Think you know about slavery? You don’t. A repost

Dudley I know the ME and North Africa.

Ah so you're saying you're deliberately lying? The book I posted has the Arab trade route maps, and the author's earlier works take the trade much further back than that.
What is now called Ghana was then the Gold Coast. Africans had been mining gold in that region for a long time.

These conversations always ignore that it was the Arabs who set up the slave markets, routes and economy in West Africa. The white-right always wants to shift blame from themselves to black Africans. It's like one member of the gang points the fingers at the others as if he weren't also guilty.
The local African rulers bought slaves to work in their mines, which was why the Dutch set up trading posts there in the first place, for the trade routes that met there and trade Dutch goods for gold and other goods.. Most of the slaves came from tribal wars to the southeast.
Ah so you're saying you're deliberately lying? The book I posted has the Arab trade route maps, and the author's earlier works take the trade much further back than that.

Arabs arrived in the Gold Coast about 800 AD from North Africa. Arab trade with Egypt, East Africa, Mesopotamia, the Levant, Yemen and the Indus Valley had begun to wane by the 5th century AD. Dhows didn't travel around the Horn of Africa.
The Arabs were not involved in the West African slave trade. The Arabs didn't deal in massive numbers. They had no plantations for that kind of labor force nor could they feed huge numbers of slaves.
The w. African slave route. Stop lying surada. Called the trans Saharan slave route.

Historians estimate that between 650 and 1900, 10 to 18 million peoples were enslaved by Arab slave traders and taken from Africa across the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara desert.[4][5][6][7] The term Arab when used in historical documents often represented an ethnic term, as many of the “Arab” slave traders, such as Tippu Tip and others, were physically indistinguishable from the “Africans” whom they enslaved and sold. Due to the nature of the Arab slave trade, it is impossible to be precise about actual numbers.[8][9][10]

To a smaller degree, Arabs also enslaved Europeans. According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured between the 16th and 19th centuries by Barbary corsairs, who were vassals of the Ottoman Empire, and sold as slaves.[11][12] These slaves were captured mainly from seaside villages from Italy, Spain, Portugal and also from more distant places like France or England, the Netherlands, Ireland and even Iceland. They were also taken from ships stopped by the pirates.[13] The effects of these attacks was devastating: France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships. Long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants, because of frequent pirate attacks. Pirateraids discouraged settlement along the coast until the 19th century.[14][15]
The Arab slave trade originated before Islam and lasted more than a millennium.[25][26][27] Arab traders brought Africans across the Indian Ocean from present-day Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania,[28] Eritrea, Ethiopia and elsewhere in East Africa to present-day Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Somalia, Turkeyand other parts of the Middle East[29] and South Asia (mainly Pakistan and India). Unlike the trans-Atlantic slave trade to the New World, Arabs supplied African slaves to the Muslim world, which at its peak stretched over three continents from the Atlantic to the Far East.
The w. African slave route. Stop lying surada. Called the trans Saharan slave route.

Historians estimate that between 650 and 1900, 10 to 18 million peoples were enslaved by Arab slave traders and taken from Africa across the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara desert.[4][5][6][7] The term Arab when used in historical documents often represented an ethnic term, as many of the “Arab” slave traders, such as Tippu Tip and others, were physically indistinguishable from the “Africans” whom they enslaved and sold. Due to the nature of the Arab slave trade, it is impossible to be precise about actual numbers.[8][9][10]

To a smaller degree, Arabs also enslaved Europeans. According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured between the 16th and 19th centuries by Barbary corsairs, who were vassals of the Ottoman Empire, and sold as slaves.[11][12] These slaves were captured mainly from seaside villages from Italy, Spain, Portugal and also from more distant places like France or England, the Netherlands, Ireland and even Iceland. They were also taken from ships stopped by the pirates.[13] The effects of these attacks was devastating: France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships. Long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants, because of frequent pirate attacks. Pirateraids discouraged settlement along the coast until the 19th century.[14][15]
The Arab slave trade originated before Islam and lasted more than a millennium.[25][26][27] Arab traders brought Africans across the Indian Ocean from present-day Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania,[28] Eritrea, Ethiopia and elsewhere in East Africa to present-day Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Somalia, Turkeyand other parts of the Middle East[29] and South Asia (mainly Pakistan and India). Unlike the trans-Atlantic slave trade to the New World, Arabs supplied African slaves to the Muslim world, which at its peak stretched over three continents from the Atlantic to the Far East.

Most of the Barbary Pirates were renegade Europeans not Arabs.

They did have slaves from East Africa, but marching slaves across the Sahara is ridiculous.
190 years ago, on August 21, 1831, the Nat Turner uprising broke out in the state of Virginia: rebellious slaves managed to kill 10 men, 14 women and 35 children, until the militia squads suppressed the uprising. After the instigator Nat Turner and his followers were executed, his skin was used to make souvenir purses for hunting participants, and the skeleton was exhibited for a long time in one of the plantation houses. In addition, up to two hundred Negroes who had nothing to do with the uprising fell victims to general hysteria.
Don Lemon obviously does not know that Thomas Jefferson was ardently anti-slavery. His original draft of the Declaration of Independence contained a long, harsh denunciation of slavery and the slave trade, but most Southern and some New England delegates objected and removed it. Jefferson pushed to have the new Virginia state constitution include a ban on slavery, but he was badly outnumbered. could acknowledge your responsibility and endeavor to return them to their homes...with adequate compensation to cover the value you derived from their labors. could use your position of power to rape them..and yes..if consent is not required it's rape....have some slave babies and prattle on about the plight of the black man and how you hate the very system that enables your sexually predatory behavior.

