They Cut A Hole In John McCain's Head

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Cut out half his brain and now Senator Graham says his memory is improving.

Maybe if they did that to Hillaryous she could help the FBI.

You people never sound quite as stupidly cruel as when you are trying to be funny.
Cut out half his brain and now Senator Graham says his memory is improving.

Maybe if they did that to Hillaryous she could help the FBI.

This may be it for old McCain.

He came from a long line of Navy admirals.

Of course he only made it to Captain with a medical discharge for having his bones broken in NVA prison camp.

Pool old man.
An MRI and an EEG of McCain's brain showed nothing, Conservatives could have told you thuswithout the tests, due to the Senator's Moderste-Left political interests.

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