These People Had Kids


May 23, 2014

70% of Black kids born out of wedlock for over a generation now. No parental guidance at all from the home. Education is not stressed, so the chance of Black youth in many inner city areas of being a productive citizen is slim. I have posted a video that was a huge hit with minorities in1993. This is the generation that produced kids like thug Michael Brown. It's self explanatory after watching video.
This guy had a kid too. Except his kid caused the death of thousands of American soldiers and Iraqi civilians. I'll settle with the entertainers.

The basic conclusion is that the birth rate for unmarried black women is--and has been--declining. In 1970 the birth rate for unmarried black women was 96 per 1,000. In 1980, it was 87.9. In 2005 it was 60.6. There is a huge spike in the late 1980s, but the overall trend is clear--the birth rate for unmarried black women has been declining for almost 40 years.
The basic conclusion is that the birth rate for unmarried black women is--and has been--declining. In 1970 the birth rate for unmarried black women was 96 per 1,000. In 1980, it was 87.9. In 2005 it was 60.6. There is a huge spike in the late 1980s, but the overall trend is clear--the birth rate for unmarried black women has been declining for almost 40 years.
CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock | PolitiFact
You are wrong yet again.
This guy had a kid too. Except his kid caused the death of thousands of American soldiers and Iraqi civilians. I'll settle with the entertainers.

But he was not responsible for generational welfare and crime .

70% of Black kids born out of wedlock for over a generation now. No parental guidance at all from the home. Education is not stressed, so the chance of Black youth in many inner city areas of being a productive citizen is slim. I have posted a video that was a huge hit with minorities in1993. This is the generation that produced kids like thug Michael Brown. It's self explanatory after watching video.

I'm 49 years old and I can get into some Cypress Hill. The music isnt the problem,it's the idiocy of believing it's anything but music. Weak minded dumbfucks may follow it like gospel,but anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows it's just music.
I'm 49 years old and I can get into some Cypress Hill. The music isnt the problem,it's the idiocy of believing it's anything but music. Weak minded dumbfucks may follow it like gospel,but anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows it's just music.
When they sit in their public housing apartment smoking dope in front of their kids with this type of music and lyrics in the background.

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