Jefferson picked the latter.

What value do you think we received from their labor?

They didn't build anything. They picked cotton.

That's all.

They didn't build the railroads or work in the mines which are the industries that truly built this country.
What did the OP attempt to do? Explain it was the Sumerians fault and the slave holding plantations were guiltless? Reads like justification to me.

You totally missed the point of the information supplied. From the first day proto type man was able to subjugate another to this day there have always been slaves.
As I write the Taliban is enslaving Afghani's, especially women. You refuse to accept that....

C'mon fleegle. You made a claim. Back it up, or I will accept your laughing as a kameltoe harris type of surrender. You two cackle a lot alike.
What value do you think we received from their labor?

They didn't build anything. They picked cotton.

That's all.

They didn't build the railroads or work in the mines which are the industries that truly built this country.
Uh huh. The money derived from King Cotton..went somewhere, now didn't it? Indigo, rice, tobacco, truck crops. Not to mention all the construction....from home to shipping to roads..and on...and on....constructed by slave labor. The south was agrarian..and slave labor was the power that drove it...for 100+ years..from colonial days right up to 1860.
Uh huh. The money derived from King Cotton..went somewhere, now didn't it? Indigo, rice, tobacco, truck crops. Not to mention all the construction....from home to shipping to roads..and on...and on....constructed by slave labor. The south was agrarian..and slave labor was the power that drove it...for 100+ years..from colonial days right up to 1860.

King cotton stayed in the South. The Industrial North is what generated the capital to build the country. Cotton, as a crop, was only truly profitable AFTER the cotton gin replaced the slaves. You should read more history because you are woefully ignorant.
C'mon fleegle. You made a claim. Back it up, or I will accept your laughing as a kameltoe harris type of surrender. You two cackle a lot alike.
Patience douchnozzle. Not a hard task, in this case.Had you any grounding in history..and economics of the 18th-19th century--I'd not have to bother.
King cotton stayed in the South. The Industrial North is what generated the capital to build the country. Cotton, as a crop, was only truly profitable AFTER the cotton gin replaced the slaves. You should read more history because you are woefully ignorant.
Yup..take your advice, you stupid ass..the cotton gin was what made slavery economically viable. The cotton gin crowned King Cotton. Perhaps you might take some time to learn, instead of trying to fit history to your agenda..rather than the reverse.

Perhaps as much as any machine in American history, the cotton gin shaped the nation’s economic, social, and political development. Although many people associate the cotton gin with only the American South, students can not ignore its importance to the nation’s other regions. Eli Whitney’s creation sparked not only an explosion in Southern cotton production but also fostered the associated expansion of racial slavery throughout the region. To understand the importance of this invention, we need to examine three different aspects of its creation and impact: the invention and patenting process, its economic importance, and its social ramifications.
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Patience douchnozzle. Not a hard task, in this case.Had you any grounding in history..and economics of the 18th-19th century--I'd not have to bother.

I clearly have far more than you do. The slaves BUILT nothing. They generated profits for the wealthy plantation owners who kept their money close to their vests. That's why it was NORTHERN money that built the railroads that transported the cotton the slaves were picking. It was NORTHERN money that built the ships that transported the cotton over the oceans to England. It was NORTHERN money that funded the gold mines in the west. Like I said. You don't know shit. Zinn is not a good source for history of economics.
Yup..take your advice, you stupid ass..the cotton gin was what made slavery economically viable. Cotton gin did not pick the cotton. Perhaps you might take some time to learn, instead of trying to fit history to your agenda..rather than the reverse.

Yeah, the cotton gin wasn't available till around 1805. Until then cotton was a LOSER. So you only have 55 years where cotton was even profitable. That was my point, nimrod. And by profitable it set up the plantation owners quite well. They were able to lead lives of luxury, but notice how the South was Dependent on the industry of the North for pretty much everything. Hell the Southern States had to have the buttons for their militia uniforms made in the north.

Like I said. You don't know shit about the economics of cotton.
Yeah, the cotton gin wasn't available till around 1805. Until then cotton was a LOSER. So you only have 55 years where cotton was even profitable. That was my point, nimrod. And by profitable it set up the plantation owners quite well. They were able to lead lives of luxury, but notice how the South was Dependent on the industry of the North for pretty much everything. Hell the Southern States had to have the buttons for their militia uniforms made in the north.

Like I said. You don't know shit about the economics of cotton.
LOl! You did note all the other stuff I noted besides cotton, right? BTW..cotton was never a just was not as big a winner until the gin. The point, which you have adroitly that a great deal of money was generated by slavery..and that money floated everyone's boat--everyone except the slave.

Cotton, as a crop, was only truly profitable AFTER the cotton gin replaced the slaves.
No matter, as you have clearly shown that you will bend the facts to bolster your alternate agenda--not much to say here~
You actually thought that the cotton gin took the place of slavery in the cultivation of cotton. So ignorant of a response renders you unable to cogently discuss this issue. could acknowledge your responsibility and endeavor to return them to their homes...with adequate compensation to cover the value you derived from their labors. could use your position of power to rape them..and yes..if consent is not required it's rape....have some slave babies and prattle on about the plight of the black man and how you hate the very system that enables your sexually predatory behavior.

Jefferson picked the latter.
or, you could just shut up your whining about it and move on.

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