Think Progress Caught Using Liberal-Manufactured Signs From "Crash the Tea Party"


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
[ame=]YouTube - Think Progress - Teaparty Racism video[/ame]

Remember “Activist 2,” the Saint Louis Team Party infiltrator, that claimed “I’m a proud racist, I’m white?”

It seems that Think Progress used a clip from this video, a video entitled “Proof that the Tea Party is not racist

The guys at SharpElbows.Net thwarted this infiltrator, heavily documenting his attempt to mingle with Tea Party protesters in Saint Louis.

Think Progress Ripped Content From Tea Party Video To Create Fraudulent Racism Claim - Big Government

[ame=]YouTube - Proof That The TEA Party IS NOT Racist![/ame]

Typical of the kind of dishonest effort Think Progress produces, the video heavily edits clips so that you have no idea what the context of a statement is or precisely what someone they've edited is trying to say.
Worse, the video "liberally" makes use of counter Tea Party protesters and infiltrators, including "Crash the Tea Party" drones, in order to fabricate their view.

The guy who claims "I'm a proud racist, I white" was actually driven out of the Tea Party protest he attempted to infiltrate.
Nice work, Think Progress!

Seconds later, Think Progress stitches together a series of posters they claim belong to Tea Party protesters.
Really, Think Progress?

Did you not think we'd remember the amusing signs your fellow liberals created for their little abortive "Crash the Tea Party" stunt in Boston? Let's just say that some were more amusing than others, and some just showed pathetic and angry progressives often are.

Confederate Yankee: Think Progress Caught Using Liberal-Manufactured Signs From "Crash the Tea Party" as Evidence of Tea Party Racism

So, we have liberals trying to FABRICATE racism from the tea party ONCE AGAIN. It shows their desperation to shut up the Tea Party. They are desperate and we should stand up to every single underhanded LYING LIBERAL tactic like this.


Busted for Fraud, Think Progress Decides to Play Cover Up... Poorly

Oh, Think Progress... aren't you clever?

You apparently didn't like us promoting your video, and so you marked the version linked in that previous entry as "private", blocking access to most users.

Merely blocking that video and replicating it elsewere doesn't do you any favors, or save you any embarrassment. Amusingly, it it indicates that you know you have a problem, but that you simply don't care to correct your lies.

I'd feel sorry for you, if you had souls.But your offending article is still online. Your video may change locations, but is easily relinked. The more often you do it, the more obvious your panic becomes.

About the only thing you can do at this point to save face is to issue a retraction, but we know that isn't likely to happen either, is it?
That wold require humility and integrity, two character traits that have rarely burdened you.

Keep playing games, my friends.

Confederate Yankee: Busted for Fraud, Think Progress Decides to Play Cover Up... Poorly

Cue the brainless lying faithful who will come in here and make LAME attempts at "proving" racism from the tea party.

But when you need INFILTRATORS from your own side to prove "racism" and they get caught, call it a great big fail.

Outline the facts that proove that man was a plant?

You do not really think just because someone accused him of being a plant that is evidence now do you?
Outline the facts that proove that man was a plant?

You do not really think just because someone accused him of being a plant that is evidence now do you?

Oh please! When Think Progress, one day later runs away and buries that video, even they know they were busted in showing plants as real tea party members.


Just goes to show the desperate measures people will sink to when they feel threatened.

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