“They take our jobs” is a Lefty thing..We simply support sovereignty, law and order...weird huh?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
The fact is, people who are broke, who don’t speak English, who have a sixth grade education, who smell like ass and Modello simply can not take the jobs of the folks complaining about illegal immigration. What’s odd is; they can take the jobs of the people not complaining and they can cut into their welfare as well. Give that some thought for a minute.
When we talk about the jobs that illegals take we’re looking out for Democrats / bottom feeders....you see, we’re trying to pry you from the tit, we don’t want or need anymore pet humans.
Wait...so you want to hate immigrants NOT because of the real effect of their being here is that it puts downward pressure on wages...but RATHER because you think they smell bad?

Wait...so you want to hate immigrants NOT because of the real effect of their being here is that it puts downward pressure on wages...but RATHER because you think they smell bad?


I could give you a laundry list of reasons why I HATE illegal immigrants and why they shouldn’t be here...but only one reason should matter.
The fact is, people who are broke, who don’t speak English, who have a sixth grade education, who smell like ass and Modello simply can not take the jobs of the folks complaining about illegal immigration. What’s odd is; they can take the jobs of the people not complaining and they can cut into their welfare as well. Give that some thought for a minute.
When we talk about the jobs that illegals take we’re looking out for Democrats / bottom feeders....you see, we’re trying to pry you from the tit, we don’t want or need anymore pet humans.
Only Government solves all problems for the right wing.
The fact is, people who are broke, who don’t speak English, who have a sixth grade education, who smell like ass and Modello simply can not take the jobs of the folks complaining about illegal immigration. What’s odd is; they can take the jobs of the people not complaining and they can cut into their welfare as well. Give that some thought for a minute.
When we talk about the jobs that illegals take we’re looking out for Democrats / bottom feeders....you see, we’re trying to pry you from the tit, we don’t want or need anymore pet humans.

It's small business people who are employing these illegal immigrants. Chicken farms, vegetable farms, meat packing plants, small factories, construction, truck driving, etc.

The only way you can stop illegal immigration is to come down hard on the employers. I'm talking a year in prison per illegal immigrant hired and a $20,000 fine. Part of the fine will go to pay whistle blowers a $5,000 finders fee.

You do that, and illegal immigration will be a thing of the past.
Wait...so you want to hate immigrants NOT because of the real effect of their being here is that it puts downward pressure on wages...but RATHER because you think they smell bad?

Yes. They have no skills ,no education ,they speak in pig grunts ,and they stink. And they ALL collect welfare or peddle Dope.
Are you trying to say YOU are an illegal alien?
Any response that starts with "Are you trying to say" Is like I'm Rubber ,you are glue". Totally childish. Why don't you vacate YOUR house and give it to a gaggle of illegals?
Any response that starts with "Are you trying to say" Is like I'm Rubber ,you are glue". Totally childish. Why don't you vacate YOUR house and give it to a gaggle of illegals?
Why would I do that?

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