There were efforts to force a downgrade


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Anytime you have elected officials calling for default, confidence in America is going to suffer. Our debt needs addressing, but for elected officials, one of which is running for president, advocate default, what did you expect credit agencies to do?

Many believe it is part of a concerted effort to get ride of Obama. Batcrazy Bachmann...
The "efforts" you speak of were "spending beyond our means for decades".

Agreed, but for elected officials to publicly say that default wasn't going to be so bad, is irresponsible. The political posturing was of greater fault their the debt.
Can't we just bribe or threaten the ratings agencies until they tell the world that America is a durn good place to invest your money ?
Apparently all that matters is our image.
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Anytime you have elected officials calling for default, confidence in America is going to suffer. Our debt needs addressing, but for elected officials, one of which is running for president, advocate default, what did you expect credit agencies to do?

Many believe it is part of a concerted effort to get ride of Obama. Batcrazy Bachmann...

Really? "Anytime" elected officals calling for default? How about when Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006?

Didn't think so. It was A-OK for the Hussein to essencially "call for default" during Bush, but not the Tea Party now.

But that's besides the point. You are clearly wrong because if we were going to be downgraded merely because an elected official called for it, it would of happened a long time ago.
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Anytime you have elected officials calling for default, confidence in America is going to suffer. Our debt needs addressing, but for elected officials, one of which is running for president, advocate default, what did you expect credit agencies to do?

Many believe it is part of a concerted effort to get ride of Obama. Batcrazy Bachmann...

Really? "Anytime" elected officals calling for default? How about when Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006?

Didn't think so. It was A-OK for the Hussein to essencially "call for default" during Bush, but not the Tea Party now.

But that's besides the point. You are clearly wrong because if we were going to be downgraded merely because an elected official called for it, it would of happened a long time ago.

There is a difference between voting against something, and going on TV and flattly stating that Default won't be that bad. You think that built confidence with investors or the rating agencies? They clearly recognize that Congress has a group of loons walking the halls. The rating will not recover with cuts alone. That has pretty much been implied. There is going to have to be a restructuring of the tax code and removal of the loopholes that let giants like GE get away with paying NO TAXES.
The lobbbied for it , they swung it like an axe, then they turned and claimed their axe would do no harm if it hit anything a now they claim its all someone elses fault.
The lobbbied for it , they swung it like an axe, then they turned and claimed their axe would do no harm if it hit anything a now they claim its all someone elses fault.

They threw Default into the face of everyone. The did everything but pray for it, and I exepect a couple did. They illustrated to all the rating agencies just how totally out of control and unpredictable they are. The Tea Party campaigned for Default, saying it would be good fo the US.

How can any body rating the credibility of any country do anything other than downgrade. There is no reliance that the bills will be paid, when there are fiscal loons waiting in the wings. No one can blame S&P. It has become obvious that the GOP is now being controlled by the far right fringe. The only thing that we can rely on is they will continue to push their whacky agenda. Rather than listen to the majority of voters who call for a balanced approach to the debt crisis, they sign a pledge to CUT ONLY! Dogma is a Dangerous tool.
The "efforts" you speak of were "spending beyond our means for decades".

And, suddenly, the nation has become aware of the problem...

...thanks to the Tea Party.

1. The best aspect of the Clinton administration with a Republican Congress is that it prevented either party from enacting expensive new programs.

a. Of course, there were some positives: capital gains tax cuts, the 1996 welfare reforms ending AFDC entitlement, the 1995 elimination of most farm subsidies (reinstated by BushII)

2. The two periods of fiscal responsibility in six decades were the Eisenhower and the Clinton administrations, periods during which the presidency and Congress were controlled by different parties. William A. Niskanen, “A Case For Divided Government,” A Case for Divided Government | William A. Niskanen | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary

3. The worst spending periods were those with one party in charge

a. a. 1967 and 1968, LBJ and the Democrats, spending increased 11.6% a year. Historical Tables | The White House (table 1.1)

4. The largest average decrease came in 1955 and 1956, with spending decreasing an average 4.2% a year. Eisenhower was President, with Democrats in charge in Congress. Ibid.

5. If you don’t want to see expansion of government, gridlock is good. How does that make the Progressives, who opposed checks and balances, look?

