing went last week. Now there is information coming to the surface of Foundation money used to organize demonstrations and personal attacks on just about anyone who will or might vote on the Judge.

Now we are hearing of DOJ money being used to setup a Government in the Europe area, being spend by none other than the George Soros Foundations.

Money is being spend by Clinton to back groups involved to bust up this Nation and take control of the Government. This is a problem. Remember they did buy 25 million rounds of ammo back under the Obama rule.

In South America Colombia. The cash flows through the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and is used to support extremist groups that want to rewrite the nations Consitution to be a Commie Country. FARC is the leader. The Org, Dejusticia’s are being financed by the United States, and George Soros, Soros has his Spanish speaking Agents working within the Nation. You can guess the Nations money is going to dive to a low order and Soros will make millions. You should understand he has bought into several banks and owns a large part of them.

It is hard to follow all the battles that Soros is fighting since he does have many working on his behalf. President Trump is right we really need to get and keep control of our border even if we have to string out the Troops along it.
Where on Earth did you come up with this, and I sure wish you knew as much about the Trump financial machinations as you claim to do about Soros, Clinton and Obama.
The US Government has provided material support for many vile organizations throughout it's history. This is nothing new...means to an end.

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