Things I'm critical of Obama for...


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
For some of our less evolved RW posters, they automatically equate oppossition to Romney with endorsement of Obama. Even though their support of Romney is not based on any love of Romney, but hatred of Obama because he has a D behind his name.

So in the interest of fairness, I thought I'd list the things I am critical of Obama for doing or not doing. Nearly all of these I've criticized him for in the past. People forget that now because even though I said as far back as July I would never support the Weird Mormon Robot, they thought I was kidding and would come around by now, I guess.

1) Obamacare- The problem with the ACA is that it doesn’t really address the underlying problem, which is not so much the non-insured (most of whom are young enough to where buying insurance is impractical) but the spiraling costs of insurance. It does little to control the cost of health care, it just spreads the costs around by forcing people into the system.

2) Stimulus- It was focused on bailing out state governments and delaying the day they had to make tough choices on pensions and personnel and benefits. The ugly truth is we’ve never gotten out of a recession without a burst of Keynesian spending. This was even true of Reagan, who doubled defense spending. This was just about putting off the reckoning.

3) Budget showdown/Debt Ceiling- Never, ever should have gotten to that point. It was the most reckless game of chicken ever. Both parties deserve blame and scorn for it. Obama’s comments about peas and his daughters’ homework were patronizing, and missed the national mood. Again, this is where you really miss a Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan, who had the instinct to Ju-Jitsu the opposition with their own momentum and co-opt the good ideas.

4) Keystone- A great example of how certain special interest groups hold good ideas hostage. Obama could have gotten behind starting construction while still minding environmental concerns.

5) Afghanistan- this is an example of how rhetoric can cloud reality. Obama called Afganistan the “war of necessity”, so he could look hawkish while still reaping the benefits of the Iraq War’s unpopularity. But really, any purpose there was over when Karzai stole the 2009 election. So why are we still there? Because no one can admit it isn't worth it.

6) Libya- Another great example of sticking our hands in a hornet’s nest and hoping we can find nice hornets which won’t sting us. It’s like we never learn. the people we helped are hip deep in with Al Qaeda, but we helped them get rid of Qadaffi, who really hadn't been a problem in some time.

7) Holder- Needs to go. Period.

8) Wright- this is water over the damn, really, but the way he handled it 2008 was kind of reprehensible. Particularly the way he threw Granny under the bus.

9)Free Trade= Still drinking the Free Trade Koolaid, but both parties do that.

Now, again, none of these things are to me a compelling reason to vote for Romney, a guy who would make the economic problems worse because he do more of the same things we are doing wrong.
Sounds like you just need to come up with a more competent Marxist President.

And this, children is why the RW has become a joke.

Because they say "Marxist" in a totally non-sarcastic way, and really think Obama is a "Marxist".

(Pssst. Pssst. Marxists don't save Wall Street. They nationalize it and take the Banksters out and shoot them.)

The ironic thing is, Wall Street has made out pretty well under Obama. The Dow has been in the 12K-13K range for the last year. Vast improvement from the 7000 range it was in when he took office.
For some of our less evolved RW posters, they automatically equate oppossition to Romney with endorsement of Obama. Even though their support of Romney is not based on any love of Romney, but hatred of Obama because he has a D behind his name.

So in the interest of fairness, I thought I'd list the things I am critical of Obama for doing or not doing. Nearly all of these I've criticized him for in the past. People forget that now because even though I said as far back as July I would never support the Weird Mormon Robot, they thought I was kidding and would come around by now, I guess.

1) Obamacare- The problem with the ACA is that it doesn’t really address the underlying problem, which is not so much the non-insured (most of whom are young enough to where buying insurance is impractical) but the spiraling costs of insurance. It does little to control the cost of health care, it just spreads the costs around by forcing people into the system.

2) Stimulus- It was focused on bailing out state governments and delaying the day they had to make tough choices on pensions and personnel and benefits. The ugly truth is we’ve never gotten out of a recession without a burst of Keynesian spending. This was even true of Reagan, who doubled defense spending. This was just about putting off the reckoning.

