This country built by immigrants


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And not by Illegal Aliens.

Working our crops, babysitting our children, cleaning our houses and cutting our lawns are not career jobs. They are jobs most American teenagers did and student did to help pay their way through college. I did them all, but those jobs are no longer held by students but Illegal Aliens. So some of our smartest children are left behind and cannot go to college. Now the bi-partisan group want to give them to foreigners permanently.

Rubio’s plan is to give work permits after the border is secure and workplace enforcement is in place to put them on the path to green cards. Green cards? How do work permits differ from green cards. Pay taxes and fines? This is the biggest joke of all. Most of them will plead hardship and be exempt from fines and paying back taxes. How do you figure back taxes when they are working under several aliases and with fake or stolen identifications.
If Rubio is right that workplace enforcement be in place first them it will bring them out of the shadows and send them home and it will release millions of jobs for unemployed Americans. But if we don’t do workplace enforcement and border security first, we will be back here in 20 years doing another Comp. Immg. Reform.

We will never again need a foreign workforce to fill a surplus of jobs in this country anywhere but in the fields. We have never in the history of this nation had a surplus of jobs in this country.

Rubio, the immigrants that live in your neighborhood are not the same Illegal Aliens that live in my neighborhood. I bet my life that you don’t have graffiti on the side of your house, gang and drugs on every corner, flop house next door.

Bob Menendez do not know that Americans pluck and cook chickens, clean hotels rooms, flip hamburgers, cut lawns, clean our homes and baby sit our children, build our homes and roads, pick up our garbage, wash our cars, take care of our elderly, clean our work places, deliver our news papers, etc. 11 million Illegal Aliens here are not picking lettuce.
Any guest workers program must be temporary and not leading to citizenship because if it does we will always have a revolving door of immigrants beginning the in fields and ending up in our inner cities taking jobs from Americans.

McCain, in the shadows means in my face every where I go.
Yes, American has been built by legal and illegal immigrants: fact of history. Legal and illegal immigrants took Texas from Mexico: fact of history. Legal and illegal immigrants flooded America to work in the factories of the new industrial cities and farm the great spaces of the West: they included my great great grandparents.

McCain is right, you are wrong.
Yes, American has been built by legal and illegal immigrants: fact of history. Legal and illegal immigrants took Texas from Mexico: fact of history. Legal and illegal immigrants flooded America to work in the factories of the new industrial cities and farm the great spaces of the West: they included my great great grandparents.

McCain is right, you are wrong.

There can be no illegal immigrations when there are not immigration laws. Your great great grand parents could not have been illegal immigrants because we did not have immigration laws that is in effect now. Did they sneak intothe country, use stolen or fake social seciruty and identifications, took advantage of the welfare system. we did not have? Illegal aliens are not anything like the immigrants that built the country and came here not asking for hand outs and freebies. Illegal aliens are tearing the country to shreds.
You need to go back and take a second look at your history books if you cannot see the different between the immigrants of old and illegal aliens today.
NO illegal immigrant should be getting a job here.

No illegal immigrant should be tolerated by Americans or legal immigrants.

They cut the line, they violate our law UPON entry and they are a burden on the lawful majority.

What should happen with the vast majority of ILLEGAL immigrants? VERY prompt deportation.
A legal immigrant is in the country with the full knowledge and consent of the government

I am a legal immigrant.I had to pay thousands of dollars to process my application I had to pay my own passage. I had to pass a criminal records check. I had to be aids and TB free as well as other stds. I also had to have a skill that I could use to support myself. I also have to respect the laws and customs of the land and not be a danger to anyone.
compare that to someone who sneaks in.

An illegal immigrant.

So based on those definitions a legal immigrant has obeyed the laws and immigrated here according to the rules of our country. The illegal aliens paid money to a person to SNEAK them across the border. The illegals have no desire to become Americans, they just want the money and free services the liberals keep offering them paid for by my tax dollar.

What is the difference between legal and illegal immigrants and why won't those that want amnesty use the? - Yahoo! Answers
McCain stupidly admitted immigration reform is about ELECTIONS.
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Yes, American has been built by legal and illegal immigrants: fact of history. Legal and illegal immigrants took Texas from Mexico: fact of history. Legal and illegal immigrants flooded America to work in the factories of the new industrial cities and farm the great spaces of the West: they included my great great grandparents.

McCain is right, you are wrong.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

The treaty called for the United States to pay $15 million to Mexico and pay off the claims of American citizens against Mexico up to $3.25 million. It gave the United States the Rio Grande boundary for Texas, and gave the U.S. ownership of California, and a large area comprising New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If we had not bought it, it would be barren land.
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Guadalupe-Hidalgo for american dummies who don't know shit about the history of their own country...

1 - A violent thug armed to the teeth (America) breaks into your house, destroy everything you have...

During the invasion and occupation of Mexico the US troops behaved like a maurading gang, pillaging and destroying every Mexican, village, town and city unfortunate enough to be in their way...

Hundreds of catholic churches were desecrated and/or destroyed, the town's food and water supplies were generally looted or confiscated, the civilian population was terrorised, when armed resistance was met the whole place was frequently burned to the ground.

