They Are After Your Children-British Columbia Edition


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Lookie mom, today we learned all about finger f***^ing at school today!!

“The Kootenay Lake school district is issuing an apology to parents and providing counselling resources to students after a graphic sex education guide was mistakenly distributed to elementary school students last week.”

Note that the school board itself is not saying it was an accident.

A low on the totem pole public health department worker is just shrugging and saying she didn’t review the whole book. Whoops. No biggie.

Well, someone chose that book.

Lookie mom, today we learned all about finger f***^ing at school today!!

“The Kootenay Lake school district is issuing an apology to parents and providing counselling resources to students after a graphic sex education guide was mistakenly distributed to elementary school students last week.”

Note that the school board itself is not saying it was an accident.

A low on the totem pole public health department worker is just shrugging and saying she didn’t review the whole book. Whoops. No biggie.

Well, someone chose that book.

Is this what you call education Donald H . First Saskatchewan and now Creston BC. I think you need to focus your attention on Canaduh, duck.
Lookie mom, today we learned all about finger f***^ing at school today!!

“The Kootenay Lake school district is issuing an apology to parents and providing counselling resources to students after a graphic sex education guide was mistakenly distributed to elementary school students last week.”

Note that the school board itself is not saying it was an accident.

A low on the totem pole public health department worker is just shrugging and saying she didn’t review the whole book. Whoops. No biggie.

Well, someone chose that book.

Claiming innocence by the school board could be a scheme to aid their cause of getting sex education out to the students. There is definitley a faction in B.C. society that consider all sex education to be positive and good.

I know! I am one of them. However, I can't speak for this specific guide. (video? Book?)

I 'can' speak for safe alternatives to intercourse and resultant pregnancy and then a need for abortion.
Claiming innocence by the school board could be a scheme to aid their cause of getting sex education out to the students. There is definitley a faction in B.C. society that consider all sex education to be positive and good.

I know! I am one of them. However, I can't speak for this specific guide. (video? Book?)
Why do you want to talk to 6 year olds that are not yours about finger f^^^ing?
Is this what you call education Donald H . First Saskatchewan and now Creston BC. I think you need to focus your attention on Canaduh, duck.
See my comments on this question that should clarify everything on my opinion.
I welcome this as an opportunity to speak up on social responsibility.

We Canadians don't just piss on it and walk away my friend!
Why do you want to talk to 6 year olds that are not yours about finger f^^^ing?
I've reserved my opinion on this specific example, but in general I support all sex education for children that is appropriate for the children's age.
So promoting finger f***ing in grade school is your definition of social responsibility? The reason for your ignorance is becoming clear. When academics should have been taught you had your finger somewhere other than on a book, eh duck?
I welcome you making B.C.'s business your business too, but I can't comment on your childish behaviour.

Please voice your opinion on sex education in all schools and in America's schools too?
So promoting finger f***ing in grade school is your definition of social responsibility? The reason for your ignorance is becoming clear. When academics should have been taught you had your finger somewhere other than on a book, eh duck?
Don't go dark on me now my friend. I'm encouraging you to make it your business and have no intentions on getting out the can of insecticide today!
Please voice your opinion on sex education
Your comments are all that is necessary, duck. You clearly confirmed what I already knew. You are in favor of indoctrinating the most vulnerable among us to whatever degenerate lifestyle suits your fancy at the moment--at least those children that you don't care to murder.
Your comments are all that is necessary, duck. You clearly confirmed what I already knew. You are in favor of indoctrinating the most vulnerable among us to whatever degenerate lifestyle suits your fancy at the moment--at least those children that you don't care to murder.
My business can be your business too if your intentions are honourable!

I'm in favour of all sex education for children, to the level that they can understand. That leaves practically nothing that they should not know. Can we discuss together that which remains as too complicated for them, according to their age?

When I mentioned the insecticide, I wasn't suggesting murder. That's just good housekeeping!

Thank you for your interest in B.C.'s business!
Au contraire, duck. You have indicated support for Canada's assisted (gov't suggested) suicide and you've made no secret that you support the abortionists in the US--that's not housekeeping. That is murder. Glad we could clear that one up as well.
I think we can broaden the topic to include assisted suicides too, but I'm going to wait for permission from a moderator.

All I can say for now is that I'm in favour of people suffering having the freedom to choose, in Canada.

Same caution on including the abortion topic? Moderator?
In brief, it's a topic that can be addressed in few words: Canadians discourage criminal activity in America that create the need for abortions.

Those two topics and the discussion on insecticide use. Maybe all 3 to new threads?

To the topic please my friend.
Sex education in B.C.'s schools, can be discussed more appropriately by naming specific examples of what Americans find to be dirty about sexual relations and should be outlawed by government.

No Christian input on the matter can be permitted!

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