3) Budget showdown/Debt Ceiling- Never, ever should have gotten to that point. It was the most reckless game of chicken ever. Both parties deserve blame and scorn for it. Obama’s comments about peas and his daughters’ homework were patronizing, and missed the national mood. Again, this is where you really miss a Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan, who had the instinct to Ju-Jitsu the opposition with their own momentum and co-opt the good ideas.

4) Keystone- A great example of how certain special interest groups hold good ideas hostage. Obama could have gotten behind starting construction while still minding environmental concerns.

5) Afghanistan- this is an example of how rhetoric can cloud reality. Obama called Afganistan the “war of necessity”, so he could look hawkish while still reaping the benefits of the Iraq War’s unpopularity. But really, any purpose there was over when Karzai stole the 2009 election. So why are we still there? Because no one can admit it isn't worth it.

6) Libya- Another great example of sticking our hands in a hornet’s nest and hoping we can find nice hornets which won’t sting us. It’s like we never learn. the people we helped are hip deep in with Al Qaeda, but we helped them get rid of Qadaffi, who really hadn't been a problem in some time.

7) Holder- Needs to go. Period.

8) Wright- this is water over the damn, really, but the way he handled it 2008 was kind of reprehensible. Particularly the way he threw Granny under the bus.

9)Free Trade= Still drinking the Free Trade Koolaid, but both parties do that.

Now, again, none of these things are to me a compelling reason to vote for Romney, a guy who would make the economic problems worse because he do more of the same things we are doing wrong.

Sheesh.. long OP...where do I start,

I don't hate Obama, I just believe he's proven unqualified. His policies and those of fellow liberals are devastating the country, in my opinion. (there's more but eh)

"Weird Mormon Robot".... gads man...Romney could do with some cool...:lol:

( I just hope Romney doesn't wear that orange glow make-up that Al Gore did in the Presidential debates, Al and Mitt are robot clones, yah know...)
Sheesh.. long OP...where do I start,

I don't hate Obama, I just believe he's proven unqualified. His policies and those of fellow liberals are devastating the country, in my opinion. (there's more but eh)

"Weird Mormon Robot".... gads man...Romney could do with some cool...:lol:

( I just hope Romney doesn't wear that orange glow make-up that Al Gore did in the Presidential debates, Al and Mitt are robot clones, yah know...)

Again, compared to what?

I think he's made mistakes. I think he's also accomplished some good things. I've yet to see any evidence Romney would be an improvement in any way. I think in many ways, he be worse because he lacks human empathy.
you totally ignore the worst thing he has done......

american citizens now can be detained without trial....what the fuck is with that....

where is all the bitching about our civil rights that went on under bush...obama has taken a lot more than bush took
you totally ignore the worst thing he has done......

american citizens now can be detained without trial....what the fuck is with that....

where is all the bitching about our civil rights that went on under bush...obama has taken a lot more than bush took

I personally think a lot of these laws are stupid, but since my name isn't Achmed, they probably don't apply to me...

Sorry, that's totally cynical, but it is what it is.
Joe B, do it piss you off that Pres. Obama had absolutely no help from Repubs in addressing our problems?

What could we have accomplished IF all sides had worked on our problems together?

I think the thing I am most pissed at Obama about is how slow he was to understand that the Rethugs were not only not going to offer any help but that they were actively working against both Obama and the majority of the American people. He should have realized this much sooner and planned accordingly.

Also a little pissed that he took on HC at the time he did. Wasted to much time and effort and good will.

And Obama needs to get a lot meaner and nastier. Let a little ghetto out.

If he loses the next election, we are truly and royally fucked.
Sheesh.. long OP...where do I start,

I don't hate Obama, I just believe he's proven unqualified. His policies and those of fellow liberals are devastating the country, in my opinion. (there's more but eh)

"Weird Mormon Robot".... gads man...Romney could do with some cool...:lol:

( I just hope Romney doesn't wear that orange glow make-up that Al Gore did in the Presidential debates, Al and Mitt are robot clones, yah know...)

Again, compared to what?

I think he's made mistakes. I think he's also accomplished some good things. I've yet to see any evidence Romney would be an improvement in any way. I think in many ways, he be worse because he lacks human empathy.

I don't believe, "some good things" is good enough for the country. His negatives far outweigh his positives over-all, it's really quite indisputable from a big picture perspective.

