Third World influence needs to be more invisible in the United States?

Hispanics like their own culture and race, more then other cultures and races.

It's natural...

I think it is great, and natural as long as we remember this map.

Remember the United States won the Mexican-American war in the 1840s. The United States forgave all Mexican debts, and paid $28,000,000 to Mexico for out southern border as it now stands. REMEMBER the United States won that war, and did not have to pay a dime. Illegal spics get out of our country. We are tired of wasting time and money on you. America is ready to hurt you. Got it?


Illegal spics, heed the warning before it is too late. Get out of the United States.​

I am really getting tired of doing your research for you. :

Research? Do you require research to talk about your own stupid ideas? Do you spout so much crazy, bigoted, unAmerican nonsense that you can't keep it all straight? Idiot.

You can not possibly be this out of it. You do not understand post #73? I am talking about Commies, Ultra-Leftistw, illegal aliens, and anchor babies. Do I have to draw you a map?

Whoops.............. I did give you a map, and you still don't get it! Spam is all you got, and I just popped you hard in the gut. :spam: :Boom2:

Face it you have nothing more to say, but I am sure you will come up with something off topic as a distraction. The walls have closed in on you! This is the part I love when the poster is nailed, but can not admit it to himself. That kind of desperation is funny. :trolls:
I am talking about Commies, Ultra-Leftistw, illegal aliens, and anchor babies. :

No you're not. You are merely venting your vile, unAmerican bigotry because that's all you ever do, pussy.
If these minor points, interest you so much, why not find the posts and bring them forward as a quote?]

Why don't you go ahead and tell us about them? Surely you haven't forgotten your own unAmerican bullshit, have you fool? Maybe you have some fresh insanity to add. Maybe some pointless pics? Some unbelievably bad fiction? You know, your usual nonsense. If we are going to allow an unworthy cur like you to stay in my country you can at least make yourself useful providing entertainment. Start dancing, clown.

I am really getting tired of doing your research for you. But these facts may even surprise you. National Council of La Raza | Take Action



By the way the image of a face in red is Che Guavara
the Cuban Communist killed by the CIA and Bolivian government.​

Unkotare, aren't you the one who likes to throw out the word "UnAmerican?" I think the word should be "traitor" directed at you and your bunch of illegal aliens and anchor babies.

What have you got to say for yourself now, Unkotare? ' Bigotry,' or' be prepared, the United States is being invaded?'

How long did you think you could keep these little secrets you Commie clown? :321: :FIREdevil:

This is the post you don't have an answer for in your Commie play book! I am going to post this until you answer the question about Aztlan, or just leave this thread.

Yes, I have actually lost my point in a thread. It happens to everyone at some time or another.

It rarely happens to me anymore BECAUSE I HAVE LEARNED TO GOOGLE BEFORE I POST. Usually like you, someone had information I did not have and blasted me. Right now, I know at least my next four posts, and have materials for more. I have been saving the La Raza take over of the border States for days. I wanted you to call me a 'bigot' a half dozen times before providing proof that you are supporting an UnAmerican bigoted invasion, and you do look like a traitor! Guys like you are funny when you go down. You dug a hole for yourself and still haven't figured it out!

:dig: :dig: :dig: :dig: :dig:

When I lose, I do it gracefully as a gentleman. I apologize that I was misinformed and/or leave quietly before someone starts pointing out my mistakes with big billboards like this. :whip: :fu:

You are right about one thing. I do feel like dancing, not like a clown, but like a victory lap or five!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


La Raza, illegal aliens, and anchor babies are not a joke.
They pose a threat to America, all 12,000,000 of them.
Please give this serious thought and write your Congressperson.
Amnesty will just bring more. DEPORTATION IS THE ANSWER.

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building a Mosque is within their rights

It is not a question of rights. It is a question of taste, and the American way. If I lived across the street from a person of the Hebrew faith, and put up a sign in my yard that said, "K*kes get out." What do you suppose the response in the neighborhood might be? The Mosque issue was in bad taste and Muslims don't care. So............ someone will take the time to EDUCATE them.


I don't care for this approach, but......
no tears here, they brought on whatever they get.
The magic word here was "neighborly."
They missed their one chance to make a good first impression.​

If Muslims spent half the time ASSIMILATING that they spend demanding their rights, they would do much better. Muslims do not understand that they are here to LEARN not to TEACH.