6. In 1997, the most promising budget reform in American history died aborning! President Clinton and House Speaker Newt Gingrich secretly created a abipartisan plan to permanently rein in Social Security and Medicare. It would provide Social Security personal accounts and convert Medicare into a market-based, premium support program. The idea was for Clinton to offer the plan during his Januar 1998 State of the Union address, and Gingrich to endorse it. What happened? Six days before the Clinton speech the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke. Steve M. Gillon, “The Pact: Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, and the Rivalry that Defined a Generation.”

7. There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:
Rule no.1: Always try to expand;
Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, “Broke,” p. 115
Anytime you have elected officials calling for default, confidence in America is going to suffer. Our debt needs addressing, but for elected officials, one of which is running for president, advocate default, what did you expect credit agencies to do?

Many believe it is part of a concerted effort to get ride of Obama. Batcrazy Bachmann...

Not just bachmann. It's clear there was an intent to interfere with the working of government. But the tea loons have never pretended otherwise
Anytime you have elected officials calling for default, confidence in America is going to suffer. Our debt needs addressing, but for elected officials, one of which is running for president, advocate default, what did you expect credit agencies to do?

Many believe it is part of a concerted effort to get ride of Obama. Batcrazy Bachmann...

Don't you understand that there was never, ever, a default in the cards???

1. Enough tax money came in each and every month to pay the interest on the debt and SS and other necessities!

2. The reason to cry wolf was so that the dolts who are the lap dogs of the Dems will wring their hands......just like you did.

3. When the pols can’t justify the spending, they warn the populace of dire events if they don’t pass the bill!

a. When the government threatened cuts to the budget of the National Parks Service, they trumpeted that they would have to close the most popular tourist attraction, the Washington Monument. Gordon Tullock, Arthur Seldon, and Gordon L. Brady, “Government Failure: A Primer in Public Choice,” p. 60.

b. “DHS Director Marianne Udow said the state must make a difficult decision: cut money for food banks and homeless shelters for the living or cut money for burials for the dead. The same state that two weeks ago was planning to spend $38 million on iPods for schoolchildren now says it can't afford to bury the dead.” The Tax Foundation - In a New Low for Government Service, Michigan Threatens to Let the People Rot

c. How do you get the folks to vote against a bill to cap state spending? “The campaign pressing for a Taxpayer Bill of Rights is attacking Public Safety Commissioner Anne Jordan for an e-mail in which she says the proposal would eliminate a $50,000 payment to families of law enforcement officers, firefighters and EMTs who die in the line of duty.” Dispatches | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

d. NY Governor David Paterson spoke on the radio, warning that if he didn’t get Republican support, “you have no money to pay your police…your corrections officers…your firefighters…your emergency health care workers…you could have anarchy…” Albany, NY - Gov. Paterson In Stern Warning: Shutdown Over Budget Would Cause 'unimaginable chaos,' Crime in New York --

The ace-in-the-hole for the Libs, Jimmy, is folks like you....
...who never learn.
Anytime you have elected officials calling for default, confidence in America is going to suffer. Our debt needs addressing, but for elected officials, one of which is running for president, advocate default, what did you expect credit agencies to do?

Many believe it is part of a concerted effort to get ride of Obama. Batcrazy Bachmann...

Not just bachmann. It's clear there was an intent to interfere with the working of government. But the tea loons have never pretended otherwise

I am sure there is a worldwide fear that the Tea Party, the ones who advocated Default, will grab more power in Congress. It is obvious to everyone, except the GOP, that these people are willing to take the US economy down, with the blink of an eye. Their bellowing about Default being good for the US left everyone wondering what is next and how far they will go.
Anytime you have elected officials calling for default, confidence in America is going to suffer. Our debt needs addressing, but for elected officials, one of which is running for president, advocate default, what did you expect credit agencies to do?

Many believe it is part of a concerted effort to get ride of Obama. Batcrazy Bachmann...

Not just bachmann. It's clear there was an intent to interfere with the working of government. But the tea loons have never pretended otherwise

I am sure there is a worldwide fear that the Tea Party, the ones who advocated Default, will grab more power in Congress. It is obvious to everyone, except the GOP, that these people are willing to take the US economy down, with the blink of an eye. Their bellowing about Default being good for the US left everyone wondering what is next and how far they will go.

The US economy has already been taken down. Where have you been hiding ?

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