The atrocities against Mexico during the US army march towards Mexico City were so horrendous that a group of Irish immigrants serving in the US army, disgusted at so many brutalities being commited against fellow catholics, decided to desert and fight alongside mexican troops defending the country from the foreign agression.

They were later arrested, charged with treason and executed by the US Army and to this day Mexico honors the memory of those brave Irish americans EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

They are known in Mexico as the "Saint Patrick Battallion".

2 - After invading your home, destroying all your furniture and beating the crap out of you the thug threatens to confiscate your entire house if you don't "sell" it to him for a ridiculous sum.

American troops occupied Mexico for more than 1 year and the American authorities made it clear to the mexican people and authorities:

""Sell" us Texas, California, New Mexico, half of your country to be brief or FACE THE THREAT OF TOTAL ANEXATION."

Under extreme duress, with their hands being violently forced behind their backs mexican authorities finally "agreed" to "sell" half of the country's territory for peanuts.
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The Treaty, Lil Ol Laday, has nothing to do with illegal and illegal American immigrants taking Mexican Texas from Mexico in 1835 and 1836 in the Texas War of Independence. The Treaty recognizes that the area between the Rio Grande and the Nueces, which the USA controlled, legally belonged to the USA.

Jose has given an extreme view from the Mexican perspective of the War.
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This is all the "legitimacy" Guadalupe-Hidalgo ever had.

America can take that worthless piece of paper and shove it up her brown, moist, stinky orifice where the sun don't shine for all I care.
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo



Take a good look at what the people of Mexico think about Guadalupe-Hidalgo:



José;6736940 said:
This is all the "legitimacy" Guadalupe-Hidalgo ever had.

America can take that worthless piece of paper and shove it up her brown, moist, stinky orifice where the sun don't shine for all I care.

Most illegals think that way since they are the least educated of the masses.
The country was not built by immigrants. It was built by Americans who came here from elsewhere and voluntarily became Americans. There was no such thing as mexican-American, African-American or Japanese-American.

What we are doing now, as a nation, is voluntarily ingesting the cancer that will finally kill us.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the mexican American war. It is time to tear it up, burn it, and continue fighting that war. The war didn't end in 1848. It was temporarily suspended. It's high time to restart that engine and finish the job.
José;6736940 said:
This is all the "legitimacy" Guadalupe-Hidalgo ever had.

America can take that worthless piece of paper and shove it up her brown, moist, stinky orifice where the sun don't shine for all I care.

Most illegals think that way since they are the least educated of the masses.

If you think it's just illegals, you are not understanding what mexicans born here think. They feel the same way.

oh my lord these people dont know their own history.

This country is a melting pot and always has been.

That means we all LIVE in the melting pot.

just because your family has lived here generations dosent mean you are all melted up and standing beside the pot waiting for thr others to finish melting.

IT means to be an American is to LIVE in the melting pot and melting with all of those who make it into the pot.

It means mixing the strongest metal by using a mix of metal.

That is what the meltoing pot metaphore comes from.

BE proud of the melting pot which PROVES mankind is stonger when we mix together

oh my lord these people dont know their own history.

This country is a melting pot and always has been.

That means we all LIVE in the melting pot.

just because your family has lived here generations dosent mean you are all melted up and standing beside the pot waiting for thr others to finish melting.

IT means to be an American is to LIVE in the melting pot and melting with all of those who make it into the pot.

It means mixing the strongest metal by using a mix of metal.

That is what the meltoing pot metaphore comes from.

BE proud of the melting pot which PROVES mankind is stonger when we mix together

Oh for the love of God...

It's no longer a melting pot. It hasn't been for a long time. It's now more of a salad bowl where they flavors don't mix.

America: Melting Pot or Salad Bowl?

another expression that describes the diversity of people in America. It tends to be interpreted in the same way as the “melting pot,” but actually has a slightly different meaning with a different way of approaching and explaining American society. In comparison with the “melting pot” theory, there is the “salad bowl” theory. This idea demonstrates a complete separate perspective that the newcomers bring different cultures, where each of these cultures is kept as an essential part to make up the whole. Every distinctive culture or belief is considered to be one of the tastes or ingredients that contributes in forming the whole; therefore its original shape and characteristics are maintained.

The amalgram of a stronger metal is no longer applicable. It's not a melting pot any more and hasn't been for a long time. The idea of a future of assimiliation is done, no more.
It's no longer a melting pot. It hasn't been for a long time. It's now more of a salad bowl where they flavors don't mix.

America: Melting Pot or Salad Bowl?

another expression that describes the diversity of people in America. It tends to be interpreted in the same way as the “melting pot,” but actually has a slightly different meaning with a different way of approaching and explaining American society. In comparison with the “melting pot” theory, there is the “salad bowl” theory. This idea demonstrates a complete separate perspective that the newcomers bring different cultures, where each of these cultures is kept as an essential part to make up the whole. Every distinctive culture or belief is considered to be one of the tastes or ingredients that contributes in forming the whole; therefore its original shape and characteristics are maintained.

The amalgram of a stronger metal is no longer applicable. It's not a melting pot any more and hasn't been for a long time. The idea of a future of assimiliation is done, no more.

More like a Kosher plate... got to keep all the stuff separated.
This is about immigration, not cuisine. :lol:

Those here on the racist side and the far right have it wrong.

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