Well, on Romney, you're not looking for evidence that Romney would be an improvement, quite the contrary. I also believe it's too early to tell, his mettle is still being tested.
american citizens now can be detained without trial....what the fuck is with that....

where is all the bitching about our civil rights that went on under bush...obama has taken a lot more than bush took

Interesting POV. I bitched and bitched when Bush started down this road and I complained then that the next President, Repub or Dem, would not give up ANY of the new found powers from the Bush efforts and in fact would expand upon those powers.

And he did. And we are less free for it.

But everyone should have known that no President gives up power on their own.

I told people then that they wouldn't like what was gonna happen in the future. And they don't.
I don't believe, "some good things" is good enough for the country. His negatives far outweigh his positives over-all, it's really quite indisputable from a big picture perspective.

Well, on Romney, you're not looking for evidence that Romney would be an improvement, quite the contrary. I also believe it's too early to tell, his mettle is still being tested.

My opinion about Romney was made up when I found out he was a Mormon. I really hate those guys.

Point is, Obama did save the Auto Industry. He did force some sensible reforms on the banks and credit card companies. He did get us out of Iraq in good order. He's restored a lot of the good will towards the US that was lost during the Bush years.

I think a lot of the bad problems are things that are beyond everyone's control until we can put partisanship aside and put the interests of American workers above those of big corporations (which have corrupted both parties.)
Joe B, do it piss you off that Pres. Obama had absolutely no help from Repubs in addressing our problems?

What could we have accomplished IF all sides had worked on our problems together?

I think the thing I am most pissed at Obama about is how slow he was to understand that the Rethugs were not only not going to offer any help but that they were actively working against both Obama and the majority of the American people. He should have realized this much sooner and planned accordingly.

Also a little pissed that he took on HC at the time he did. Wasted to much time and effort and good will.

And Obama needs to get a lot meaner and nastier. Let a little ghetto out.

If he loses the next election, we are truly and royally fucked.

I think the behavior of the GOP has been pretty reprehensible. But the behavior of the Democrats in the Bush years was equally bad. And the way Republicans acted in the Clinton years was bad, too.

This is the problem with parties that become more idealogically "pure" in that there is no room for comprimise, and people who are willing to be open minded like Lieberman or Lugar are run out on a rail by the purists.

I'm not sure if getting "nastier" is going to help Obama. A large part of his appeal was that he seemed like a nice guy. What has him in trouble is the economy has not improved. I don't think that's his fault or anyone else's fault. I think it's a global issue, and we've foolishly not looked out for our own interests as we've seen a huge "whoosh" of wealth from the west to the east.
I don't believe, "some good things" is good enough for the country. His negatives far outweigh his positives over-all, it's really quite indisputable from a big picture perspective.

Well, on Romney, you're not looking for evidence that Romney would be an improvement, quite the contrary. I also believe it's too early to tell, his mettle is still being tested.

My opinion about Romney was made up when I found out he was a Mormon. I really hate those guys.

Point is, Obama did save the Auto Industry. He did force some sensible reforms on the banks and credit card companies. He did get us out of Iraq in good order. He's restored a lot of the good will towards the US that was lost during the Bush years.

I think a lot of the bad problems are things that are beyond everyone's control until we can put partisanship aside and put the interests of American workers above those of big corporations (which have corrupted both parties.)

Well one things for sure, we disagree on the Obama positive effects....:lol:

There's no possibility that if Obama is re-elected the partisanship situation will change..
I don't believe, "some good things" is good enough for the country. His negatives far outweigh his positives over-all, it's really quite indisputable from a big picture perspective.

Well, on Romney, you're not looking for evidence that Romney would be an improvement, quite the contrary. I also believe it's too early to tell, his mettle is still being tested.

My opinion about Romney was made up when I found out he was a Mormon. I really hate those guys.

Point is, Obama did save the Auto Industry. He did force some sensible reforms on the banks and credit card companies. He did get us out of Iraq in good order. He's restored a lot of the good will towards the US that was lost during the Bush years.

I think a lot of the bad problems are things that are beyond everyone's control until we can put partisanship aside and put the interests of American workers above those of big corporations (which have corrupted both parties.)

