This GOP Economy- Austerity and Paralysis is ruinous...


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
By the well know communist LOL...

This Republican Economy
Published: June 3, 2012 921 Comments

What should be done about the economy? Republicans claim to have the answer: slash spending and cut taxes. What they hope voters won’t notice is that that’s precisely the policy we’ve been following the past couple of years. Never mind the Democrat in the White House; for all practical purposes, this is already the economic policy of Republican dreams.

So the Republican electoral strategy is, in effect, a gigantic con game: it depends on convincing voters that the bad economy is the result of big-spending policies that President Obama hasn’t followed (in large part because the G.O.P. wouldn’t let him), and that our woes can be cured by pursuing more of the same policies that have already failed.

For some reason, however, neither the press nor Mr. Obama’s political team has done a very good job of exposing the con.

What do I mean by saying that this is already a Republican economy? Look first at total government spending — federal, state and local. Adjusted for population growth and inflation, such spending has recently been falling at a rate not seen since the demobilization that followed the Korean War.

How is that possible? Isn’t Mr. Obama a big spender? Actually, no; there was a brief burst of spending in late 2009 and early 2010 as the stimulus kicked in, but that boost is long behind us. Since then it has been all downhill. Cash-strapped state and local governments have laid off teachers, firefighters and police officers; meanwhile, unemployment benefits have been trailing off even though unemployment remains extremely high.

Over all, the picture for America in 2012 bears a stunning resemblance to the great mistake of 1937, when F.D.R. prematurely slashed spending, sending the U.S. economy — which had actually been recovering fairly fast until that point — into the second leg of the Great Depression. In F.D.R.’s case, however, this was an unforced error, since he had a solidly Democratic Congress. In President Obama’s case, much though not all of the responsibility for the policy wrong turn lies with a completely obstructionist Republican majority in the House.

That same obstructionist House majority effectively blackmailed the president into continuing all the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, so that federal taxes as a share of G.D.P. are near historic lows — much lower, in particular, than at any point during Ronald Reagan’s presidency.

As I said, for all practical purposes this is already a Republican economy.

As an aside, I think it’s worth pointing out that although the economy’s performance has been disappointing, to say the least, none of the disasters Republicans predicted have come to pass. Remember all those assertions that budget deficits would lead to soaring interest rates? Well, U.S. borrowing costs have just hit a record low. And remember those dire warnings about inflation and the “debasement” of the dollar? Well, inflation remains low, and the dollar has been stronger than it was in the Bush years.

The amount of Pub BS fantasy IS a disgrace....

Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?

5 months to strike the evil empire, and educate their dupes...
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Paul Krugman.

Who would have ever guessed?

Talk about a left wing loon.

Color me shocked.
Obama has not been a big spending liberal like fox news and the repubs claim. He didn't slash spending as much as the right wanted but he has cut spending significantly. He also extended all of the Bush tax cuts. He's arguably more of a fiscal conservative than GWB ever dreamed of being. The rise in the debt has more to do with those tax cuts and a bad economy, not spending.
As of last month, 607k gov't jobs had been cut- almost all teacher, firemen, and police "thugs". Any increased spending is welfare and UE spending to help the out of work victims of the Booosh DEPRESSION.

Half the Fox/Pubbots now believe Obama started this recession. Change the channel- you're right off the wall, dupes.:eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol::lol:
2013 United States federal budget - $3.8 trillion (submitted 2012 by President Obama)[92]
2012 United States federal budget - $3.7 trillion (submitted 2011 by President Obama)
2011 United States federal budget - $3.8 trillion (submitted 2010 by President Obama)
2010 United States federal budget - $3.6 trillion (submitted 2009 by President Obama)

United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[ame=]You keep using that word. - YouTube[/ame]
Krugman is a fucking moron. He's the guy that clamored for the govt and federal reserve to produce a housing bubble. Then when it happened, he claimed to predict it coming and injected more moronic economics into the media. When he was called out that he endorsed and advocated for a housing bubble, he then later tried to lie and say he did not.

Anyone that listens to that man is either highly gullible, stupid or simply entertained by what bullshit will come out of him next.
"No compromise, un-American" (TIME) Tea Party Pubs won't pass ANY normal Jobs Bills, just electioneering BS for the dupes- anti EPA FDA Worker rights BS with no chance and years off...

An ex McCain aide said last years Jobs Act would have added 2 million job, grown economy by 2%, cut UE by 1%- but that would help Obama- country be damned.

Anybody not on Fox is a LW loon-...Pub dupes, stupidest voters anywhere....
Ahh yes, now Obama is the ultimate conservative... How did we all not see this before. Maybe Obama should run off this newly found record of austerity, shrinking Government and lowering taxes.

As per usual when things get worse after mass injections of Government regulation and spending "small Government" somehow magically gets *all* and I do mean *all* of the blame. TARP, Obamacare, new wars and the 780 billion dollar stimulus Obama did was all part of that cut cut cut conservative side of Obama that Republicans pretend is not there.

Do you guys honestly try and out do each other with making stupid threads?
Nobel Prize economists and Climatologists are LW loons, because Rush told me so...Loons must be censored LOL. Jobs bills never work. What planet do you live on?

Pubs have blocked everything since 2/4/2010- this is THEIR economy, the same greedy arrogant fools who gave us 9/11, the stupidest wars EVER, the SECOND Pub World Depression, and 2 1/2 years of paralysis. Pub dupes! Blaming out of power gay guys is LOL.

You're the omly party that lives on another world altogether. Thanks Rupert/Moon/Rush/Trump/Pubs....
LOLberals, they never seize to amaze, distort, spin, lie, cover up, fall silent or attack hypocritically..
past participle, past tense of slash (Verb)
Cut (something) with a violent sweeping movement, typically using a knife or sword: "vandals slashed a tire on my car".
Reduce (a price, quantity, etc.) greatly.

Is that the word Krugman used to describe Obama I mean spending since Democrats can't be bothered to pass a budget
Ahh yes, now Obama is the ultimate conservative... How did we all not see this before. Maybe Obama should run off this newly found record of austerity, shrinking Government and lowering taxes.

As per usual when things get worse after mass injections of Government regulation and spending "small Government" somehow magically gets *all* and I do mean *all* of the blame. TARP, Obamacare, new wars and the 780 billion dollar stimulus Obama did was all part of that cut cut cut conservative side of Obama that Republicans pretend is not there.

Do you guys honestly try and out do each other with making stupid threads?

Can you read, dupe?- He said Obama wanted to spend after 2/2010 but Pubs have stopped him- no more stimulus, no jobs bills, 600k gov't jobs cut- and a dismal failure Pub economy.... DUH.:lol:
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Nobel Prize economists and Climatologists are LW loons, because Rush told me so...Loons must be censored LOL. Jobs bills never work. What planet do you live on?

Pubs have blocked everything since 2/4/2010- this is THEIR economy, the same greedy arrogant fools who gave us 9/11, the stupidest wars EVER, the SECOND Pub World Depression, and 2 1/2 years of paralysis. Pub dupes! Blaming out of power gay guys is LOL.

You're the omly party that lives on another world altogether. Thanks Rupert/Moon/Rush/Trump/Pubs....

Thanks Soros/Clinton/Dodd/Obama/Dems

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