This could get interesting


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
With a number of (liberal) cities willing to defund police departments, one governor seems to be against the idea.
With a number of (liberal) cities willing to defund police departments, one governor seems to be against the idea.
That'll never happen. The progressives just keep cracking down on us harder and harder as time goes by. The police unions, the city employees associations, the fraternal order of police, the police guilds are all too strong and unified in disarming free and independent minded people, and waging war on sovereign citizens.

The powers that be, who have already wrought so much destruction on our lives, will never allow us a reprieve, neither to go in business or commerce of our own, nor to receive wages for our labor, let alone any any rest day or night.
With a number of (liberal) cities willing to defund police departments, one governor seems to be against the idea.
That'll never happen. The progressives just keep cracking down on us harder and harder as time goes by. The police unions, the city employees associations, the fraternal order of police, the police guilds are all too strong and unified in disarming free and independent minded people, and waging war on sovereign citizens.

The powers that be, who have already wrought so much destruction on our lives, will never allow us a reprieve, neither to go in business or commerce of our own, nor to receive wages for our labor, let alone any any rest day or night.

The police defunding is already starting. Any bets it doesn't happen in Minneapolis?
With a number of (liberal) cities willing to defund police departments, one governor seems to be against the idea.
That'll never happen. The progressives just keep cracking down on us harder and harder as time goes by. The police unions, the city employees associations, the fraternal order of police, the police guilds are all too strong and unified in disarming free and independent minded people, and waging war on sovereign citizens.

The powers that be, who have already wrought so much destruction on our lives, will never allow us a reprieve, neither to go in business or commerce of our own, nor to receive wages for our labor, let alone any any rest day or night.

Too late, already happening Minneapolis may be the first, Los Angles is planning to reduce police budget by up to $150 million, San Francisco also has plans.
Too late, already happening Minneapolis may be the first, Los Angles is planning to reduce police budget by up to $150 million, San Francisco also has plans.
The Democrat political machine is broken, and the cities are already facing bankruptcy for a various acts of financial malfeasance, reckless spending, rampant waste, fraud, and abuse. So now the mayors are desperately trying to "save face" by stepping in with the "keys to the city" and offering a ready-made solution to the crisis they themselves have created in the first place, and immeasurably exacerbated.
Too late, already happening Minneapolis may be the first, Los Angles is planning to reduce police budget by up to $150 million, San Francisco also has plans.
The Democrat political machine is broken, and the cities are already facing bankruptcy for a various acts of financial malfeasance, reckless spending, rampant waste, fraud, and abuse. So now the mayors are desperately trying to "save face" by stepping in with the "keys to the city" and offering a ready-made solution to the crisis they themselves have created in the first place, and immeasurably exacerbated.

That's so true, in desperation they're trying to save face by putting on a "black face".
I love it, Cuomo the incompetent governor drops the hammer on DeBlasio the incompetent Mayor. Fire Mayor Bozo NOW.

I say fire both of the incompetent bastards, asap. There's some talk about the Dems ending up with brokered convention, meaning it's all up in the air and anything could happen. So, Cuomo could end up as the Dem nominee, and our next president. I certainly hope not, but I can see Trump kinda wearing out his welcome.
I love it, Cuomo the incompetent governor drops the hammer on DeBlasio the incompetent Mayor. Fire Mayor Bozo NOW.

I say fire both of the incompetent bastards, asap. There's some talk about the Dems ending up with brokered convention, meaning it's all up in the air and anything could happen. So, Cuomo could end up as the Dem nominee, and our next president. I certainly hope not, but I can see Trump kinda wearing out his welcome.
Biden will have more than enough votes to win the nomination on the 1st ballot, so no brokered convention.
If the economy keeps roaring back Trump should be just fine.

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