"There's nothing funny about today's highly potent marijuana. It killed my veteran son."

With people that start out as sick, the danger of marijuana is that the sick person believes that the marijuana is helping and might even reject medical treatment in favor of marijuana therapy. The household schizophrenic does that. Pot is all the medication she needs.
The opiate crisis is a plague that is literally reducing our nation’s life expectancy - 8 Americans are dying every hour. Our criminalization of opiates is causing thousands to hide their addiction rather than seek help. We should get people treatment rather than a jail cell.
Jail cells and devil hand signs are good for business.
One of the resident pot addicts decided to cook herself some lunch. Got the munchies.

I came home right in time. She turned the gas on when she was done instead of off and the house was full of gas fumes. The cats were upstairs at the window.

Pot is harmless. Even beneficial.
what a crock of shit....do you actually think anyone is going to buy your bullshit about living with 2 so called pot heads?....
She always has a "story" for everything. Ever notice that?
It would be beneficial if there was a strain of marijuana that did kill the users. Give them a great high then they stop breathing. The entire world would be better off.
A guy I know can get weed in different strengths. I never knew it came like that until he told me. It's different prices too. The stronger, the higher the price. I personally do not like the way it makes me feel. Our state government is going to vote this July as to whether to make MM legal here. I hope they do because I have some health problems that it might be able to help. I would get the kind with no or little THC. I use CBD oil but it only helps marginally.
It would be beneficial if there was a strain of marijuana that did kill the users. Give them a great high then they stop breathing. The entire world would be better off.
as long as youre the first to use it,,,
I don't use drugs at all. Certainly not pot so there is no chance I would be using it at all. You though...
doesnt matter,,,
a piece of shit like you needs to go long before some dope smoker,,,,
It would be beneficial if there was a strain of marijuana that did kill the users. Give them a great high then they stop breathing. The entire world would be better off.
as long as youre the first to use it,,,
I don't use drugs at all. Certainly not pot so there is no chance I would be using it at all. You though...
doesnt matter,,,
a piece of shit like you needs to go long before some dope smoker,,,,
Little chance of that. What's the hourly death rate for drug users? And it's still not fast enough.
Too often we ask our young people ‘what’s wrong with you?’ and not ‘what’s wrong?’ We need to listen to our youth and what they need
Too often we ask our young people ‘what’s wrong with you?’ and not ‘what’s wrong?’ We need to listen to our youth and what they need
They need more pot, free video games and government supplied ipads. Of course the problem is with the young people. They already blame every thing and every one other than themselves.
"Then he became addicted to pot, using a medical marijuana card that enabled him to buy enough pot for up to 10 joints a day."

Well um, there you go. Same as drinking a fifth of bourbon a day. I suggest he had other deep-seated problems.

I smoked from 1966-1983. Even in my wildest rock and roll days, I never took more than 2-3 hits a night. I've never smoked a joint.

If it's stronger these days, smoke less ya dummies. Show a little self-control.

Should it become legal in my state, I will likely pick it up again. I always enjoyed a fine Sativa.
Its 10 times stronger than it was in the 70s
"Then he became addicted to pot, using a medical marijuana card that enabled him to buy enough pot for up to 10 joints a day."

Well um, there you go. Same as drinking a fifth of bourbon a day. I suggest he had other deep-seated problems.

I smoked from 1966-1983. Even in my wildest rock and roll days, I never took more than 2-3 hits a night. I've never smoked a joint.

If it's stronger these days, smoke less ya dummies. Show a little self-control.

Should it become legal in my state, I will likely pick it up again. I always enjoyed a fine Sativa.
Its 10 times stronger than it was in the 70s

No doubt. The best we had then was sensimilla.
"Then he became addicted to pot, using a medical marijuana card that enabled him to buy enough pot for up to 10 joints a day."

Well um, there you go. Same as drinking a fifth of bourbon a day. I suggest he had other deep-seated problems.

I smoked from 1966-1983. Even in my wildest rock and roll days, I never took more than 2-3 hits a night. I've never smoked a joint.

If it's stronger these days, smoke less ya dummies. Show a little self-control.

Should it become legal in my state, I will likely pick it up again. I always enjoyed a fine Sativa.
Tell that to an alcoholic.
For some people, one hit is disaster.
Public awareness needs to be undertaken by state govs that have decriminalized.
Warning labels need to be on any packaging.
I hope an ambulance-chaser successfully sues a pot dispensary into bankruptcy and prison after a kid gets fucked by their irresponsibly marketed pot.

The personal problems of various individuals are clearly not MY problem. As with guns, it falls to the family of the individual and the law to deal with it.

It has nothing to do with me.
If you sell it with no risk warning you’d better believe it involves you.
If you subject anyone else to your drug it involves you.

Medicinal has risk warnings on the packaging.
"Then he became addicted to pot, using a medical marijuana card that enabled him to buy enough pot for up to 10 joints a day."

Well um, there you go. Same as drinking a fifth of bourbon a day. I suggest he had other deep-seated problems.

I smoked from 1966-1983. Even in my wildest rock and roll days, I never took more than 2-3 hits a night. I've never smoked a joint.

If it's stronger these days, smoke less ya dummies. Show a little self-control.

Should it become legal in my state, I will likely pick it up again. I always enjoyed a fine Sativa.
Its 10 times stronger than it was in the 70s

No doubt. The best we had then was sensimilla.

I've recently had Gorilla Glue and Northern lights and it's a whole new ballgame
There's nothing funny about today's highly potent marijuana. It killed my son.

“I want to die,” he wrote before hanging himself at the age of 31. “My soul is already dead. Marijuana killed my soul + ruined my brain.”

This is such bs it's not funny the democratic assholes are getting their eww hate pot campaigns going NOTICE HOW POT was in the house bill of talks today too this PROPAGANDA easily proven some leftist asshole pushed this fake bs.



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"Then he became addicted to pot, using a medical marijuana card that enabled him to buy enough pot for up to 10 joints a day."

Well um, there you go. Same as drinking a fifth of bourbon a day. I suggest he had other deep-seated problems.

I smoked from 1966-1983. Even in my wildest rock and roll days, I never took more than 2-3 hits a night. I've never smoked a joint.

If it's stronger these days, smoke less ya dummies. Show a little self-control.

Should it become legal in my state, I will likely pick it up again. I always enjoyed a fine Sativa.
Its 10 times stronger than it was in the 70s

No doubt. The best we had then was sensimilla.

I've recently had Gorilla Glue and Northern lights and it's a whole new ballgame

Well, I'm in Virginia. Likely the last state that will legalize it.

But when they do, I will gird up my loins, take a gargantuan hit and scream "Let the wild rumpus start!"

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