Things Not What The Left Claims...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "For 40 years, the academic left has taught that reality is socially constructed, preferably by the left for the left. But every once in a while, reality bites back in a big way.

2. In mediaworld, abortion doctors are just noble people striving to protect the equal rights of marriage activists are all ordinary loving couples who seek nothing more than to be left alone to snuggle as they choose, and opposing gay marriage is "controversial" for a business executive....

3. This week, we learn that in the real world, some abortion doctors are men like Charlotte, N.C.'s Dr. Ashutosh Virmani, who when surprised on July 26 by polite pro-life activists at his doorstep shouted that they should "adopt one of those ugly black babies" to save the taxpayers money.

4. "I, as a taxpayer, do not wish to pay for those babies to be born and brought up and kill those people in Colorado," Virmani said, referring to the Aurora, Colo., theater killer, who was a college-educated white man.

Abortionist Ron Virmani "Ugly Black Babies" - YouTube!

5. Virmani has been a donor to Democrat candidates and causes, although not (unsurprisingly!) to President Obama.

6. This week, we learn that when Chick-fil-A's Dan Cathy tells the Baptist Press he supports the Biblical definition of marriage, and big-city mayors like Tom Menino of Boston vow to hurt this man's business, major gay rights organizations "applaud," as the Human Rights Campaign put it in a press release praising Menino.

7. ...we also learn that in reality, while Americans will crowd for hours to eat chicken sandwiches to show support for marriage and the Cathy family, calling for Starbucks Appreciation Day and Chick-fil-A kiss-ins will leave you with "egg on your face," as the Washington Times reported.

a. Starbucks, which has been the target of a boycott by the National Organization for Marriage (which I co-founded) for endorsing gay marriage as a corporation, actually nervously asked the organizers of Starbucks Appreciation Day to take the company's name out of it.

8. This week, we also learn that not all children raised by gay parents are as enthusiastic as young Zach Wahls.Professor Robert Oscar Lopez, a self-identified Latino bisexual professor of English raised by two lesbian moms, wrote an essay praising professor Mark Regnerus' study on the subject.

a. ...critics of Regnerus are seeking to shut out the voices of the majority of children with a gay parent, Lopez says,...Regnerus "deserves tremendous credit -- and the gay community ought to be crediting him rather than trying to silence him."

b. "Regnerus' study identified 248 adult children of parents who had same-sex romantic relationships. Offered a chance to provide frank responses with the hindsight of adulthood, they gave reports unfavorable to the gay marriage equality agenda. Yet the results are backed up by an important thing in life called common sense. ... Like my story, these 248 people's stories deserve to be told. The gay movement is doing everything it can to make sure that nobody hears them. "

9. the end, reality has a way of biting back ideology every time."
Ugly Black Babies and the Left | RealClearPolitics

Reality....versus the ideology of secular propaganda.

TELL me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!—
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Lots of folks are waking up.....I expect to see them at the polls November 6th.
1. "For 40 years, the academic left has taught that reality is socially constructed, preferably by the left for the left. But every once in a while, reality bites back in a big way.

2. In mediaworld, abortion doctors are just noble people striving to protect the equal rights of marriage activists are all ordinary loving couples who seek nothing more than to be left alone to snuggle as they choose, and opposing gay marriage is "controversial" for a business executive....

3. This week, we learn that in the real world, some abortion doctors are men like Charlotte, N.C.'s Dr. Ashutosh Virmani, who when surprised on July 26 by polite pro-life activists at his doorstep shouted that they should "adopt one of those ugly black babies" to save the taxpayers money.

4. "I, as a taxpayer, do not wish to pay for those babies to be born and brought up and kill those people in Colorado," Virmani said, referring to the Aurora, Colo., theater killer, who was a college-educated white man.

Abortionist Ron Virmani "Ugly Black Babies" - YouTube!

5. Virmani has been a donor to Democrat candidates and causes, although not (unsurprisingly!) to President Obama.

6. This week, we learn that when Chick-fil-A's Dan Cathy tells the Baptist Press he supports the Biblical definition of marriage, and big-city mayors like Tom Menino of Boston vow to hurt this man's business, major gay rights organizations "applaud," as the Human Rights Campaign put it in a press release praising Menino.

7. ...we also learn that in reality, while Americans will crowd for hours to eat chicken sandwiches to show support for marriage and the Cathy family, calling for Starbucks Appreciation Day and Chick-fil-A kiss-ins will leave you with "egg on your face," as the Washington Times reported.

a. Starbucks, which has been the target of a boycott by the National Organization for Marriage (which I co-founded) for endorsing gay marriage as a corporation, actually nervously asked the organizers of Starbucks Appreciation Day to take the company's name out of it.

8. This week, we also learn that not all children raised by gay parents are as enthusiastic as young Zach Wahls.Professor Robert Oscar Lopez, a self-identified Latino bisexual professor of English raised by two lesbian moms, wrote an essay praising professor Mark Regnerus' study on the subject.

a. ...critics of Regnerus are seeking to shut out the voices of the majority of children with a gay parent, Lopez says,...Regnerus "deserves tremendous credit -- and the gay community ought to be crediting him rather than trying to silence him."

b. "Regnerus' study identified 248 adult children of parents who had same-sex romantic relationships. Offered a chance to provide frank responses with the hindsight of adulthood, they gave reports unfavorable to the gay marriage equality agenda. Yet the results are backed up by an important thing in life called common sense. ... Like my story, these 248 people's stories deserve to be told. The gay movement is doing everything it can to make sure that nobody hears them. "

9. the end, reality has a way of biting back ideology every time."
Ugly Black Babies and the Left | RealClearPolitics

Reality....versus the ideology of secular propaganda.

TELL me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!—
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Lots of folks are waking up.....I expect to see them at the polls November 6th.

nice rant
The "American" Left finally admitted that their "Progress" is toward a system that comes with a guaranteed 100% Fail: Socialism.

They are out on the limb and we have the buzzsaw
How about a USMB meet up at Chik a fil or Fil a chik or whatever it is? There's one in Manhattan

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