They Had Plenty Of Warning To Come Home

Probably people who believed the criminal Trump cabal about how it was a hoax that would miraculously disappear. Good riddance.
Probably people who believed the criminal Trump cabal about how it was a hoax that would miraculously disappear. Good riddance.

He never said it was a hoax. Why do you people persist?
His propagandists were all over calling it a hoax. Don't play dumb, snowflake.

No, they didn't. Do you have so little faith in your position that you continue with this nonsense?
why travel so much?


what's this sickness of travelling?

stay at home enjoy the simple life....enjoy like me!
Probably people who believed the criminal Trump cabal about how it was a hoax that would miraculously disappear. Good riddance.

He never said it was a hoax. Why do you people persist?
His propagandists were all over calling it a hoax. Don't play dumb, snowflake.

No, they didn't. Do you have so little faith in your position that you continue with this nonsense?

I love staying comfy at home.....

I don't need exotic places I don't want to travel anywhere

I want to stay at home and live the simple life!

That's what I love
Am I the only homebudy in this forum?

The only one who likes to stay at home?

All comfy?
Nope, you're not the only one. I'm 59 years of age and left the country ONCE. This was with my parents and siblings in 1972, I believe. We took a trip to Tijuana, Mexico. It was so awful there, I vowed to NEVER go to Mexico again, and I haven't and won't. There are other countries I'd LIKE to visit someday, like Australia or Ireland, but I won't be disappointed if I never do. I like it just fine here in the good old USA, THE best country in the world. I thank God every day I was lucky enough to be born, raised and continue to live in this great country.
Am I the only homebudy in this forum?

The only one who likes to stay at home?

All comfy?
I was born at the end of June which puts me in the Cancer astrology category and so I am a homebody for the most part.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The only time that I have ever left the states was during the summer of 1993. I was in Canada for about two hours, long enough to eat dinner at whatever place I was at. I don't remember the name of the restaurant. The only other thing that I remember is that Michigan is the state that I left to get there and then came back to. I was just over the state line when I was in Canada.

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