There Isn't Going To Be A War With Iran -- Relax & Calm Down

Who was Qassem Soleimani, Iran's IRGC's Quds Force leader?

First and foremost, a bad guy was killed and the world should celebrate that....and not one US solider was harmed in doing so......Qassem Soleimani had been living on borrowed time for the past 20 years, so him taking a dirt nap now isn't a big deal -- there isn't going to be a war with Iran, so take a chill pill and relax....

Now who was Soleimani?? In Iran he was considered popular, initially because of his role in the Iran/Iraq war and later because of his role in the spread of Iranian influence in the Middle East, which the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel have struggled to keep in check..

"Soleimani ordered Iraqi militias into Syria to fight along the Iraqi military to defeat ISIL..which made him a "national hero" among the Iranian people and other Middle Eastern countries. 'If it wasn't for people like him, this region would have seen black flags flying across the region"

Who cares if this guy fought against ISIS, he conducted proxy wars and terrorist attacks on US interests across the Middle East that resulted in the loss of American was about time he got what was coming to him.....they have been trying to take him out for 20 years, he got caught slipping and here we are....Iran doesn't want a war with us -- the economic sanctions have crippled them, so a full fledge war with the US is not in their regime's best interest..They will continue to conduct proxy wars and attacks -- and we will continue to launch drone strikes against them in Iraq, but it will not go any further, so like I said..relax….celebrate the fact that a bad guy is gone...and give Trump credit...

We should all find it disgusting that OLD WHITE MEN, with one foot firmly in the grave is determining the future of this planet.

SCIENCE Bay-Bee! :icon_rolleyes:

Who was Qassem Soleimani, Iran's IRGC's Quds Force leader?

First and foremost, a bad guy was killed and the world should celebrate that....and not one US solider was harmed in doing so......Qassem Soleimani had been living on borrowed time for the past 20 years, so him taking a dirt nap now isn't a big deal -- there isn't going to be a war with Iran, so take a chill pill and relax....

Now who was Soleimani?? In Iran he was considered popular, initially because of his role in the Iran/Iraq war and later because of his role in the spread of Iranian influence in the Middle East, which the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel have struggled to keep in check..

"Soleimani ordered Iraqi militias into Syria to fight along the Iraqi military to defeat ISIL..which made him a "national hero" among the Iranian people and other Middle Eastern countries. 'If it wasn't for people like him, this region would have seen black flags flying across the region"

Who cares if this guy fought against ISIS, he conducted proxy wars and terrorist attacks on US interests across the Middle East that resulted in the loss of American was about time he got what was coming to him.....they have been trying to take him out for 20 years, he got caught slipping and here we are....Iran doesn't want a war with us -- the economic sanctions have crippled them, so a full fledge war with the US is not in their regime's best interest..They will continue to conduct proxy wars and attacks -- and we will continue to launch drone strikes against them in Iraq, but it will not go any further, so like I said..relax….celebrate the fact that a bad guy is gone...and give Trump credit...



Don "Fredo" Drumpf Jr and Eric should be first to get shipped to the front lines. Barron to follow when he comes of age. :)
There is no Iranian response that will end this cycle; Iran will either have to accept the humiliation and stand down or face increasingly terrible responses from the US
While continuing to experience the effects of criminal economic sanctions which are themselves an act of war.
Instead Obama surrendered to Iran.

Obama did no such thing. Donald's very own intel assessment determined that Iran was holding up their end of the deal. Leaving JPA was every bit as stupid as pulling out of the Paris Agreement. You reap what you sow, and we're about to get a bumper crop of bad outcomes.
The goal, which appears to be beyond you abilities, is to continue the maximum pressure campaign to force Iran to give up its nuclear weapons ambitions and to force it to give up its imperialist adventures

Trump's campaign promise was to end any negotiation ......

US and Iran: Key events since Trump withdrew from nuclear deal
Presidential candidate Donald Trump says Iran should write the United States a thank you letter for “the stupidest deal of all time.” Trump says the United States will withdraw from the deal if he’s elected.

The subsequent escalation was due to Trump's refusal to 'campaign' ,despite the rest of the world wanting to

Exactly wrong. Trump's campaign promise was to force Iran to renegotiate the nuclear deal and to reestablish the international non proliferation protocols Obama had scuttled.

