This country is my home


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I came home one day and a family had moved into my home. They had not been invited and was not welcome.
I called my law enforcement to remove them and was told they could not do it because I had to prove they were not invited and since they were already in my home I should let them stay as long as they pay me a reasonable amount of rent and I should let other member of the family move in also.
Since they were now living in my home, I must provide medical care, schooling for their children, feed them and I have to learn their language in order to better communicate with them.
While the mother was in my home, she gave birth to another child and I had to provide for that child as if it were my own. They were entitled to all the benefits of my children.
After the family had resided in my home for a length of time, they had the right o remain in my home, pay me a reasonable amount of rent, which part of it would be refunded at the end of each year.
They were free to grow and sell marijuana from my home to help support the family. Members of the family were in gangs and selling the drug and bringing crime into my home with shooting and stabbings. Being a threat to my family.
When they had established permanent residence in my home, they could send for their elderly parents and I would also have to provide for them even though they had not worked in my home to earn benefits of healthcare or allowance.
They have received more benefits in my home than they have contributed to the running of my home.
As long as they are not caught committing crimes in my home and I have to let them stay indefinitely.
I have been seriously considering moving out of my home and letting them have it, since my home have bee over run by other member of the family moving in.
They had taken my job, my wife’s jobs and part-time jobs of my children and still have not contributed to the well being of my home.

added link. ~elvis

I came home one day and a family had moved into my home. They had not been invited and was not welcome.
I called my law enforcement to remove them and was told they could not do it because I had to prove they were not invited and since they were already in my home I should let them stay as long as they pay me a reasonable amount of rent and I should let other member of the family move in also.
Since they were now living in my home, I must provide medical care, schooling for their children, feed them and I have to learn their language in order to better communicate with them.
While the mother was in my home, she gave birth to another child and I had to provide for that child as if it were my own. They were entitled to all the benefits of my children.
After the family had resided in my home for a length of time, they had the right o remain in my home, pay me a reasonable amount of rent, which part of it would be refunded at the end of each year.
They were free to grow and sell marijuana from my home to help support the family. Members of the family were in gangs and selling the drug and bringing crime into my home with shooting and stabbings. Being a threat to my family.
When they had established permanent residence in my home, they could send for their elderly parents and I would also have to provide for them even though they had not worked in my home to earn benefits of healthcare or allowance.
They have received more benefits in my home than they have contributed to the running of my home.
As long as they are not caught committing crimes in my home and I have to let them stay indefinitely.
I have been seriously considering moving out of my home and letting them have it, since my home have bee over run by other member of the family moving in.
They had taken my job, my wife’s jobs and part-time jobs of my children and still have not contributed to the well being of my home.

Believe me when I tell you that I feel your pain. Back in the 17th century an invasion of my ancestors home began that pretty much wiped us out as a race and relegated our way of life to stories in the history books.

All I can tell you about the invaders you are dealing with is what the invaders from Europe told my people:

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
Your people attempted to stop the takeover, too. They failed.

We can stop it.

Also, your people didn't recognize ownership of land, so it wasn't really "their" land.
Your people attempted to stop the takeover, too. They failed.

We can stop it.

Also, your people didn't recognize ownership of land, so it wasn't really "their" land.

Just because they had the spirit of community to understand that the earth and its resources belong to the community and should not owned by ANY private person or family does not mean that the land was not stolen from them as a people.

You think you can stop the Great Brown Invasion of America, eh? How? The brown tribes will take the land from the whites the same way the whites took it from the reds. Overwhelming population growth. It's already too late to stop it.
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I came home one day and a family had moved into my home. They had not been invited and was not welcome.
I called my law enforcement to remove them and was told they could not do it because I had to prove they were not invited and since they were already in my home I should let them stay as long as they pay me a reasonable amount of rent and I should let other member of the family move in also.
Since they were now living in my home, I must provide medical care, schooling for their children, feed them and I have to learn their language in order to better communicate with them.
While the mother was in my home, she gave birth to another child and I had to provide for that child as if it were my own. They were entitled to all the benefits of my children.
After the family had resided in my home for a length of time, they had the right o remain in my home, pay me a reasonable amount of rent, which part of it would be refunded at the end of each year.
They were free to grow and sell marijuana from my home to help support the family. Members of the family were in gangs and selling the drug and bringing crime into my home with shooting and stabbings. Being a threat to my family.
When they had established permanent residence in my home, they could send for their elderly parents and I would also have to provide for them even though they had not worked in my home to earn benefits of healthcare or allowance.
They have received more benefits in my home than they have contributed to the running of my home.
As long as they are not caught committing crimes in my home and I have to let them stay indefinitely.
I have been seriously considering moving out of my home and letting them have it, since my home have bee over run by other member of the family moving in.
They had taken my job, my wife’s jobs and part-time jobs of my children and still have not contributed to the well being of my home.

