Things I Learned from Watching Glenn Beck Today


Aug 25, 2009
- Obama is in league with the industrialists (even though Glenn turns around two seconds later and claims Obama is out to destroy capitalism and during the ad break, Fox talks about how they'll have a show on tomorrow about how "the Capitol hates capital")
- Prohibition was the fault of progressives (even though it was pushed by the Biblethumpers)
- the Library of Congress's plan to archive Twitter is an affront to freedom (even though it's publicly available information)

No wonder you guys are so scared. If I believed this crazy shit, I'd be scared too.
Oh, and it's the fault of liberals that Congress passed the Mann Act, even though the law was the brainchild of a Republican congressman.
Like I have been saying. Beck is a monkey with a thesaurus. He throws out big words and writes them on a chalkboard. Then he hopes nobody will notice that he doesn't know what they mean.

i should watch him just for comic relief!

I normally only get home in time to watch the last ten minutes, but I left the office a little early today and took advantage of the opportunity to watch a full episode.
The biggest of big industrialists are usually all for big gubmint bureaucracy and regulation, as it squeezes out competitors who can't afford to buy politicians and regulators.

For all their cynical bluster from Fabian socialists about being for "the little guy", their actions and history show just the opposite.

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