Yeah and he also had "the best health care plan in the world". Where is it? There has been little "negotiation" and NOTHING done on either.
While continuing to experience the effects of criminal economic sanctions which are themselves an act of war.
Instead Obama surrendered to Iran.
nstead Obama surrendered to Iran.
Did Trump or Bibi tell you that?
Obama negotiated with Iran something we should have tried in 1953 instead of overthrowing a duly elected head of state.

Mohammad Mosaddegh - Wikipedia

Our British allies were interested in dumping Mosaddegh, I thought we were supposed to honor the wishes of our Eurotrash allies? That's what libs are telling President Trump.
Iran never destroyed its nuclear program, it merely halted some parts of it the term of the agreement, after which it was left free by Obama's agreement to produce as many nuclear weapons as it wanted to. In the process of giving Iran this gift, Obama scuttled the non proliferation protocols that had been in effect since the 1950's by allowing Iran to produce its own nuclear fuel.
They destroyed the centrifuges used to enrich uranium and its stockpiles of enriched uranium.
That was their nuclear program

Trump has allowed them to not only restart their program but has given them an incentive to accelerate it
They refused to destroy the centrifuges so Obama said, ok, whatever you say, and the shipped some of the uranium to Russia, but the key point they won from Obama was the ability to enrich their own fuel which had been denied to all countries since the 1950's. Their nuclear program consisted of not only enrichment but also of how to make a nuclear weapon that could be delivered on a missile. Since Obama's agreement only allowed inspections on sites Iran had designated nuclear sites, there was no way of knowing far Iran had gotten researching how to make a deliverable nuclear weapon.
Not only did they destroy them but the dismantling was watched by international inspectors

We had inspections until Trump backed out of the deal. Now, Iran is free to do what they wish
You are mistaken. The centrifuges were simply unplugged and inspections were only allowed at sites Iran designated as nuclear sites and then only with advanced notice. To prevent snap inspections, the inspectors were not permitted to set up offices in Iran. Obama caved on every demand Iran made. The starting US position was no enrichment at all, and then Obama said Iran would only be allowed to run a few centrifuges to save face and finally Iran was permitted to run enough centrifuges to supply the needs of its reactors despite the fact the fuel was still being supplied by the Russians. Not only did the agreement allow only limited inspections but it also destroyed the non proliferation policies that had been adhered to since the 1950's but to top it all off, it only required to pause one aspect of its nuclear program for a few years and then set Iran free to produce as many nuclear weapons as it chose to.
What a ridiculous claim

Centrifuges were not “unplugged”.
They were destroyed under the supervision of weapons inspectors

"Unplugged" was my favorite part! ;)
Donald told his dutiful fluffer Mikey Pence to take to the Twit machine and make the bogus 911 reference -

RALLY ROUND THE FLAG BOYS! :icon_rolleyes: *Read from bottom - LoL!!

  1. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Soleimani was plotting imminent attacks on American diplomats and military personnel. The world is a safer place today because Soleimani is gone.

    3,712 replies3,123 retweets11,464 likes

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  2. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Assisted in the clandestine travel to Afghanistan of 10 of the 12 terrorists who carried out the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.

    14,528 replies2,807 retweets8,085 likes

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  3. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    In Yemen, the Qods Force, under Soleimani’s leadership, has orchestrated and enabled the launch of missiles that have resulted in the deaths of dozens of people in the region. Targets have included civilian airports in Saudi Arabia.

    209 replies1,564 retweets4,500 likes

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  4. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Played a direct role in financing, equipping, and training Lebanese Hizballah forces conducting terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians during Hizballah’s 2006 campaign.

    93 replies1,354 retweets3,970 likes

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  5. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Continued support to the murderous regime in Syria, aiding and abetting Assad’s brutal abuses against the Syrian people.

    131 replies1,330 retweets3,927 likes

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  6. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Directed IRGC QF terrorist plots to bomb innocent civilians in Turkey and Kenya in 2011.

    192 replies1,476 retweets4,067 likes

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  7. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Provided missiles and other advanced weapons to terrorists throughout the Middle East, including Lebanese Hizballah, Kata’ib Hizballah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, HAMAS, and the Taliban, who use these weapons to target and kill innocents.