Well one things for sure, we disagree on the Obama positive effects....:lol:

There's no possibility that if Obama is re-elected the partisanship situation will change..

Probably not. Although I do suspect that when he isn't worried about re-election and a lot of these guys are in 2014, they might strike some deals.
The Dems continue to think working together is the Republicans give in to their demands, I think it's time the real Republicans take the reins and do what is right. Too many RINOs for too long. Can someone point out any Dem compromises??

Hoping the new GOP stands up for their constituents instead of giving in to Dems.
The Dems continue to think working together is the Republicans give in to their demands, I think it's time the real Republicans take the reins and do what is right. Too many RINOs for too long. Can someone point out any Dem compromises??

Hoping the new GOP stands up for their constituents instead of giving in to Dems.

How about the entire ACA as a comprimise.

Obama practically gave away the store to try to get a few Republicans to sign on.

Let's review, shall we. In the 1990's, the Heritage Foundation proposed Individual Mandates as a solution to the uninsured. In 2005, Mitt Romney implemented them in Massachusetts and called it a "model for the nation".

Then Obama proposed them, along with some other ideas.

He suggested a public option to cover those the insurance companies wouldn't take. Nope. Can't do that. Sooooooocialism.

He suggested a "Medicare Buy In" for people 55 and older as an alternative to private insurance. Nope. that would be SOOOOOOCialism.

So he went with the Heritage/Romney model. Still couldn't get one Republican to sign onto their own idea.

This isn't principled oppossition. This is just obstructionism.
You wrote:
1) Obamacare- The problem with the ACA is that it doesn’t really address the underlying problem, which is not so much the non-insured (most of whom are young enough to where buying insurance is impractical) but the spiraling costs of insurance....

You like many do NOT understand fundamentals of Health insurance cost
A) You KNOW insurance pays 95% of the time pay the claims for services submitted by providers.
B) You don't know evidently that on average 80% of premiums for coverage are used to pay claims.
C) You don't seem to know that the providers submitting the claims :

1) In hospitals "pad and pass" on costs of EMTALA that requires them to provide services since 1986 law to uninsured IF hospital takes Medicare.
As a result the $50 billion a year in "uncompensated" services are Passed on to the insurance companies and Medicare in the form of outrageous markups sometimes
as much as 6,000% over the cost.. (CAT scan cost $53/ bill payer $2,000!)
2) $600 billion a year in duplicate tests, specialist referrals,reported in surveys of physicians are submitted ALL out of fear of lawsuits!

THESE two cost drivers are why health insurance premiums increase!

And both of these cost drivers CAN BE LOWERED by 20% without destruction of the health care financing mechanisms!

If hospitals were REQUIRED as they are by law now to service uninsured to send their
uninsured claims of service to the yet to exist "Uninsured Health Insurance Company (UHIC)"© which is funded by taxing lawyers 10% of their $100 billion a year income.. everyone of the truly 5 million that need and want health insurance coverage would be covered!

The hospitals would NOT be allowed to charge the payers, Medicare/insurance gross markups to make up the uninsured services cost .. no more "padding and Passing"...
The physicians would NO longer perform services strictly out of fear of lawsuits thus reducing the $600 billion in "defensive medicine" costs.!

ONE piece of legislation..
1) tax lawyers 10%
2 REQUIRE hospitals to send "uncompensated" service claims to UHIC!
3 Require all uninsured seeking hospital service to register with UHIC!

Lowers or eliminates hospitals "uncompensated" expenses
Reduces the claims by physicians.
LOWERS THE COSTS of Health insurance premiums!!!

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Joe B, do it piss you off that Pres. Obama had absolutely no help from Repubs in addressing our problems?

What could we have accomplished IF all sides had worked on our problems together?

I think the thing I am most pissed at Obama about is how slow he was to understand that the Rethugs were not only not going to offer any help but that they were actively working against both Obama and the majority of the American people. He should have realized this much sooner and planned accordingly.

True. Obama seems like the kind of guy who's gotten far because he's able to get people to like him. He thought this quality would serve him well in Washington. It hasn't, despite numerous attempts to pacify his detractors.
He failed to understand (as did Neville Chamberlain) that you cannot pacify fascists.

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