This is not the look for shopping on Main Street, U.S.A.
And, then they wonder why they are not welcomed into American life? :eek:
Muslims need to understand Halloween only comes once a year.​

The subject of this thead is, "Third World influence needs to be more invisible in the United States?"
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When I lose, I do it gracefully as a gentleman. ]


You are ALWAYS a loser. You merely repeat your unAmerican bullshit like some cowardly, hateful Rainman. You ignore responses and dodge questions like the sniveling little coward you are, and even hide from your OWN idiotic remarks. Count yourself lucky we haven't deported your useless ass yet.
And you are qualified to judge me because.......... .

Because I read your stupid, cowardly, unAmerican, bigoted comments, you little punk.

Preius is providing reasons, facts and experience to support his assertion

No he isn't. Pay attention. He makes vague reference to documents and principles he clearly does not understand, 'argues' against hate groups and ideologies that no one is actually defending, and repeats his mindless bigotry in an endless loop of hateful stupidity.
You're a fucking moron, you cowardly little shit.

And, you can't deal with reality. Understanding is as easy as 1, 2, 3. "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me!"

1). FAIR: Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers




You have never presented a single link, fact, background study, or quoted a direct statement from the U. S. Constitution to support your position. More than that you provide a screen for La Raza to hide behind with their anti-Anglo, anti-U.S.Citizen message. You have nothing. You are a useless name caller. Illegal aliens should be deported or shot on sight.
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You're a fucking moron, you cowardly little shit.

And, you can't deal with reality. .

You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass, moron. Try to pay attention: NO ONE IS DEFENDING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Do you understand? Will you just ignore this like everything else? Will you fail to address this question the way you dodge all other questions, coward? Will you just make some shit up and respond to it as if ANYONE had said it the way you always do, moron? Are you even capable of reading these words, you unAmerican, bigoted shitstain?
You're a fucking moron, you cowardly little shit.

And, you can't deal with reality. .

You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass, moron. Try to pay attention: NO ONE IS DEFENDING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Do you understand? Will you just ignore this like everything else? Will you fail to address this question the way you dodge all other questions, coward? Will you just make some shit up and respond to it as if ANYONE had said it the way you always do, moron? Are you even capable of reading these words, you unAmerican, bigoted shitstain?


So, this is your latest ploy - the flip flop? You have defended illegal immigration as a conservative for over 95 posts. You really should read your own stuff. According to viewership statistics no one is reading this thread any more. Your reputation for the name-calling crap is preceeds you. I only remain because I have a whole lot of graphics I want to post.

With all your noise, you have STILL NEVER PROVIDED a link, a fact, background, or direct words from the U. S. Constitution to verify anything you say. Now you pull a flip-flop.

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So, this is your latest ploy - the flip flop? You have defended illegal immigration as a conservative for over 95 posts.

Show me ONE post where I defend illegal immigration, shitstain. Come on, just one, you dishonest, bigoted fuck.
So, this is your latest ploy - the flip flop? You have defended illegal immigration as a conservative for over 95 posts.

Show me ONE post where I defend illegal immigration, shitstain. Come on, just one, you dishonest, bigoted fuck.

Normally, I would let this go, but I am having such a good time with you..........

I read all your posts. Your favorite words are 'moron' and 'UnAmerican," though variations on the phrase "little shit" were plentiful. You never provided a single link, fact, background information, or selection from the U.S. Constitution to support what you say in 97 posts. I'll give you this you are the biggest bull shitter I have ever seen, but you lack the intellect to be creative. Mainly, you are a rerun. If you could figure out how to 'cut and paste,' you could save yourself a lot of time posting. The best word I could come up with to describe your posting is "tiresome," you've read one, you have read them all. I would imagine you are a bore in social conversation. How many private parties have you been invited to in the last year? :asshole:

You hovered around the topic of illegal immigration most strongly in posts #32, #35, #54, #70, #79, and #83. You also addressed or implied matters to illegal immigration in your posts # 4, #9, #11, #13, #15, #19, #22, #28, #30, #33, #37, and #64. You flip-flopped over six times, (I stopped counting). My estimate is that in USMB you are third string. Please don't waste my time, bring on someone from the first string. :cool:


Image compliments of the Kansas Republican Party. :cool:
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So, this is your latest ploy - the flip flop? You have defended illegal immigration as a conservative for over 95 posts.

