There were efforts to force a downgrade

Many believe it is part of a concerted effort to get ride of Obama.

It is.

The downgrade was a TPM screw-up, however unintended. As already noted: with the TPM you’re dealing with Amateur Hour.

Jonesy...I'm surprised at you!

You usually write something clever...not absurd.

We on the Right don't want to 'get rid' of Obama....we want him to run! Why, OJ from his jail cell could beat this fraud!

No, Jonesy...our biggest fear is that the Left will 'get rid' of him, and put forth a real candidate.

BTW, when I checked the dictionary for 'Amateur Hour,' I found your picture!
Anytime you have elected officials calling for default, confidence in America is going to suffer. Our debt needs addressing, but for elected officials, one of which is running for president, advocate default, what did you expect credit agencies to do?

Many believe it is part of a concerted effort to get ride of Obama. Batcrazy Bachmann...

Not just bachmann. It's clear there was an intent to interfere with the working of government. But the tea loons have never pretended otherwise

The debt ceiling crisis was manufactured as one more effort to stall economic recovery, it was part of a gambit by the Republican Party's radical right to place blame on the Democratic President, hoping to springboard a Republican, any Republican, into the White House in 2012.

Time will tell if they were successful, clearly they've convinced the echo chamber, but I'm betting a new tsunami will stirike Washington come November 2012, and the voters will reject the radicals and machiavellian game of the Eric Cantors, Michelle Bachmanns and their fellow travelers. My guess is the moderate wing of the Republican Party will reemerge and nominate a sane person as their standard bearer.
George W, Bush was not an idiot, he was very incompetent and unduly influenced by the evil Cheney and his band of neo-cons.

GWB didn’t have to deal with TPM nitwits.

I suppose, but the Republican Party is a coalition of nitwits, halfwits and the witless. GWB had the Neo-Cons and the Falwell/Robertson wackos as well as real fiscal conservatives, not the faux type of halfwits who dress in 18th C. garb today.

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