    95 replies1,465 retweets4,115 likes

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  8. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    In Afghanistan, Soleimani oversaw the IRGC’s financial, logistical, and military support to the Taliban and sponsors attacks on Coalition forces.

    225 replies1,547 retweets4,290 likes

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  9. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Directed the sophisticated January 20, 2007, attack on the Provincial Joint Coordination Center in Karbala, Iraq, in which five captured U.S. soldiers were executed.

    75 replies1,514 retweets4,224 likes

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  10. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Provided advanced deadly explosively formed projectiles, advanced weaponry, training, and guidance to Iraqi insurgents used to conduct attacks on U.S. and coalition forces; directly responsible for the death of 603 U.S. service members, along with thousands of wounded.

    146 replies1,597 retweets4,514 likes

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  11. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Organized the attempted assassination of the Saudi ambassador to the United States in Washington, DC in 2011, overseeing a terrorist attack attempt on American soil.

    248 replies1,717 retweets4,807 likes

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  12. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Yesterday, President @realDonaldTrump took decisive action and stood up against the leading state sponsor of terror to take out an evil man who was responsible for killing thousands of Americans. Soleimani was a terrorist. Here are some of his worst atrocities:

    3,707 replies10,430 retweets41,800 likes
Donald told his dutiful fluffer Mikey Pence to take to the Twit machine and make the bogus 911 reference -

RALLY ROUND THE FLAG BOYS! :icon_rolleyes: *Read from bottom - LoL!!

  1. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Soleimani was plotting imminent attacks on American diplomats and military personnel. The world is a safer place today because Soleimani is gone.

    3,712 replies3,123 retweets11,464 likes

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  2. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Assisted in the clandestine travel to Afghanistan of 10 of the 12 terrorists who carried out the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.

    14,528 replies2,807 retweets8,085 likes

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  3. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    In Yemen, the Qods Force, under Soleimani’s leadership, has orchestrated and enabled the launch of missiles that have resulted in the deaths of dozens of people in the region. Targets have included civilian airports in Saudi Arabia.

    209 replies1,564 retweets4,500 likes

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  4. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Played a direct role in financing, equipping, and training Lebanese Hizballah forces conducting terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians during Hizballah’s 2006 campaign.

    93 replies1,354 retweets3,970 likes

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  5. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Continued support to the murderous regime in Syria, aiding and abetting Assad’s brutal abuses against the Syrian people.

    131 replies1,330 retweets3,927 likes

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  6. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Directed IRGC QF terrorist plots to bomb innocent civilians in Turkey and Kenya in 2011.

    192 replies1,476 retweets4,067 likes

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  7. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Provided missiles and other advanced weapons to terrorists throughout the Middle East, including Lebanese Hizballah, Kata’ib Hizballah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, HAMAS, and the Taliban, who use these weapons to target and kill innocents.

    95 replies1,465 retweets4,115 likes

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  8. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    In Afghanistan, Soleimani oversaw the IRGC’s financial, logistical, and military support to the Taliban and sponsors attacks on Coalition forces.

    225 replies1,547 retweets4,290 likes

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  9. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Directed the sophisticated January 20, 2007, attack on the Provincial Joint Coordination Center in Karbala, Iraq, in which five captured U.S. soldiers were executed.

    75 replies1,514 retweets4,224 likes

    Show this thread

  10. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Provided advanced deadly explosively formed projectiles, advanced weaponry, training, and guidance to Iraqi insurgents used to conduct attacks on U.S. and coalition forces; directly responsible for the death of 603 U.S. service members, along with thousands of wounded.

    146 replies1,597 retweets4,514 likes

    Show this thread

  11. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Organized the attempted assassination of the Saudi ambassador to the United States in Washington, DC in 2011, overseeing a terrorist attack attempt on American soil.

    248 replies1,717 retweets4,807 likes

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  12. Verified account 23h23 hours ago
    Yesterday, President @realDonaldTrump took decisive action and stood up against the leading state sponsor of terror to take out an evil man who was responsible for killing thousands of Americans. Soleimani was a terrorist. Here are some of his worst atrocities:

    3,707 replies10,430 retweets41,800 likes
Because the Drumpfers were claiming how Drumpf is anti-establishment and doesn't start wars, and is completely different from the Bushes. And swamp, blah blah, swamp, blah blah...
This bears repeating...