What tribe?
Just because they had the spirit of community to understand that the earth and its resources belong to the community and should not owned by ANY private person or family does not mean that the land was not stolen from them as a people

Biggest crock ever. Native American tribes were constantly fighting each other over territory before the white man came.
this country is my home

i came home one day and a family had moved into my home. They had not been invited and was not welcome.
I called my law enforcement to remove them and was told they could not do it because i had to prove they were not invited and since they were already in my home i should let them stay as long as they pay me a reasonable amount of rent and i should let other member of the family move in also.
Since they were now living in my home, i must provide medical care, schooling for their children, feed them and i have to learn their language in order to better communicate with them.
While the mother was in my home, she gave birth to another child and i had to provide for that child as if it were my own. They were entitled to all the benefits of my children.
After the family had resided in my home for a length of time, they had the right o remain in my home, pay me a reasonable amount of rent, which part of it would be refunded at the end of each year.
They were free to grow and sell marijuana from my home to help support the family. Members of the family were in gangs and selling the drug and bringing crime into my home with shooting and stabbings. Being a threat to my family.
When they had established permanent residence in my home, they could send for their elderly parents and i would also have to provide for them even though they had not worked in my home to earn benefits of healthcare or allowance.
They have received more benefits in my home than they have contributed to the running of my home.
As long as they are not caught committing crimes in my home and i have to let them stay indefinitely.
I have been seriously considering moving out of my home and letting them have it, since my home have bee over run by other member of the family moving in.
They had taken my job, my wife’s jobs and part-time jobs of my children and still have not contributed to the well being of my home.

believe me when i tell you that i feel your pain. Back in the 17th century an invasion of my ancestors home began that pretty much wiped us out as a race and relegated our way of life to stories in the history books.

All i can tell you about the invaders you are dealing with is what the invaders from europe told my people:

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

you are talking about my people also. One invasion do not excuse another. The mexican invasion is affecting me and my family the most. I am not concerned now about 1492.

chickasaw granny.
Some People should do some research into how the "greatest president of all times" dealt with immigration issues. Umm Reagan in case you forgot.
Your people attempted to stop the takeover, too. They failed.

We can stop it.

Also, your people didn't recognize ownership of land, so it wasn't really "their" land.

Just because they had the spirit of community to understand that the earth and its resources belong to the community and should not owned by ANY private person or family does not mean that the land was not stolen from them as a people.

You think you can stop the Great Brown Invasion of America, eh? How? The brown tribes will take the land from the whites the same way the whites took it from the reds. Overwhelming population growth. It's already too late to stop it.


I came home one day and a family had moved into my home. They had not been invited and was not welcome.
I called my law enforcement to remove them and was told they could not do it because I had to prove they were not invited and since they were already in my home I should let them stay as long as they pay me a reasonable amount of rent and I should let other member of the family move in also.
Since they were now living in my home, I must provide medical care, schooling for their children, feed them and I have to learn their language in order to better communicate with them.
While the mother was in my home, she gave birth to another child and I had to provide for that child as if it were my own. They were entitled to all the benefits of my children.
After the family had resided in my home for a length of time, they had the right o remain in my home, pay me a reasonable amount of rent, which part of it would be refunded at the end of each year.
They were free to grow and sell marijuana from my home to help support the family. Members of the family were in gangs and selling the drug and bringing crime into my home with shooting and stabbings. Being a threat to my family.
When they had established permanent residence in my home, they could send for their elderly parents and I would also have to provide for them even though they had not worked in my home to earn benefits of healthcare or allowance.
They have received more benefits in my home than they have contributed to the running of my home.
As long as they are not caught committing crimes in my home and I have to let them stay indefinitely.
I have been seriously considering moving out of my home and letting them have it, since my home have bee over run by other member of the family moving in.
They had taken my job, my wife’s jobs and part-time jobs of my children and still have not contributed to the well being of my home.


added link. ~elvis

I'm not unsympathetic. Especially to any US citizen living in the Southwest. Must be positively terrifying, this rise in crime -- especially kidnappings. But LilOlLady...where would you emigrate TO that has no such problem?

What do we tell Mexicans and citizens of other nations fleeing their own drug-crazed violence and poverty and corruption? Shouldn't we be addressing the CAUSES of illegal immigration in the nations these folks are fleeing?
No one except the govt actually owns land in America. And prehaps churches.
Don't believe it just stop paying property taxes and see how long you keep it.

We just pay for the right to keep others (except govt) off of it. Kind of a lease.
I came home one day and a family had moved into my home. They had not been invited and was not welcome.
I called my law enforcement to remove them and was told they could not do it because I had to prove they were not invited and since they were already in my home I should let them stay and I should let other member of the family move in also.
Since they were now living in my home, I must provide medical care, schooling for their children, feed them and I have to learn their language in order to better communicate with them.
While the mother was in my home, she gave birth to another child and I had to provide for that child as if it were my own. They were entitled to all the benefits of my children.
After the family had resided in my home for a length of time, they had the right o remain in my home, pay me a reasonable amount of rent, which part of it would be refunded at the end of each year.
They were free to grow and sell marijuana from my home to help support the family. Members of the family were in gangs and selling the drug and bringing crime into my home with shooting and stabbings. Being a threat to my family.
When they had established permanent residence in my home, they could send for their elderly parents and I would also have to provide for them even though they had not worked in my home to earn benefits of healthcare or allowance.
They have received more benefits in my home than they have contributed to the running of my home.
As long as they are not caught committing crimes in my home and I have to let them stay indefinitely.
I have been seriously considering moving out of my home and letting them have it, since my home have beeN over run by other member of the family moving in.
They had taken my job, my wife’s jobs and part-time jobs of my children and still have not contributed to the well being of my home.
Give a link for wherever you got that from. Actually, never mind, I'll merge the threads.

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