Show me ONE post where I defend illegal immigration, shitstain. Come on, just one, you dishonest, bigoted fuck.

Normally, I would let this go, but I am having such a good time with you..........

I read all your posts. Your favorite words are 'moron' and 'UnAmerican," though variations on the phrase "little shit" were plentiful. You never provided a single link, fact, background information, or selection from the U.S. Constitution to support what you say in 97 posts. I'll give you this you are the biggest bull shitter I have ever seen, but you lack the intellect to be creative. Mainly, you are a rerun. If you could figure out how to 'cut and paste,' you could save yourself a lot of time posting. The best word I could come up with to describe your posting is "tiresome," you've read one, you have read them all. I would imagine you are a bore in social conversation. How many private parties have you been invited to in the last year? :asshole:

You hovered around the topic of illegal immigration most strongly in posts #32, #35, #54, #70, #79, and #83. You also addressed or implied matters to illegal immigration in your posts # 4, #9, #11, #13, #15, #19, #22, #28, #30, #33, #37, and #64. You flip-flopped over six times, (I stopped counting). My estimate is that in USMB you are third string. Please don't waste my time, bring on someone from the first string. :cool:


Image compliments of the Kansas Republican Party. :cool:

You said America is almost done, then you say you don't support illegal aliens. Interesting. I won't read all your fucking post, what DO you represent? Neurosis?
Show me ONE post where I defend illegal immigration, shitstain. Come on, just one, you dishonest, bigoted fuck.

Normally, I would let this go, but I am having such a good time with you..........

I read all your posts. Your favorite words are 'moron' and 'UnAmerican," though variations on the phrase "little shit" were plentiful. You never provided a single link, fact, background information, or selection from the U.S. Constitution to support what you say in 97 posts. I'll give you this you are the biggest bull shitter I have ever seen, but you lack the intellect to be creative. Mainly, you are a rerun. If you could figure out how to 'cut and paste,' you could save yourself a lot of time posting. The best word I could come up with to describe your posting is "tiresome," you've read one, you have read them all. I would imagine you are a bore in social conversation. How many private parties have you been invited to in the last year? :asshole:

You hovered around the topic of illegal immigration most strongly in posts #32, #35, #54, #70, #79, and #83. You also addressed or implied matters to illegal immigration in your posts # 4, #9, #11, #13, #15, #19, #22, #28, #30, #33, #37, and #64. You flip-flopped over six times, (I stopped counting). My estimate is that in USMB you are third string. Please don't waste my time, bring on someone from the first string. :cool:


Image compliments of the Kansas Republican Party. :cool:

You said America is almost done, then you say you don't support illegal aliens. Interesting. I won't read all your fucking post, what DO you represent? Neurosis?

Hell, I don't even understand your question. :eusa_shifty:

And, what happened to Unkotare, he can not possibly have left until he has let every single member of USMB know how perceptive he is. There may be one or two left out there who have not yet embraced his ignorance. :mm:

America suffered a serious near financial collapse and recession since 2008. Since then America has done nothing to restructure our financial system. And the same corrupt individuals are running Wall Street that were running it in 2008. No one has gone to jail for the entire mess. Wall Street owns one political party, and rents the other every election year, (we still call this hedging your bet on election results).

If watching radical business news like MSNBC, CNBC, CBS, and CNN and believing it is wrong, I stand guilty as charged! The next collapse will be bigger, more devastating, and may not be reconcilable. The world economy could collapse worse than the Great Depression. This is not me talking, these are Wall Street analysts of both political parties. I personally have diversified my financial profile into metals. I am striving to survive financially, I am not trying to increase my wealth at this time.

Illegal Aliens have reached about 12,000,000 in the United States, and have been loosely estimated to have about 7,000,000 jobs. Berry pickers in Georgia make $25,000 a year. However, many illegals who have been here longer have sneaked into middle management. With over 9% unemployment, we want these jobs back.

In addition illegal aliens and their anchor babies cost American taxpayers $113 BILLION a year in health care, education, and welfare. FAIR: The Cost of Immigration This money could be better spend on our less fortunate CITIZENS or even a tax cut! Deport, Deport, Deport.....blah, blah, blah. All the usual name calling. Please read threads before commenting, and turn on your brain before touching your keyboard. :finger3:
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