There Is No Such Thing As A Future The Antichrist.

How is it even possible for good to triumph over evil without the instruction of the law which teaches the difference between the two regimes separating day from night, good from evil.

Seriously, those who have set the law aside think evil is good and good is evil. Some believe the way to everlasting life is by eating or abstaining from certain food. Others seek spiritual life from a lifeless matzo. Some believe that the greatest prophet of God was a lowlife pedophile.

Then there is you, all hung up on six words that mean nothing without knowledge of the law.

What then?
all that is required for judgement and admission to the everlasting ...

the heavens will judge who has "triumphed" - in itself the accomplishment is difficult enough to complete, they'll know which is which in most cases and will just wake up a free spirit ... in paradise. or not. the end.

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