The United States Is Now at War With Iran

It is hard to discern how Trump, who ordered the assassination personally, thinks this will play out. On New Year’s Eve, he told reporters that he wanted peace with Iran. Just two days later, did he think that killing Iran’s top military commander was somehow not an act of war?

Trump also said, in his New Year’s Eve comments, that if a war with Iran did erupt, it “would go very quickly.”

The pro-Iran militias lifted their recent siege on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad only after Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi agreed to have Parliament hold a debate on whether U.S. troops should be ousted from his country

. It will also be observed, by American allies and foes, that none of this would have happened if Trump hadn’t pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal for utterly capricious reasons.

Be one right.left, dove , hawk....Trump has no strategy

This bears repeating...

The United States Is Now at War With Iran

It is hard to discern how Trump, who ordered the assassination personally, thinks this will play out. On New Year’s Eve, he told reporters that he wanted peace with Iran. Just two days later, did he think that killing Iran’s top military commander was somehow not an act of war?

Trump also said, in his New Year’s Eve comments, that if a war with Iran did erupt, it “would go very quickly.”

The pro-Iran militias lifted their recent siege on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad only after Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi agreed to have Parliament hold a debate on whether U.S. troops should be ousted from his country

. It will also be observed, by American allies and foes, that none of this would have happened if Trump hadn’t pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal for utterly capricious reasons.

Be one right.left, dove , hawk....Trump has no strategy

He has a clear strategy: distract from the impeachment, no matter how many people get killed.
This bears repeating...

The United States Is Now at War With Iran

It is hard to discern how Trump, who ordered the assassination personally, thinks this will play out. On New Year’s Eve, he told reporters that he wanted peace with Iran. Just two days later, did he think that killing Iran’s top military commander was somehow not an act of war?

Trump also said, in his New Year’s Eve comments, that if a war with Iran did erupt, it “would go very quickly.”

The pro-Iran militias lifted their recent siege on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad only after Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi agreed to have Parliament hold a debate on whether U.S. troops should be ousted from his country

. It will also be observed, by American allies and foes, that none of this would have happened if Trump hadn’t pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal for utterly capricious reasons.

Be one right.left, dove , hawk....Trump has no strategy

He has a clear strategy: distract from the impeachment, no matter how many people get killed.

Why are you crying so much for the death of Archterrorist Soleimani and his companions? Isn't getting rid of one of the world's most notorious Doers of Evil something to celebrate?
While continuing to experience the effects of criminal economic sanctions which are themselves an act of war.
Instead Obama surrendered to Iran.
nstead Obama surrendered to Iran.
Did Trump or Bibi tell you that?
Obama negotiated with Iran something we should have tried in 1953 instead of overthrowing a duly elected head of state.

Mohammad Mosaddegh - Wikipedia

Our British allies were interested in dumping Mosaddegh, I thought we were supposed to honor the wishes of our Eurotrash allies? That's what libs are telling President Trump.
Iran never destroyed its nuclear program, it merely halted some parts of it the term of the agreement, after which it was left free by Obama's agreement to produce as many nuclear weapons as it wanted to. In the process of giving Iran this gift, Obama scuttled the non proliferation protocols that had been in effect since the 1950's by allowing Iran to produce its own nuclear fuel.
They destroyed the centrifuges used to enrich uranium and its stockpiles of enriched uranium.
That was their nuclear program

Trump has allowed them to not only restart their program but has given them an incentive to accelerate it
They refused to destroy the centrifuges so Obama said, ok, whatever you say, and the shipped some of the uranium to Russia, but the key point they won from Obama was the ability to enrich their own fuel which had been denied to all countries since the 1950's. Their nuclear program consisted of not only enrichment but also of how to make a nuclear weapon that could be delivered on a missile. Since Obama's agreement only allowed inspections on sites Iran had designated nuclear sites, there was no way of knowing far Iran had gotten researching how to make a deliverable nuclear weapon.
Not only did they destroy them but the dismantling was watched by international inspectors

