These Republican senators need primary challenges


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Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
The first list

Obviously we need to add McConnell.

But I suppose none are up for reelection in 2018
The first list

Obviously we need to add McConnell.

But I suppose none are up for reelection in 2018
Yeah, three out of four Republican female Senators are against repeal. We need to send them back to the kitchen where they belong before someone figures out women really are smarter then men.

Here's an idea. Why don't you make a map with some scope crosshairs on their states?
Liars everyone of them but we knew that; They are indentured swamp creatures trying to hang on to power by lying and doing nothing of substance for the nation. These men and women are cowards;

Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia have signaled that they are no-go’s on the GOP’s backup proposal, which entails passing the same “clean” repeal bill approved by the upper chamber in late 2015 — a bill Capito and Murkowski voted yes on at the time. (Susan Collins did vote no in 2015.)

In addition, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Rob Portman of Ohio have raised questions about the repeal legislation. Both men voted yes on a repeal in 2015.
The first list

Obviously we need to add McConnell.

But I suppose none are up for reelection in 2018
Yeah, three out of four Republican female Senators are against repeal. We need to send them back to the kitchen where they belong before someone figures out women really are smarter then men.

Here's an idea. Why don't you make a map with some scope crosshairs on their states?

If the Rs had half a ball they'd put their crosshairs on obamacare and finish it off.
The first list

Obviously we need to add McConnell.

But I suppose none are up for reelection in 2018

As I told the last asshat who also has no idea how the country works and longs for a dictatorship one-party state ---- this is, as always, up to the voters of Maine, Alaska, West Virginia, Ohio and Louisiana --- not you in Minnesota and not me in Carolina.

If you check this apparently-obscure document called the "United States Constitution" you'll be amazed to learn that Senators are elected to represent the citizens of that state ---- not to represent a lockstep agenda of a political party, which didn't even exist when that Document was written, and was never intended for that purpose.

That's exactly why Murkowski is voted in by Alaskans, Portman by Ohioans, etc. And no one else. If it were your legitimate concern --- you'd have a vote. Guess what. You don't.

Again, your concern is the Senators of Minnesota. Not those of Ohio and Kentucky and West Virginia and Maine and Alaska. You want to have a say in their elections --- move there.
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The first list

Obviously we need to add McConnell.

But I suppose none are up for reelection in 2018
Yeah, three out of four Republican female Senators are against repeal. We need to send them back to the kitchen where they belong before someone figures out women really are smarter then men.

Here's an idea. Why don't you make a map with some scope crosshairs on their states?

If the Rs had half a ball they'd put their crosshairs on obamacare and finish it off.
The rubes hired Trump to replace ObamaCare. Where's his plan?

Oh, that right. He lied. He never had one.
The first list

Obviously we need to add McConnell.

But I suppose none are up for reelection in 2018

I love Buck. I get him in my time zone at 9pm. Excellent insight into current events, foreign affairs, great guests and knowledgeable commentary. Big fan.
The first list

Obviously we need to add McConnell.

But I suppose none are up for reelection in 2018
Yeah, three out of four Republican female Senators are against repeal. We need to send them back to the kitchen where they belong before someone figures out women really are smarter then men.

Here's an idea. Why don't you make a map with some scope crosshairs on their states?

If the Rs had half a ball they'd put their crosshairs on obamacare and finish it off.
The rubes hired Trump to replace ObamaCare. Where's his plan?

Oh, that right. He lied. He never had one.

He shouldn't even have one. Finish off obamacare but the Rs can't even do that. It's dying on its own though so no worries. I don't have one ounce of faith in govt doing one thing right now.
Obamacare is over regardless of what the GOP does, It's a bust so to watch the libs in DC and elsewhere act like Obamacare is just fine and dandy makes them look like useless tools and stupid fools. OBAMACARE FAILED! and no one wants to fix it. No one wins here, not you and not one.
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The first list

Obviously we need to add McConnell.

But I suppose none are up for reelection in 2018
Yeah, three out of four Republican female Senators are against repeal. We need to send them back to the kitchen where they belong before someone figures out women really are smarter then men.

Here's an idea. Why don't you make a map with some scope crosshairs on their states?

What does being women have to do with anything?

What else should do to senators who lied about repealing Obamacare? Especially after they had no problem voting for the repeal when Obama wasn't going to sign it.

They lied to their constituents. The fact that they are women is irrelevant
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I guess you want to see tens of thousands of people dying per year or you're not happy.

You're from the depths of hell. you're not christian.

More people are dying now.

But I guess being honest and doing what's right
Liars everyone of them but we knew that; They are indentured swamp creatures trying to hang on to power by lying and doing nothing of substance for the nation. These men and women are cowards;

Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia have signaled that they are no-go’s on the GOP’s backup proposal, which entails passing the same “clean” repeal bill approved by the upper chamber in late 2015 — a bill Capito and Murkowski voted yes on at the time. (Susan Collins did vote no in 2015.)

In addition, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Rob Portman of Ohio have raised questions about the repeal legislation. Both men voted yes on a repeal in 2015.
was susan collins elected as the Senator of Maine, or NOT?

Is the op actually claiming that MY SENATOR is not or should not and should never be the Senator for we the people of Maine and the State of Maine? She IS REPRESENTING what is right for the State of Maine and its citizens, AS IT SHOULD BE.

Does she get paid as MY SENATOR by the GOP or RNC?

you all should mind your own business and stay out of MY STATE.

And screw your heads back on....
You know everyone wants this repealed without a replacement. I haven't much cared for obamacare and never had to choose because I am over 65 and was since we were able to write the first plan, but what are you people that want it repealed that have either individual, group or drug coverage Part D or under Medicare Advantage going to do when this will throw all your insurance companies in a tail spin for a year or two? Maybe longer. Your rates are going to shoot up for the under 65 crowd. Part D donut hole that was suppose to be closed by 2020 is gone and you're paying 100% for drugs in the donut hole. Some of you cheering this on may have health problems now and either lose your insurance or it goes so high you'll have to go without. Like I say this is no skin off my ass, but I think you better sit back and think. If this repeal or repeal and replace goes on much longer, like a few weeks, and nothing is replaced you're still going to see upwards towards 50% increase for next year with the uncertainty. Insurance companies have filed, some two sets of rates and tried to design their plans for 2018, if subsidies and cost sharing reductions are lost going to a whole lot of people that go without cancer, etc, treatment.

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