We had inspections until Trump backed out of the deal. Now, Iran is free to do what they wish
You are mistaken. The centrifuges were simply unplugged and inspections were only allowed at sites Iran designated as nuclear sites and then only with advanced notice. To prevent snap inspections, the inspectors were not permitted to set up offices in Iran. Obama caved on every demand Iran made. The starting US position was no enrichment at all, and then Obama said Iran would only be allowed to run a few centrifuges to save face and finally Iran was permitted to run enough centrifuges to supply the needs of its reactors despite the fact the fuel was still being supplied by the Russians. Not only did the agreement allow only limited inspections but it also destroyed the non proliferation policies that had been adhered to since the 1950's but to top it all off, it only required to pause one aspect of its nuclear program for a few years and then set Iran free to produce as many nuclear weapons as it chose to.
You are mistaken. The centrifuges were simply unplugged and inspections were only allowed at sites Iran designated as nuclear sites and then only with advanced notice.
Can you supply any credible evidence for this claim?
lol The evidence is that there is no evidence the centrifuges were destroyed or that the nuclear deal even required they be destroyed.
This bears repeating...

The United States Is Now at War With Iran

It is hard to discern how Trump, who ordered the assassination personally, thinks this will play out. On New Year’s Eve, he told reporters that he wanted peace with Iran. Just two days later, did he think that killing Iran’s top military commander was somehow not an act of war?

Trump also said, in his New Year’s Eve comments, that if a war with Iran did erupt, it “would go very quickly.”

The pro-Iran militias lifted their recent siege on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad only after Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi agreed to have Parliament hold a debate on whether U.S. troops should be ousted from his country

. It will also be observed, by American allies and foes, that none of this would have happened if Trump hadn’t pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal for utterly capricious reasons.

Be one right.left, dove , hawk....Trump has no strategy

He has a clear strategy: distract from the impeachment, no matter how many people get killed.

Why are you crying so much for the death of Archterrorist Soleimani and his companions? Isn't getting rid of one of the world's most notorious Doers of Evil something to celebrate?
Where do you see me crying for him in my post.

Reached Trump's inner anus yet?
Why are you crying so much for the death of Archterrorist Soleimani and his companions?

I'm asking for a plan

Isn't getting rid of one of the world's most notorious Doers of Evil something to celebrate?

Irrelevant , plenty of nasty evil does on this rock


You don't get to know the fucking plan, peon!

Nor do the rest of us American peons Admiral

The goal, which appears to be beyond you abilities, is to continue the maximum pressure campaign to force Iran to give up its nuclear weapons ambitions and to force it to give up its imperialist adventures

Trump's campaign promise was to end any negotiation ......

US and Iran: Key events since Trump withdrew from nuclear deal
Presidential candidate Donald Trump says Iran should write the United States a thank you letter for “the stupidest deal of all time.” Trump says the United States will withdraw from the deal if he’s elected.

The subsequent escalation was due to Trump's refusal to 'campaign' ,despite the rest of the world wanting to

Exactly wrong. Trump's campaign promise was to force Iran to renegotiate the nuclear deal and to reestablish the international non proliferation protocols Obama had scuttled.

Yeah and he also had "the best health care plan in the world". Where is it? There has been little "negotiation" and NOTHING done on either.
You'll be pleased to learn that the healthcare plan is coming and that it will contain special benefits for treating Trump Derangment Sydrome, so there may be hope of restoring you sanity.
You'll be pleased to learn that the healthcare plan is coming and that it will contain special benefits for treating Trump Derangment Sydrome, so there may be hope of restoring you sanity.

No it isn't - We've been waiting 12 years for the Republican health care plan. It doesn't exist and never will.
Why are you crying so much for the death of Archterrorist Soleimani and his companions?

I'm asking for a plan

Isn't getting rid of one of the world's most notorious Doers of Evil something to celebrate?

Irrelevant , plenty of nasty evil does on this rock


You don't get to know the fucking plan, peon!

I think that there is a lack of appreciation that if the whole plan were revealed, the Enemy would get a chance to see it as well. No one really cares what some peon knows or doesn't know, but letting him know opens up the information for other folks to see it as well.

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